
Pancakes and juice with a little awkward on side

He just left.

He fucking left.

And just on tow it started raining. Just fucking perfect.

He took a part of me with him.

I just want to run away. Never confront him after this. But I won't, I won't run away, not again. I will face the consequences. I was on my knees. I stood up and wiped my tears. I just looked up and thought that does god really hate me this much? On my parents death anniversary , I get dumped in middle of park and it starts raining. I am sad, lonely, wet and fucking muddy. I had promised myself I won't be down because of the anniversary, but now it seems like everything in the universe wanted me to break down and cry for mercy. I just turned numb and cold, I don't know if it was because of my wet clothes or broken heart. I mindlessly walked around. After two hours or was it three I lost the count, I returned home.

" where have you been?!" Hayley asked, simultaneously sniffling. She was a complete mess, not even hot one. She was surrounded by tissues, empty ice cream tub and alcohol bottles.

"what happened to you?" I asked coldly. Even I flinched internally at my tone.

"I should ask you that!" she said with narrowed eyes. I could just imagine myself, all wet, red puffy eyes, muddy pants. Maybe I can, I looked homeless who tripped in a gutter.

" whatever, join the club of hurt bitches." She said. I just rolled my eyes and reluctantly joined her. We both knew that it was better not to ask. We just needed to be there for each other. We always were. We knew that we will explain we are ready, no need to hurry things.

We just sat there drank alcohol and ate ice cream, watched comedy movies. Soon we both were drunk. And after that everything was blurry. But remember it involved vomiting, crying our eyes out and doing girly shit. Sunlight seeping through curtains woke me. I sat up and immediately felt like a bus ran over me. I looked around and saw Hayley was not on the couch and a blanket was draped over me. I went to Hayley's room and saw her sleeping soundly I felt relieved but instantly it was gone when I heard shuffling in kitchen. I took Hayley's gun and tip toed to kitchen. I was in shooting position but as soon as I saw a terrified Rush I lowered my gun. I just rolled my eyes. He just smiled at me sheepishly.

"what are you doing here?" it was then I noticed everything was cleaned. I was careless. I shouldn't be. I need to be more careful. He was making pancakes and juice.

"I came in late last night, you both were shitfaced drunk and doing god knows what with some gooey stuff. I cleaned everything and then you both had to vomit so I helped with hair and then you passed out on couch so I moved Hayley to her room" he explained. My eyes were wide. Hayley had obviously done her magic. She had powers to bring out a soft side in most cold person. The Rush I met would never do something like this. He wouldn't even stick around a drunk girl and here he was making us hangover breakfast. I couldn't have imagined this day to come.

" I never thought I would be alive to see this day, you have grown my dear child, fallen in love. I am so happy for you." I said while wiping a fake tear from one of my eye while putting other hand on his shoulder. He shoved my hand away. But I saw a ghost of smile on his lips.

" but on a serious note rush, you have hurt her pretty bad." I said seriously, all signs of playfulness gone. His Smile was instantly gone, replaced by a scowl.

" I know ams, I was so furious I didn't knew what to do I was so hurt I guess I wanted to hurt her too…" he trailed off. Cringing on his own words.

" tell me ams what should I do? How do I get her to forgive me?" he said pleadingly.

"you know maybe start with a sorry." I said. He just nodded and went back to cooking and thinking. Just then Hayley appeared from her bedroom. She was in better condition than me. Looking at her clothes and face it looks like she knew rush is here. I was surprised when she totally ignored rush's presence, more like existence. I was saved from this awkward situation, don't get me wrong I deeply care about both of them but these problems are best cleared alone. I guess I wasn't saved, my day is doomed, travis came inside like he owned this place, or at least has the right to come here after everything happened.

" what are you doing here travis?" it was more like a demand than question. Instead of answering her he came near me and hugged me. Tightly. Seriously I wasn't able to breath. I tapped his shoulder and he loosened his grip. But didn't leave me completely.

" where the fuck you went yesterday? I searched everywhere, what if something happened to you? Why couldn't you just come home after everything that happened these past days how could you?!" he said. I was confused, how did he knew I wasn't home.

" I called Hayley." He explained. He suddenly realized he was holding me and pushed back a little and took three steps back like I was a witch trying to make him bald. He cleared his throat and looked around the kitchen, like spatula was the most interesting thing in the world.

" can we talk? Alone." He demanded and walked to my room. I just gave Hayley a confused look and she shrugged which earned her an eyeroll from me. I followed him. He was at the other end of room like he didn't want to be anywhere near me.

" I think we should stop dating or whatever we were, but I still want us to be friends." I knew this was coming but how much I was ready, it didn't matter cause it felt like tons of bricks were put on my heart, I couldn't breathe. He didn't ask me about being friends he said like it was end of discussion. But its not.

"ok,." I said. He was surprised that I agreed to b friends but no, I didn't " I am ok with you breaking up but not ok with being friends." I said. He just gritted his teeth and locked his jaw. He was angry.

" I will be your friend if you want me to be or not." I was saved from answering him somewhat disturbing demand by a call. the caller id showed the name which i didnt want to see.