
Transmigration of Shams: The Legendary Cultivator

"I will not give in to defeat and misery! Surrender is unknown to me." ~Shams "We do not give up on our family, we fight for them!" ~Maya "Living in regret is the worst thing that can happen to a man. I refuse to live that life!" ~Master Wu Shu ------------------ Shams was born into a tragic and wretched fate. But no matter how poor they may have been, he lived with his family happily and worked hard to earn for his parents. Until one night, a tragedy occurred causing him and his family to die. In his parents’ fervent prayer for their son to live a prosperous life, Shams transmigrated into a cultivation world. Such world with different realms. A promise to reach the highest peak of power in the new world he lives in. Whatever it takes and sacrifices to be made, Shams vowed to become the master of his own destiny through attaining immortality and taking over the role of deities. In order to reach the highest realm, a rightful claim must be made through defeating all the God Emperors that rule each realm. Once all God Emperors are defeated, an entrance to the highest realm can be made. Thus, he will gain the right in challenging the most powerful beings of this new world, from the strongest and most powerful realm… The realm of deities! The realm where eternity exists! His new journey in becoming the most powerful and legendary cultivator begins… A journey that will pave way for the most ruthless and villainous cultivator of this new world. ---- Can he defeat all God Emperors? Will he be able to succeed in challenging the powerful beings in the realm of deities? What journey awaits for our male lead character? --- [-VOLUME #1-] Shams tries to adjust in his new life under the care of Master Wushu. He tries to re-discover himself and explore wonders of cultivation in his journey of becoming stronger and more powerful. As he live under the roof of ... THE SCHOOL OF MASTER WUSHU! [-VOLUME #2-] After another unfortunate event that took place. Shams vowed to defeat the God Emperor of the Mortal Realm and take over the reigns on the Golden Dragon Sect. As he begins his conquest. ~Note!!~ Mythical Beasts and Monsters take more parts in this volume 2. (-From Chapter 96 onwards-) [-VOLUME #3-] (UNDER CONSTRUCTION!) ... ======== Due to I have to prioritize my parents at the moment. Starting September, daily release will be ... > 18:00 pm +8 GMT ======== If we achieve the following: (In weekly basis) 1,500 power stones = 2 Daily updates 2,500 power stones = 3 daily updates Reaching 5k Collections = Mass Release (10 Chapters) ======== *** Disclaimer: *** This novel's story, characters, and setting are all fictitious. All involved concept and terms which were used for names, institution, agencies, positions/titles, abilities, living and non-living things are all just Author's imagination. There is no association or reflection towards anybody or any organization or any entity in real life. Cover: P.S. Cover is not mine, please message me. Credits of the cover goes to the real owner, not me.

madskie00017 · แฟนตาซี
152 Chs


{-Giant Centipede-} appeared.

[][] Classification: Rare – Wild Beast

[][] Abilities:

------- Acid Sting

------- Dig

------- Constrict

On its back was a tough and hard charcoal shade external shell …

Each of its Hundred limbs were sharp as knives …

Red eyes were gleaming brightly which makes it clear to how hungry it is for a kill …

And a sharp blade looking fangs were on the side of its mouth.

A loud screech came from the giant centipede.

Starting to launch its own attack.

But it dug and went underground.

"Billy, carry Maya and go up to the top branches while I put Hawks behind his tamed beast." Rankuza instructed Billy.

The tamed wild wolf understood what Rankuza wanted to happen because it exactly knows what to do how to avoid the {-Giant Centipede-}.

Unlike to the younger disciples of Master Wushu, the tamed wild wolf can easily sense the giant centipede and use its swift movements to avoid.

"Why will we be going up to the top branches?" Billy asked.

"So you can have more space to evade. Compared when you stay on ground because the giant centipede can detect heat signatures from under and will sneak for a surprise attack. It will only focus on the tamed wolf and to me instead of you and Maya." Rankuza explained to Billy.

When the ground started to shake unstably, Billy carried the unconscious Maya and leaped on the top branch while the tamed wolf moved away and Rankuza focused his senses in detecting the presence of the giant centipede.

Fortunately, all of them evaded successfully the attempt of the giant centipede to sneak for a surprise attack.

It became clear for the giant centipede that surprise underground attack won't work against Rankuza and the others.

So, it decided to attack the tamed wild wolf with Hawks on its back.

Still, unconscious …

But before it launched its attack, the tamed wild wolf released its own counter attack.

<<< _Lightning Blast_ >>>


Another screech was released by the giant centipede after receiving the lightning blast from the tamed wild wolf.

Though, it was not enough to defeat the giant centipede.

Rankuza observed the battle unfold.

This time around the giant centipede covered its belly.

Through crawling … rather than standing.

