
Last Push Part 2

Red Musket had its own tank hangar, or "garage" as they called it. It was a typical hangar, with a steel structure and a large door. Inside, the crew saw their newly modified M1A3 Abrams tank, sitting in the center of the garage. Their captain was standing next to the tank, holding a clipboard and inspecting it carefully.

"Sir!" The crew gave their captain a sharp military salute, but Tiger just waved them off with a casual hand gesture.

"You don't have to do that boys, we're all soldiers here. No formality needed." Tiger said

The crew chuckled, "We know, we just give it a try and it's kinda awkward actually." Archer teased.

Armstrong put his hand on his waist and glanced at the tank. "So Boss, what did you have another idea to pimp our tank?"

Tiger smiled. "I'll explain it later," he said. "For now, I need you to follow me to the war room. We have a brief plan.

The crew's expressions turned serious. The time they are waiting for will come.

"Yes sir," they said in unison.

Tiger led the crew out of the hangar and down the corridor to the war room. He glanced at each of them as they walked, and he nodded in satisfaction. 

The last push against the enemy is coming," he said. "And we're going to lead the way."

Tiger, Scarface, Archer, Armstrong went to the war room, and there they saw high ranking generals of the United force waiting for them. 

The Red Musket stood tall and proud, giving a military salute. The other personnel in the room, members of the Black Powder Squadron and generals from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, returned the salute, a testament to the Red Musket's fame and respect within the military.

"Gentlemen," the general spoke, his voice commanding attention. "Two years ago, this war began. I am proud to say that we have held our line against overwhelming odds. With our former armed forces, the enemy would have taken us within days. But thanks to our brave men and their sacrifices, we have somehow defended our land. We have fought hard, day by day, to resist their attacks. And I proudly say that, anytime soon, the battlefield will ravage their homeland!"

The general paused, his eyes sweeping the room. "But now, we are not alone! The world is supporting us. We have made it this far because of them. Without them, we would be fighting the enemy with cooking pans and shovels. But the world is watching. We must give them results in return for their support. Yet, I must also admit that our counterattack has not gone as planned. 

The enemy has entrenched themselves on our own land. We have lost tanks and personnel to their mines. And they control the sky. How can we fight them? Two years is a short time, but for us, it has felt like an eternity. We do not know how much longer we can hold out. Winter is coming, and our counteroffensive may be put on hold. But tomorrow, we will launch an operation that may determine our future. A fight that will be written in history. We will attack the enemy head-on. It may seem a foolish plan, but we cannot afford to fail."

The general turned to Tiger, his eyes steady and determined. "Tiger, you and your Red Musket are the key to this operation. We are counting on you."

"To Black Powder squadron, the success of this operation will lie in your hands," the general declared, his voice echoing with authority. "Thanks to the discovery of the esteemed Commander of The Black Squadron, Tiger, we found a hidden underground passage. We don't know how a tunnel so large, four meters wide and six meters tall, came to be. We theorized it was a train network, but that's not the case. There are no tracks. But we found some strange paintings that seem to be from the medieval era. It's just a shame we'll use it in war. We don't have time to glorify past relics. Right now, we are in the present, and we will use it to secure our future."

The general pointed to the displayed projected map, its intricate lines and symbols revealing the enemy's positions and our defenses.

The crew of Archer, Armstrong, and Scarface just gazed at Tiger in surprise. They knew that there's a secret tunnel, but they didn't expect that Tiger would discover it.

The general continued, "The plan would be The Red Musket and the Black Powder squadron will advance using your tank. We've already cleared the path so you supposedly don't face any blockades along the way. But truth to be told, I can't guarantee that you're not walking into a trap. We don't have any time to clear anything for your way since our enemy will not give us that luxury of time. You already know that they are already getting ready for one last all-out push to us. We must strike them first before they ever do."

Briefing about the plan came to an end after an hour.

The plan was audacious, bordering on reckless. The Elite tank squadron, led by the Red Musket, would spearhead the attack, plunging deep behind enemy lines. Their objective was to strike the heart of the enemy's command structure, disrupting their communication networks and crippling their ability to coordinate their defenses. The element of surprise was crucial; the sight of enemy tanks rolling through their territory would sow chaos and confusion among the enemy ranks.

To support the Red Musket's daring advance, a massive coalition force, comprising 90% of their available resources, would launch a coordinated attack from all fronts – land, sea, and air. The goal was to overwhelm the enemy with a multi-pronged assault, while the Red Musket disrupted their command and control.

The responsibility for disrupting the enemy's chain of command rested heavily on the shoulders of the Black Powder squadron. Their mission was to neutralize the enemy's air defense batteries, clearing the skies for the coalition's air force to rain down destruction upon enemy positions.

If the Red Musket's mission behind enemy lines proved successful, the coalition would unleash paratroopers to seize control of the enemy capital. However, the high command acknowledged that the operation was fraught with risks. The possibility of the tunnel being a trap, the annihilation of the Elite tank squadron, and the overwhelming odds faced by the coalition forces were all real and serious concerns.

Tiger, the leader of the Red Musket, bore the weight of immense responsibility. His decision to proceed with the plan would have profound consequences, potentially affecting the outcome of the entire war. He was acutely aware of the risks involved, but he also recognized the potential rewards. If the plan succeeded, it could turn the tide of the war in their favor.

The plan may have seemed audacious, even reckless, but the high command's trust in Tiger and his crew was unwavering. They believed in their abilities, their courage, and their willingness to sacrifice for the greater cause. The fate of the coalition rested on their shoulders, and they were prepared to bear that burden.

However, Black Powder is already aware of this plan because the one who orchestrated this ridiculous plan is the one and only, Tiger himself. That's why, not only the Red Musket tank received an upgrade for this operation but the whole squadron. Talking about the upgrade, Tiger spent 3 weeks on the modification of their tank for this special operation. 

After briefing, the crew goes back to the hangar to take a view of the modification of their tank. Tiger explained the modifications proudly.