
Trapped from Mister Callous

Callista gritted her teeth while maintaning herself from groaning after the cold breeze of air welcomed her adding up also the pain that suddenly greeted her after waking up with her hands tied up behind her back. Her body was damaged real bad and she's aware of it, but what she wasn't aware of was the man with dark features standing right in front her. " You were asleep for so long that i thought i've killed you already" Just by hearing his voice she knew exactly who it was, from their brief encounter it was not hard to forget him. Especially how he was the last man she saw before passing out in the middle of a bloody hall inside of Valkusz mansion...

anonnonon · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

No fears

The whole time Callista was just barely holding up herself even though she felt tired sitting up straight, her back was starting to throb in pain and she can't even complain about it, also adding up the cold piercing stare of the man in front of her who is also quite busy munching off the chocolate bars that he obviously is enjoying to consume.

Callista was vey uncomfortable at that moment but to be specific, she never felt comfortable ever since she woke up at this ridiculous household. And every passing minute she wish to be free from it.

"You" callista flinched when Hector mentioned her while slowly brushing back his hair with his long rough hands. Callista swallowed hard before slowly moving her eyes to glance at hector who had a curious expression.

'It's frustrating how i can't exactly comprehend his expressions, he looks at with me with those questioning eyes as if his trying to recall something which is weird' Callista thought while awkwardly avoiding her eyes, she can't help it. His deep ocean eyes are to much too stare at.

"I think i've seen you before" hector said slowly rising in his seat and crossing the table that keeps their distance far, callista unconsciously held her breath when he stared at her in a closer distance, she wondered what the man was talking about when they only saw each other?

Though she never even recall encountering such a sinister person in her entire life?

She utter a short yelp when the man in front of her grabbed her chin again like earlier without any alarm, her eyes are wide and her hands are gripping her own thighs, she started to feel eerie and weird when Hector is still focused on recalling whatever he has to recall while also gazing at her intensely.

"L-Let-" Callista was about to protest but Hector backed away before she could even continue, his head was shaking in disbelief while a small smirk plays at his soft lips.

Callista was complete lost, no one could even understand the meaning of Hector's actions. but she was thankful that hector had stopped before things could go astray.

"HAHA there is no way" Hector mumble with a low laugh while his right palm was placed at his lips as if something very amusing just occurred.

"uhmm may i know the reason on why did you-"

"Drag her back to her room" Hector immediately stood up with a creepy smile plastered at his lips, his eyes wide in amusement, Callista felt a sudden shiver at Hector's expression, but before she could even ask anything a pair of hands gently covered her eyes, and the moment she felt those hands a strong breeze of air run through her body as if she was moved away somewhere in a speed of light.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself inside her gloomy room with the maid she recall named Mary who had her head down in a polite way.

"H-how am i here again?" She asked the maid in confusion, what happened to her is completely weird and she doesn't believe that the maid inside her room with her had dragged her in full speed, And especially without feeling any sense of moving herself or getting dragged.

"passing through the darkness milady" the maid answered with the hint of innocence in her voice, But callista's face scowl and rolled her eyes ' is this rat trying to make fun of me?'

Callista groaned and lay her back at her bed with a frown, everyone in this household is a mess, they are completely crazy. I hope that i myself could remain sane here, she thought to herself with a small small at her lips.

she didn't understand the respond her maid gave her, was she deliberately avoiding my question or she just answered truthfully? Any other way she knew that she won't be able to get a decent answer to her maid, she let out a heavy sigh before sitting up again and biting the end of her nails as she always do as a habit when she needs to focus or think very hard.

She quickly take a look at the door in her room and she was definitely sure that it was locked, she doesn't know the reason why hector became rather uneasy earlier but that gave her the conclusion that Hector must have left the house?

Meaning if she has the chance to escape but of course the maid is one of her concerns, Mary may look like a calm and decent maid but she can't ignore the idea that this maid is more than appearance.

"C-can i use the toilet?" She asked, she knows there is no any restroom at her room, so she has the chance to patrol the outside, she needs to know the structure and the path in this gigantic residence of the valkusz. If she did escaped, it would be meaningless if she doesn't even know the way out, she would only end up lost and in the end death awaits her.

The maid nodded and walked towards the door to open it, Callista quickly followed her behind with a cold expression.

"WHY in the hell are you here and not guarding my dear guest" Apollo coldly said to Hector who has an uneasy expression ever since she realize something earlier with Callista and he have to confirm it.

Apollo who had a bored expression slowly turned entertain, a sly smirk forming at his lips along with his eyes glazing with the hint of red.

