
Transmigration: Woke up as monk in a demonic temple

Yu Yan died and found himself in the body of a monk that had just died, and finds out that the world he transmigrated into is very...weird. As early as twelve years ago, all the real monks in the temple were killed, and their corpses were buried in a small forest thus giving birth to demonic trees. In the Buddhist hall, there is a polluted Buddha statue that can attract ghosts just by sitting under it. Bandits and murders roam in the temple dressed as monks! ...

chrysantheater · ตะวันออก
25 Chs

Penny Pinching Monk


Moonless, who was playing around, was so frightened by the sudden noise that she jumped up, and almost fell off the bed.

When she felt the danger of falling, Moonless subconsciously sank her nails into Yu Yan's flesh...



It was a cloudy morning and the autumn wind was bitting.

Although it was slightly cold in the morning, the inn was very lively, one could see people walking in and out of rooms, and moving things around.

Yu Yan, who was wearing two monk robes, sat in a quiet corner, slowly sipping a warm bowl of rice porridge.

He felt as though he had underestimated the effect that the lack of yang energy had on him, if he doesn't find a way to remedy it, it might have terrible effects on him.

Like now, although it was autumn, he felt as though he was in winter.

'I should go and see a doctor after I come from this banquet.'

He thought to himself, as he shifted his gaze to the cat with drooping ears, that stood on his table, looking at him with watery golden pupils.

"Monk, I said I was sorry, "

Yu Yan wasn't really angry, but had to pretend to be for a while, so that the cat could learn from this incident, and not repeat mistakes.

After reprimanding her with a few words, he accepted her apology and asked her what she wants to it.

"I want to eat meat, I'm tired of eating vegetables!"

Yu Yan rolled his eyes at the cat, and responded without changing his face.

"Do you have money to buy meat? Because I don't have the money."

"How can you be so stingy as a monk? I know you have a lot of coins!"

Yu Yan really didn't know how to explain to his stupid cat.

"The presence of money does not mean that you should squander..."

When he saw that his words probably won't convince Moonless, he changed his approach.

"Didn't you ask the poor monk to buy you clothes that fit before?"

"Meat or new clothes, you can only buy one, choose."

Although the Yi family regularly sends money to Lan Xing Temple, the money is tax evasion finds for the temple, not for him.

He only received personal funds from his layman family for the first year that he was in the temple, maybe they sent it out of guilt, but after the first year they didn't send any more.

All of monk Shen Xiu's savings amount to about 1,000 Rain coins.

For reference, with this amount of money, it is barely worth a month's amount of food for a family of 2.

Moonless' eyes flickered for a few seconds, then she resolutely answered,

"I want meat! After all I am a cat, not a rabbit."

'This cat with no sense of commerce, does she have any idea how expensive meet is here?'

The price of meat in this world is expensive!

Just in the nearest county city, beef costs about 210 to 220 Rain coins per kilogram, and it gets more expensive the further away you are from the city!

Of course Shen Xiu, who spent most of his time in the temple, and only ate vegetarian meals, did not know such things.

Yu Yan learnt of this by listening in on the talk of the merchants in the traveling envoy.

Although he is still lacking in knowledge of this world, his knowledge was still supplemented a lot by the small talk he heard during this trip.

The two, man and cat, looked at each others eyes for about 7 seconds, before Yu Yan let out a sigh and called over one of the servants.

In the end he gave in, this was because he still needs to depend on this cat to provide protection for him, so he should please it as much as possible.

The servant came over quickly and asked with a smile,

"Great monk, how can I help you?"

"Namo Amitabha, do you have fish here? The poor monk doesn't eat meat, but this cat can't do without meat."

This was the first time the servant had seen someone want to buy meat for a cat.

Although he felt that it was weird, he did not change his expression, he just answered the question.

"Monk you might not know, but we are all out of meat, the owner sent an order to turn all the meat into steamed buns last night."

After all, although the season was autumn, it was not cold enough to prepare a lot of meat in advance, this can only in winter when the meat will not spoil easily.

Yu Yan nodded with an expression of understanding.

"Then get me a steamed... Get me 2 steamed buns "

The cat used it's paw to write "2" on the table, prompting Yu Yan to quickly change his words.

When the servant left to go get the goods, Yu Yan quickly went back to his food, he didn't want it to get cold.

As was eating, he sized up the cat with slightly squinting eyes, and asked in between sips,

"Are you sure you can finish two buns?"


The cat felt that it was being underestimated, so it raised it's head proudly and said,

"I don't eat the bun skins, I'll just eat the meat stuffing."

Yu Yan almost spit out the porridge in his mouth.

Before he could scold, the corner of his eye caught the sight of the servant with a plate of two big buns coming in his direction.

After the servant placed the plate on the table, Moonless glanced at Yu Yan, then quickly tore open the bun with her claws, and bit off the stuffing inside.

As for the bun skin, she didn't want to eat it, so she left it there.

Looking at the "dismembered body parts" of the two buns lying on the plate, Yu Yan felt pain in his flash.

'This is wasting money!'

He tried to explain the importance of saving money, and the importance of saving food to a certain cat, but it went in one ear and out the other.

Seeing this, Yu Yan could only choose to stuff the bun skin into his mouth while they were still hot.


"My stomach is going to burst,"

At the end of the meal, Yu Yan was so stuffed that he couldn't sit up straight.

He could only try to divert his attention by asking the cat about something he has been curious about for a long time.

"Moonless, what realm are you in?"


The end

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