
Chapter 4 Eating

My parents and my brother, I think I should respond to the call of the country. I just want to go to the countryside. Besides, I am your factory director Lu's daughter. I won't embarrass you. Don't worry."

Introduce the characters in the family:

Grandpa Lu's real name is Lu Yongzhang and he is a commander in the army. Grandma Lu's real name is Zhou Minghui. She used to be a military doctor in the army. Now she has resigned and lives at home. The reason for her resignation is because Grandpa Lu often can't see Grandma Lu and always goes to see Grandma Lu. I was often kicked out.

Grandma Lu gave birth to two sons, namely my uncle Lu Maoyin and his wife Li Jiaxin. They have two sons, Lu Hanyu and Lu Yi, and their own father, Lu Xinzhen (no need for the original name, Bi Jing has already passed through). His wife, Zhang Weiyu, has three children at home, the eldest brother Lu Jiawen, the second brother Lu Botao, and the other one is herself, Lu Ruiye.

Lu's father, Lu Xinzhen, is the director of a steel factory, Lu's mother, Zhang Weiyu, is also a director in a textile factory, and his brother, Lu Jiawen, is the mayor's secretary and is usually busy with work.

As for his second brother Lu Botao, he is a deputy commander in the army. Neither brother is married, but Father Lu and Mother Lu are relatively open-minded and will not interfere too much with their search for items.

My uncle is the mayor of Beijing (the eldest brother is his secretary), my aunt is the director of a hospital, my eldest cousin is also a regiment leader in the army, and my second cousin is a doctor in the same hospital as my aunt.

"Okay, okay, when the policy becomes more open, I will definitely find someone to bring you back to the city. Don't worry, my dear daughter."

"Let's talk after it's due. All I know is whether we eat or not, the food will be cold."

"Okay, okay, eat, eat."

After dinner, Lu Ruiye returned to the room. When she was about to enter the space, she heard someone knocking on the door. She walked over to open the door and saw Mother Lu standing at the door. She stepped aside to let Mother Lu in.

"Daughter, Mom knows that you didn't go to the countryside voluntarily. Now either you can find a job, or you have to find someone to marry. As long as you can do one of these things, you won't have to go to the countryside. Otherwise, Mom will find someone to marry you. "

"Mom, I don't want to go to the countryside now. At worst, I will just do the easiest job then. Besides, our family is not short of money, and I am only 18, so I am not in a hurry."

"You're right. Your uncle made arrangements for you to go to the Black Province. There is no work in that place in winter and the food is plentiful. Moreover, your uncle knows someone there. He even sponsored you when you were a child!"

"Okay, I understand mom"

"Okay, you're going to the countryside in a week. If you need anything, go buy it. If you run out of money, ask mom for it. If you can't get it, just leave it at home and wait for mom to mail it to you. Mom will give you five hundred first and then come back if it's not enough. mom."

I know, Mom, it must be enough. You forgot that I still have the pocket money you give me."

"Okay, I won't disturb you then, go to bed early."

"Okay, Mom, you should also go to bed early."

As soon as Mother Lu left the room, her eldest brother knocked on the door again and gave her the same five hundred yuan to buy something with.

"Sister, this is the money my brother gave you to buy delicious food. If you can't get the nice clothes, leave them at home and wait for me to send them to you. I heard that it was very cold in the winter when you went to the countryside. If you can't buy cotton, , just wait for me to find a solution for you."

"Brother, my mother just gave me five hundred in cash. It's enough. Save your money and marry me a sister-in-law."

"Brother gives it to you, just take it. Brother still has money, and it will take two years for my sister-in-law to get it. Just take it and I won't give it to you when you leave, okay?"

"Okay, then I'll take my brother. You have to get up early to go to work tomorrow. Go to bed quickly. Didn't I tell you? Don't stay up late. Go quickly."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to sleep now."

Lu Jiawen closed the door when he went out. Lu Ruiye lay on the bed and thought, she felt a family affection that she had never felt in her previous life. This feeling was really amazing. She liked everyone in this family very much.

I fell asleep thinking about it, and when I woke up again, I found that I was the only one left at home. They all went to work, and there was still the breakfast prepared by Mother Lu in the morning in the kitchen.

An egg, a white flour steamed bun, a green vegetable, a small pickle, and a bowl of porridge. After breakfast, I was ready to prepare things for going to the countryside.

I went to the department store. The first floor was selling clothes. I walked in and looked at the photo and fell in love with a pink scarf. I thought of giving it to my mother, so I bought two Chinese tunic suits for my father and me. Brother, I bought a light blue Bragi.