"So you notice it?" He stated, Hector nodded as a respond, Apollo let out a chuckle before drinking the wine hat he was holding, he got up from his seat ignoring the work he was doing earlier, Hector let out an irritated sigh scratching the back of his head.

"So? What do we do? That bastard is coming sooner than later" Hector affirm, the sheer thought of the man he loathed coming vexed him greatly.

"What do you mean what do we do?" Apollo repeated in humor, his eyes glance outside of his office where the entire Nirvana factory could be seen.

"We wait and kill him as we like" .....

CALLISTA'S small slender hands nervously fidget, she thought learning about the way around the house could be helpful but that idea of her's was a complete failure when she realize that the place was too dark and quite confusing that she can't even find any other path, the only thing that is clear to see was the path towards the bathroom. And she was completely disappointed.

In the first place, why was the place was surrounded by darkness anyways? She was sure that apollo isn't broke or forgot to pay for the electricity? Wait, is the place even hunted?!

The very idea of the house being hunted frightens her but she won't be surprised if it is, After all. The place is completely surrounded by demons.

"M-mary right? W-when did you start working here?" Callista awkwardly ask, trying to break off the silence between them, Mary glance at Callista without any expression, the maid was fast to answer as if the weird air around them doesn't exist.

"I started working 5 years ago Milady" Callista didn't expect the decent respond but thinking that way made the maid look stupid, but maybe it was because of how she receives weird responds lately that she began to expect something weird from the maids answer.

"I-I see...How old are you? If its not too rude ask." She mumble in the end, but like how the maid respond the answer came to Callista's ears quickly.

"25 milady"

'So she was older than me huh?' callista said to herself, the maid looked too young that she thought Mary was only around her age .

Silence develops around them as callista quickly run off of random questions, She doesn't even know why she was shooting the maid with random questions instead of asking questions about the Valkusz residence and especially about the owner.

"What am i suppose to do?" callista mumbled and someone unexpectedly answer her.

"Obviously admit the truth right this instant if you value your life, human..." Apollo's husky deep voice surprised callista, Her hearts was almost at he verge of jumping out if she hadn't calm herself ' it happened again' she assert swallowing hard.

He appeared out of nowhere without me noticing him even a bit, her eyebrows scrunched when Mary was nowhere to be found.

Then her captivating hazel brown eyes slowly move to look at the man that she feared of....

And that very man she feared of is currently sitting at the end of her bed with his right hand place at the mattress supporting his body that turned to her, with a smirk at his lips and his hair slightly mess up made him look exotic and hot especially the way he looks at her.

The silver metal resting on top of his nose and his pitch black eyes that has the evident of amusement and the seduction in those eyes of his gradually added anxiety to her.

She was dumbfounded, apollo is in front of her and all she could think of is how to escape from the rotten man in front of her, though is there ven a way to escape from him?

she cleared her throat before releasing her brave act, apollo noticed the change in her and slowly moved his body closer to her which Callista reacted fast and moved away.

"Wha-What do you wan't?" She ask hugging her knees as if protecting herself from Apollo, Apollo raise his hands as if assuring her that he doesn't have any intention on touching her.

"I'm here to visit our guest? Is something wrong about that?" Apollo sneer at her, she gritted her teeth and didn't dare to give him a respond, Apollo's features slowly turned serious and all callista could help is either stare at his handsome face or avoid his eyes.

"What do you know about Robert Pedmends current whereabouts and projects" callista flinched at the tone of his voice, he wasn't asking her but ordering her to tell him every single detail i know about Layla's father.

And Callista surely can feel the pressure in his words.

"I don't know" she answer, her voice low as if she was terrified and she was....

Apollo obviously didn't took her answer as an answer, but instead of threatening her again or jumping into long meaningless convey he looked straight to her eyes and unknowingly why, Callista cant' help herself but lock her eyes with him for a minute as if pulling her to a deep shallow and forcing her own mouth to say the truth that apollo needed from her.

Their eyes was cut link when Apollon suddenly warped his hands to hers, and while doing so Callista felt something was off, as if the moment he locked their hands together....

She herself is locked from him as well.

Trapped from the man she doesn't even know well about.

"Tell me Callista Brianne Leinne Aguero" The second Apollo utter her brilliant name she was too late to realize that she let down her guard, and unintentionally expose the expressions she can't let the man in front of her see...

Apollo's lips that had a frown slowly turn into a cheerful smile, and callista can't do anything to conceal her thoughts anymore, Harshly and aggressively Apollo pull her hands above her head and with his hands gripping her wrist as if he intends to break them.

Tears are falling down Callista's eyes, the fact that Apollo confirmed everything just by staring at her eyes and carefully inspecting every reaction she would made, made her feel like a huge foolish human being.

"Tell me..... Is it fun to deceive someone like me?"