
The incident

Keira ran as fast as her legs could take her, she didn't mind the mud splashing on her dress, all she would think abt was to get away from this thugs. She could feel her legs betraying her but still she choose not to give up.

Her body was beginning to feel number and she knew that her body cant take this much stress, but still she continued running not caring to look back. She prayed silently in her mind for no harm to come to her but even she knew that in that situation there was no escape.

After running for a while she turned around in a hurry to take a peek at the thugs behind but they were no where to be found. Keira didn't know wether she should feel happy or not, but she could still feel goosebumps.

The air around her was creepy.

"Hey pretty" came a frightening voice from behind her.

making her fall to the ground.

"You didn't think that you could run away from me, did you?

She tried to answer but her throat felt soar, she couldn't speak a word. She just lay there with her mouth open.

The man kept walking towards her and she tried shifting backwards when she felt her back hit someone feet.

she turned back and saw another man laughing maliciously.

She kept screaming for help but her voice felt mute.

Keira screamed at the top of her lungs but still no one could here her.

Her body began to sway and give up, loosing all the strength in her, she saw the lighting began to dim and all she heard was groans and blood before she blackout.

hey guys am new here....pls support me