
Transmigration of Spear God

The strongest human who rules over the land of Murim is transmigrated into the world of advanced technology, magic, and superhumans. He is given the task of saving mankind along with the chosen one. Let us join together with the strongest of Murim in the journey to save his new world and reach the zenith.

XERXIS_224 · แอคชั่น
55 Chs

SSS Rank Talent ll

After the discovery of Mana people have done as much research as possible in it. Some were successful and some were unsuccessful. But even from those unsuccessful research, my information about Mana was found.

And one of the most important pieces of information about Mana was found while doing such unsuccessful research. The information that changed the worldview about Mana was the Conduct of elements in Mana particles.

Mana wasn't just mana as a single particle like Oxygen or Nitrogen. Mana was a mixture of different elements. Such as air, water, fire etc. But air, fire, water, and earth were also a mixture of different particles. They alone can not hold the power that Mana holds. Then what is it that makes simple regular elements that are a mixture of different particles in the all-powerful Mana?

[Dark Matter]

An object that everyone knew about but no one can prove its existence. That was the case until the world started to evolve.

Mana was nothing other than a mixture of other elements and Dark Matters. Just like how water is essential for plants but also deadly for them when too much, Mana was also deadly. Especially raw Dark Matters. It was similar to radioactive particles. It slowly kills the person, with whom it makes contact.

Dark elements were basically raw Dark Matter. A person who has an affinity with Dark elements can somewhat use Dark Matter in a somewhat raw form. But of course, even that wasn't pure Dark Elements. But a mixture of different particles with a larger percentage of Dark Matter than the other particles.

Then what about raw pure Dark Matter? What kind of element is made from pure Dark Matter? It's the element of Space.

The element of space is more powerful than any other element. Why? l, mean everyone knows that the power of controlling space is a broken people. But generally misjudged how broken this power is.

The Universe is surrounded by the fabric of space and time. Now even thou they say it is the fabric of two different types of things that is space and time. But the fabric itself is one thing. In other words time and space are the two sides of a single coin.

The person who can control Space can also control Time.

But every coin has two sides. While it does give one unimaginable power, it was also impossible to actually control such by an individual. To be exposed in front of the pure form of Dark Matter is unimaginable.

But what if someone can weld the power of Space, is that even possible? But what if, just if it was possible? What about this "if"?

Then that person will become the most powerful existence in the world.

And Harrison has been running all his life in search of this "if". But he never thought in his whole life that he could come so close to that "if".

.... (Harrisons POV)

"Now I going to fill up the tube with space elements Mana," I told the crowd of the most powerful humans looking at me.

Even though I call it Space Elements both I and every single person in this room know that it's just pure Dark Matter.

If one think with their right mind they would know that I was giving this innocent child the most poisonous poison all over the Universe.

I know damn well that what I am going to do was nothing but poison this child in front of all these people. No one in their right mind would do that.

But I was not in my right mind. Who was I? Yes, I am the mad scientist Harrison Edmond.

With shaking hands, I tape the button. And soon I saw pure Dark Matter fill the tube that innocent child was peacefully sleeping inside.

"Don't worry child even if you die today you will die without even knowing that you are dead. A painless death" I mumble to myself.

Soon the whole tube was filled with Dark matter. What does it look like? It was empty. A part of this room has turned so back the light could not reflect on it. Making it so dark that the people in this room can only see a tube-shaped space darker than the dark itself.

"Beautiful " a word came out of my mouth. The thought of that child who was inside that empty-looking space has already gone from my mind. I just want to look at this beautiful scene all my life.

