
Transmigration of Starfire: Let's Have Some Fun~

Starfire: The top assassin feared by all and with a side hobby as an anonymous hacker who no one knew about- not even the organisation she worked for. Who would have thought she was the short, always-smiling, blonde girl that seemed to have no care in life and was always just looking for fun? And yes, if you are wondering "was?" That's because she died. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [So yes, you are dead. I am a system who helped you and now you will be going from world to world to complete quests and-] The system was cut off from its listings as Starfire laughed. "Really?~ That sounds like a lot of fun. I accept!" She said with a grin that took the system aback. [But I didn't even...] "Mhm?" She rose a brow and the system just went silent, deciding to sulk in its mind instead. {She didn't even allow me to tell her the reward she gets after...} If it could, it would have gone to a dark corner in the space to crouch there and sulk. {I couldn't even brag about myself and how powerful I am to bring her from the dead...} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Starfire as she journeys on... just for fun. Oh right, I almost forgot! The "Head" is also trying to get her to attain something and a mysterious person appeared who might be her friend or foe, amused by her behaviour. Be prepared for a dash of humor, action, world-hopping, mystery, and well... fun! Trigger warning: I shouldn't have to say this but there will be mentions of death and dark humor here as is expected in transmigration/reincarnation stories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my original story and should not be copied. The pictures aren't mine. - Tennyliz.

Tennyliz · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Arc 3- Business King is Mine!

*Starfire's Pov*

"So this female lead is pure evil, not manipulated or dumb? I will have fun revealing her true personality~" I said amusedly after hearing the storyline.

[Of course you will, host ;-;]

"But the annoying thing is Celestina's behaviour, she should have stood up for herself. Tsk! Why do I have a feeling I am entering her body?" I said, sighing a bit as Little que nodded his head.

"At what point in the storyline am I entering her body?"

[After Justin asked about the event of the party and Ashley started focusing on destroying her reputation. Also host, you have to remember not to act out of character, you must behave like the original Celestina so that she won't feel awkward when she comes back]

"Don't worry, I knew that. So this world will be a little harder than the others then~" I said with a playful smile as I stood up.

"Come on, send me to my next world"

[Ok host, I am transferring your soul now...







[Bye host. Good luck]

I opened my eyes to see I was in an office.

'Well, I finally woke up in a different place~'

I looked around for a mirror and checked my new body.

'Tsk! No wonder people thought she was evil, she has similar characteristics that a villianess usually has, just that she is really beautiful'

[Well, that is how she was born, host]

Celestina has purple hair with red eyes, she was so beautiful, you would think she was a model or actress. If she puts on a cute and innocent face, people will definitely fall in love with her. Too bad she was always wearing a cold expression~

'She should have gone for modelling, she would have gotten famous~'

[Probably, she would have done well. Anyway host, I am pretty sure Celestina doesn't just stand in front of a mirror all day, can you get into chararcter?]

'Relax, I will get into character soon'

[Ok host]

I sat on my chair again, looking at the documents Celestina was working on before I entered her body.

'She is really good at what she does, too bad Ashley wanted to ruin her'

The phone rang and I picked it up.

"Boss, Mr Theroux is here to see you" The secretary's voice sounded from the phone.

"Let him in" I said calmly, keeping a serious expression.

"Ok boss"

I hanged up and dropped the phone back on my desk when the door opened to reveal Justin.

'Wow! He is really fast, I just dropped my phone~'

[Well, he does care about Celestina]

'Yeah, I know but still, that was really fast. Maybe he was an athlete when he was in school?~'

"Justin, what brings you here?" I asked coldly, not showing any change in expression.

When Justin saw me, his eyes softened a bit before he sat on a chair.

"Why are you always so cold? Won't you even smile?" He asked facing me.

I blankly stared at him and he sighed.

"Of course you won't, no matter how many times I ask you to. Which is why I keep all your smiling picture with me, and those ones are just 5 pics" He said as he stood up to stay beside me.

"What are you working on? I can help" He offered but I shook my head.

"No need, I can take care of it myself" I said calmly as I continued scanning the documents.

"If you say so" He said before furrowing his brows.

I looked at him and rose a brow as he sighed.

"Celestina, I know you don't want to involve people in your business but why is someone out to get you? I know it isn't a coincidence that the news is mostly trashing your reputation." He said with a serious expression as his eyes seemed to search my eyes.

The real Celestina dismissed his suspicions and didn't bother to tell him anything, though she tried to fix it herself but there was little she could do.

"Why would someone want to ruin my reputation? Is there anyone that I have wronged before? Except for the party where Miss Ashley fell down, I don't remember any incident where something wrong happened" I said calmly, giving him an hint.

"Ashley" He mumured under his breath before smiling.

"Don't you have work to do? Do not disrupt your work just because of me" I said coldly, wanting him to leave since I have gotten what I wanted.

"You know my work can't be disrupted like that but I do have something to do. I will see you later Celest" He said, waving before he left.

[Host, you are good]

'Thanks~ He should have thought of that in the beginning, I just reminded him about it'

[Host, you haven't even asked for the mission]

'Aren't you the one that's supposed to tell me before I even ask?~'

[Right host. The main mission is to reveal Ashley's two-faced personality and fix Celestina's reputation]

'I thought as much. It was too obvious, I would have done that anyway so that was basically useless'


{I am not saying anything, I fell into that trap}

I got up after I was through scanning the documents for any errors, using Celestina's memories, I could figure out what she wanted to do with the documents.

I got out of the office and went directly to Celestina's house.

Well, it isn't exactly Celestina's house but her parents', she and her brother have their own house but usually meet together in their parents house before going back to their house.

I got down from the car and almost smiled looking at the mansion, it reminds me if Starling for some reason.

I entered the mansion and went to Celestina's room to rest. I sat on the bed and took my phone out when the door opened.

"I know you might not listen to me but I will still talk" My brother, Carl, said as he entered, not waiting for any permission.

I looked at him coldly as he sat down next to me.

"I got a huge contract that might take my company to the next level, not that you care. I just wanted to tell you even if you won't say anything" He said, staring up at the ceiling.

Normally, when he says anything about this, Celestina won't just say 'Congratulations' coldly and not add anything, but she will help him in the shadows to make his work smooth, so Carl never knew that his sister cares.

'Should I change Celestina's attitude a bit here?~'

[Just don't OOC host]

'When have I ever done that?~'


A/N: So how did you all like Starfire's cold personality here, it was a little weird for me to think of her like that but I tried. Hope you enjoyed it :)

Tennylizcreators' thoughts