Its own swift crawling created cracks on the ground due to the sharp limbs shook too fast … slicing the ground into pieces which create cracks.

<<< _Lightning Blast_ >>>


Even though the tamed wild wolf released a powerful lightning blast, it just bounced off because this time around it hit the tough exterior shell of the giant centipede which has a very effective defensive shield against an attack.

"No wonder it is covering its belly this time. I know its weakness, Billy! We only have to hit its belly since it has a weaker defense and thinner exterior compared to its back." Billy declared to his fellow young disciple.

But it was too late because this time around, the giant centipede turned around and going to his direction.

"Rankuza! Watch out! It's going on your way this time …" Billy tried to warn Rankuza while holding Maya tightly.

A nervous Rankuza wobbled at the sight of the giant centipede.

He thought the giant centipede will only launch its usual head strike.

Instead, it stood once again and prepared for a different attack.

The giant centipede figured out that Rankuza is a weaker target compared to the tamed wild wolf that it initially planned to take out.

Unfortunately, for this round … Rankuza was the target …

<<< _ Acid Sting_ >>>

Rankuza summoned a small force field barrier,

Nervous as he was, he used all his remaining energy to form a sufficient force field protect him from the attempt of giant centipede.

Once the acid sting landed on the force field, it bounced off and was not able to penetrate the force field.

Those liquid acid that the giant centipede spat towards Rankuza melted off the ground to where it landed …

Smoke came off the ground as it melted from the liquid acid of the giant centipede.

Instantly, after the acid sting bounced off the force field which Rankuza created … It broke apart due to stronger impact than the expected trajectory.

"Oh, no!" Billy uttered in fear for Rankuza's life.

When Rankuza was trying to step backwards, away from the giant centipede.

Even the tamed wild wolf will not risk its life, especially Hawks … Just to save Rankuza …

For the tamed wild wolf … The priority is Hawks life and not Rankuza's …

Since the tamed wild wolf only serves Hawks and not Rankuza.

While Billy could not leave Maya alone or else, it will be the defenseless Maya who might be in danger.

In short, Rankuza was on his own.

"H-help … Anyone …" Rankuza stuttered in fear for his life.

Tears were starting to fall from Rankuza's eyes.

At that moment, the young boys realize how closer they are to death compared to the situation they were in before.

As Rankuza closed his eyes,

There was a sound of slash and spurting liquid.



He then opened his eyes and saw the giant centipede sliced into half.

"Wooooaahh!" amazed at the sight of the giant centipede being sliced into half.

Rankuza became more nervous at the sight of Feilong, Reema and the worried Yuri.

Yuri ran off to Rankuza.

And Rankuza ran towards Yuri.

Thinking how soft will be the embrace of Yuri,

The moment he was excited of became another scene of terror.

"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE OFF LIKE THAT! I ONLY INSTRUCTED YOU TO PICK HERBS NOT WANDER OFF IN THE FOREST!" Yuri vented out her anger while smacking Rankuzas butt and pinching his ears.

"OW! OW! My ears will fall off, YURI! PLEASE!" Rankuza cried in real pain.

Not from the wild beast, but from their senior disciple.

Reema tried her best to calm Yuri down.

Billy even became scared to go down and negotiated his terms of not being spanked when he get down.

Seconds after landing safely to the ground and placing Maya gently down.

He also received a handful of sermon and reprimand from Feilong.

The tamed wild wolf hesitated to return or give back Hawks at the sight of scary senior disciples.

Before it can even turn away,

"Don't you dare run off with Hawks. I will cut your head off!" Reema seriously threatened the tamed wild wolf.

"Wait! Wait! Do not kill the wild wolf." Rankuza begged Reema

"And why not?" Feilong asked after letting go Billy's ear.

"Hawks tamed that wild wolf successfully." Reasoned out by Rankuza

Immediately the three senior disciples looked at each other in astonishment.

"You mean, he was able to do the taming seals by himself?" Yuri asked further.

Both Rankuza and Billy answered in unison, "Yes!"

The senior disciples of Master Wushu approached the tamed wild wolf and checked if it is true.

An assessment was made and they saw signs of it being tamed.

[1] It is protective over Hawks because it will not hand over the young boy to Reema.

[2] The predator look on the eyes of tamed wild wolf is gone.

[3] Even unconsciously, Hawks is clearly attached and holding on tightly to the tamed wild wolf.

[4] Lastly, there is a tattoo on Hawks wrist which signifies his status as a beast tamer.

"So it's true!" Feilong exclaimed.

Beside the lifeless giant centipede was a group of disciples of Master Wushu.

Younger disciples finally were saved by their seniors.

"Why don't I see, little Ryoku? Do not tell me ..." Feilong looked at Billy and Rankuza who hid behind Reema and Yuri respectively.


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