But soon I saw a light inside this tube of complete darkness. A light so small that one can barely see it. But suddenly another light pops up out of nowhere larger than the other one. And then another one and another one and another one and another one. In a span of a microsecond, thousands of lights pop up from the dark space. Soon everyone including me saw a cosmos being created in that tube-shaped space. Seeing this a question came to my mind, No it wasn't only in my mind even if I don't have any supper power like all the other monsters in this room, but I knew damn well in every single one of our heads a single question pops up. And the question was,

"Is that how the universe was created? "

But before I could answer that question,

Those small lights started to glow so brightly that they blinded all of our eyes. Soon that darker the dark Space turns so bright that it turns the whole room whiter than any white I have seen in my life.

"Is this the birth of a new star that will glow brighter than any star in the Universe? "

I.... I don't know. I don't know the answer to this question. I guess I have to look out for the future to get the answer to my question.

.... (Howard Lester's POV)

It was bright.

Brighter than anything I have seen in these 76 years of my life. Will the future of humanity be as bright as this? Will that child be the bringer of light that is brighter than anything in the world for humanity?

I don't know. So I will be looking at the future path that this child will pave.

... (Richard Osborne's POV)

I disagreed with the proposal when it was told at the conference. Anyone would have done that who has a right mind.

But was that the only reason why I disagreed with it? No, it wasn't only because that was the right thing to do but because I was afraid. Yes, I was afraid that the empire that I had created with blood would scramble in front of a boy of unknown origin.

And I was damn right. I don't need to know his talent rank. I can tell... No, everyone in this damn room can tell what this child's talent rank is.

"I want him" "I want him " "I want him" "I want him"

"I want him" " I want him" "I want him" "I want him"

"I want him" "I want him" "I want him" "I want him"

"I want him" "I want him" "I want him" "I want him"

"I want him in my empire" "I want him in Olympus"

"I want him to be my god of war in my Olympus"

"The number one guide in the human domain ".

.....(Douglas Trevor's POV)

"That child is mine," I thought to myself.

No matter what I had to prepare everything I could so that he came to my guide.

"One I will surpass you, Richard you light bastard".

..... (Samantha Williams)

"What a fascinating child ". I thought to myself.

I agree with the proposal of using The Space Gem on him because I was curious.

I was curious about what that mad scientist Harrison Edmond would do. But to think my curiosity could bring such results.

"I want him in my guild but is that even possible? "

I looked at the two people beside me Richard Osborne and Douglas Trevor.

Richard Osborne the Guild master of the number one guild Olympus. I could hear that psycho chanting "I want him".

And Douglas Trevor the Guild master of the number two guild Raven. Anyone can tell just by looking at that eye of his what that greedy bastard wants.

Those greedy bastards even thou they already have a successor for their guild, these two want to have more.

"Sigh, I wanted that child to be my successor "

...(Asher's POV)

It is all dark in here. What is this place? I couldn't believe my own eyes I was floating in a limitless dark space.

"Where am I," I asked again in the hope of anyone giving me some answer.

And fortunately, someone did answer my question.

"This is inside your consciousness. A place where your mind grows and makes you more and more powerful. " the voice answers.

"I see, but who are you", I asked.

"I am one of the Celestial beings who look over the universe and protect it from the outsider. "

"What is this outsider"? I asked the voice ignoring his introduction. Because of his introduction, I can tell he isn't the person I need to worry about for now at least but that so-called outsider is much of an issue.

"Claver aren't you, to not waste time with useless talk".

"If you can come inside my consciousness then you are powerful enough to kill me in a blink of an eye, but you are not killing me. So I suppose you are here to tell me something. And by your introduction, I can tell whatever it is, it's related to that outside. "

"Yes, just like you have said what I am about to tell you is related to Outsider". The voice replied.

"Then tell me"? I

"Have you thought why you were given your past life soul back to your current reincarnated body", the Celestial asked.

"Why," I asked back in reply. I fu*king don't know. So you tell me.

"Because you have been chosen by us the council of Celestial. "

"Why was I chosen," I asked.

"The Universe and beyond this universe were created by "THE ONE".

