
Trapped by my husband's grudge

Intending to marry Redianta Dera solely to take revenge on Alvar who killed the most important person for Nevanda. In fact, it makes Nevanda fall into the ocean of love. Dera is a rough-tempered woman whose hobby is motorbike racing. Unfortunately there is always a dark limit to Nevanda's love for Dera, which makes Nevanda always show his sharp and bad side to Dera, who has even begged Nevanda for his love several times. Until the state of divorce was created, Nevanda wanted the figure of Dera. Unfortunately, Dera has been caught in an uncovered Nevanda secret, branding Nevanda as a jerk! and again Alvar says he will fight over Dera's love from Nevanda. Between bitter love and dear friend. Who will Dera choose? Keep following the story [Love Me Nevanda] and find out who won Dera's heart, between the curt, ignorant CEO and the leader of the Zexis motorcycle gang. As well as uncovering the dark secret behind Dera and Nevanda's marriage.

SA_Golden · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Stop you pervert

Dera was shocked all the way until he didn't realize that Dera was taken to a luxury hotel with Nevanda.

It didn't feel like his footsteps, which had been following Nevanda from behind, instead made him stop in front of a VIP hotel room door.

[Her consciousness is weak, at this rate it's easy for her to be kidnapped. ] thought Nevanda while swiping his hotel card.

"Why are you quiet? Come on in quickly." said Nevanda emphatically went in first.

Dera was afraid, out of nowhere the feeling of certainty that this man would not rape her, came from this new man Dera had met a few hours ago.

Even with Alvar, Dera's childhood friend, Dera was never in the same hotel room together.

"I'm scared, but if I don't go in I'll catch a cold." muttered Dera feeling worried.

The reason why Dera wanted to follow Nevanda was because Dera wanted to know why he had to get used to Nevanda's innocent body.

Dera was fearless, this was the first time he felt that if his foot crossed the line of the door then he would get out of his comfort zone. As will be in the +21 zone?

"Did you just run away?"

Just as Dera turned his head, Nevanda's hand immediately pulled Dera inside. The door to the room was also closed. Dera was pulled into the middle of the room.

"Kyaaaa! stop pulling me you pervert!"

"Stop.. Stop!" Dera shouted and kept thrashing around but didn't make Nevanda's grip loosen.

Finally Nevanda stopped, Dera's face looked annoyed, his eyes looked wary, Dera's eyebrows wrinkled showing his dislike.

"You..." Nevanda said, cut off by Dera.

"I know, you want to abuse me right, by bringing me here, you pervert, let me go... you old uncles!" Dera kept cursing, while thrashing his hands.

It seems that Nevanda doesn't like being called old uncles, his appearance does seem more mature because he is a respectable CEO, his stature is also big, about 189 cm tall, but he has just turned 25 old, which means it is 2 years different from Dera who is only 23 old .

"I'm not afraid of your damn glaring eyes!" cursed Dera, for a moment saw Nevanda displaying an expression of displeasure.

By nature, men always make mistakes in front of women. Nevanda sighed and supported Dera's body on her shoulders.

Now the protruding back area below the ankle is on the right side of Nevanda's face.

"Ikhh! crazy.. I'm not a sack of rice. Woi Om!" screamed noisily Dera continued to wriggle his body.

Nevada looks calm, lifting heavy weights is commonplace and lifting Dera's slender body like lifting a bottle of Lemineral water.

Only one thing made Nevanda uneasy when several times the buttocks or one of Dera's lumps accidentally slapped Nevanda's cheeks several times.

[It's bad if I get pregnant by this man. Pity my future husband] thought old-fashioned Dera whose blood might flow to the top of his head.

Sir! Pss..

[Deg! ] for a moment Dera's heart wanted to leave his body.

The figure of a hard and big hand is now holding and squeezing her buttocks.

"Psss? Om pervert, what are you touching!" Dera said slowly, looking like he didn't accept it.

There was no answer from Nevada but Nevada just kept carrying him somewhere. Do not want to be at a loss and take revenge.

Dara's eyes widened when she saw Nevanda's buttocks which were also under her and her hands could also reach.

[Revenge is complete, taste it! ]

Plaque! pss.. pss. Dera hit and squeezed his movements so wildly that Nevanda was shocked.

It was not Nevanda's intention to deliberately touch Dera's buttocks just to stop the movement of Dera's buttocks so that Nevanda's lips would not touch him.

Now his good intentions get a wild reply from Dera who is now very engrossed in hitting him.

Nevanda was irritated, dropped Dera right in front of a room. Dera's expression showed satisfaction after taking revenge.

"Tch, I'm Dera! how to squeeze my revenge! You lose man."

"Pervert man, old uncle, damn it, crazy. So the gossip about the heir to the CEO of Mall-Fallet is very temperamental and violent huh."

"Unfortunately I have a name and not one of your swear words earlier. Nevanda Allvianza remember that, come out immediately after changing your clothes. The toiletries are in the dresser drawer." the distinctive hucky tone from Nevada that first captivated Dera's heart.

Dera thought the man he called the obscene old uncle would be angry with him, seeing Nevanda's attitude which did not even discuss Dera's impudent treatment made Dera even more afraid of his calm demeanor.


15 minutes later. Hotel Viartz, five stars in the city of Jakarta, because of its beauty and good facilities. This hotel is visited a lot and enjoyed by tourists and even Indonesian billionaires.

The hotel maids, even those with high responsibility for the hotel, were now standing in front of the hotel's main door. They line up neatly.

"Everything is settled? Just don't let the young master get angry and there are more victims." said the Viartz hotel director trembling.

The noisy sound of racing motorbikes, speeding up and stopping in front of the main door of the famous hotel. A tall and muscular man descended while removing his helmet.

From his haughty and fierce face covered with handsomeness, he is Alvar Ellviano young master and heir to the famous hotel Viartz.

"Welcome young master, I have prepared VIP room 2, I'm sorry b-because VIP room 1 has already been booked by someone." said the trembling director who often got hit by Alvar.

It was clear that Alvar's sudden arrival was not just to sleep in his favorite room. Because there is an urgent business that is more important.

"How can it be mine, taken over by someone else director?"

"Apparently your brain is old and needs to be replaced with a new brain huh?" said Alvar looking sharply at the director.

"S-sorry. I'm in a difficult situation because the person ordering is an important person and it concerns the future of the Viartz hotel." replied the frightened 53 old director.

"I don't care about the Viartz hotel, I care about the people in that VIP 1 room!"

"Sorry young master, superiors already know something like this will happen, so you all hold on to young master Alvar lest he spoil the atmosphere for the CEO." the director ordered immediately the hotel security ran towards Alvar.

If the boss is meant by the director, then that boss is Alvar's mother. Yang is currently the CEO of Viartz hotels.

[Damn, mom also got involved? who is that damn man, I wont let my Dera be made a bitch by him! ] thought Alvar immediately running away from the guards, totaling 10 people.