"THE ONE " created this universe. And created us to overlook it with the help of a system that makes sure that the probability of this universe remains the same. But unfortunately, those outsiders' hateful creations of his decided to go rogue. They want to destroy his finest creation, this universe. To save this universe the system chose a human as the Saviour. But our Council of Celestial deemed the chosen one unworthy but unfortunately, we cannot change him, so we choose you as the helper to help the unworthy chosen one to save the world."

"And why should I do what you asked me to do," I said to him.

"If you help him save the world we will help you attend your wish to ascension"

"What? "

What every martial artist's dream is? If you ask someone the answer you will get is Ascension.

What is ascension? It's the way to reach the Zenith of one's martial arts.

"How can you help me reach ascension"I asked the voice.

In your journey to helping the chosen one, we will give resources and advice in reaching Ascension.

"You are telling me that giving me some resources and advice is enough for me to reach my Ascension, which I have been trying to reach all my life. What a load of bullshit. Do you think I leaked resources in my previous life"?

"Why do you think that nobody can reach Ascension? Is it because of talent? If it's talent you have more than enough for it. Then can you tell me why you weren't able to reach me?"

No answer came from my mouth. What answer should I give? I don't know what is the answer to this question. Why didn't I reach Ascension? Did I leak in talent? No, I know I have more than enough talent. Is it resources? No, I had the best resources in the world. Then what is it that I leak? I just don't know.

Without waiting for my answers the voice starts to talk again, "That's because of your martial arts. They are not powerful enough for you to reach Ascension. There is a limit that you mortal have and the limit is the reason you can't make a martial art powerful enough, that take you to Ascension. But even with that martial arts, you were able to reach the door to Ascension. That shows how talented of an individual you are. And that is also the reason, why we the council choose you. "

"So you are telling me that the reason I couldn't reach my Ascension is because of my poor quality of martial arts," I asked with surprise.

My martial arts are poor quality. The martial arts that rule over the Murim. If they were poor quality. Then what kind of fu*cking martial arts is high quality?

"So, we will help you in your Ascension and you will help the unworthy chosen one to save the world. Deal? "

"You made yourself a deal sir," I said with a smile.

What a lucky encounter. Dumbass, I would help in saving the world even if he didn't offer me anything. After all, I also live in this world. If this world gets destroyed then won't I die too?

"Ahem, so when are you giving me my techniques? " I asked.

"As to commemorate our deal I will give you a cultivation technique that will help you in your journey "


As soon as the voice stopped talking, I heard the system notification sound and a blue screen popped up in front of my face.

[You have received the Cultivation Technique "9 HEAVENLY DOOR BREATHING ART"(*******)]

[Would you like to see the details ]



I commended it in my mind. The details of the technique pop up on the screen.


A heavenly cultivation technique that allows the user to create 9 Qi cores in their body. The more core one has in their body the more powerful the user becomes. An extremely powerful breathing technique created by "THE ONE" himself. ]

"Gulp", Seeing the screen in front of me I swallowed a mouth of Saliva.

"I believe that our talk ends here, but we will talk again very soon. We will give you quests through the system and by completing them you will be given an appropriate reward " I the voice again.

"Then farewell the worthy One"

"What a cringe name," I thought while my hand almost turned into a Jilapi.

Anyway, a lot of my answers weren't answered. But I will get my answers later when I meet him again. But now I have a big problem to solve. How the hell did I get out of this shitty dark ass place.

But before I could think anyway I saw a light and unknowingly my mind and my body started to move closer to the light and soon it became harder for me to breathe. "Khaa" a sound less mourning came out of my mouth. My eyesight started to lose its focus. But at that moment I heard someone talking to me,

"Slowly breathe slowly boy"

Soon my breathing becomes normal and the focus of my eyes starts coming back. When I was able to see properly I looked in the direction of the voice I heard. And saw Mr Harrison was looking at me with a smile that reached his ears.

"Congratulations boy, You are the first Space Elementalist in the world no, in universes."

Hearing him there only one word came to my mind, "What"?