

It's a story of a boy who has some introvert character. His soul travels to world of Novel: Pocket hunting dimension as Lu Ze and he gets a system that helps him in his journey to immortality with his loved ones. ______________________________________ Alternate world not real world of Lu Ze. It's a fanfic so I don't own anything other than system and things related to. I just want to write for the sake of improvement of my writing skills. I hope you can bear it with and give me advise. Thanks.

Dark_Life_1 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


The endless and ever expanding world that only void can contain.

There have been countless lifeforms who have soul born and died only to assimilate in the same world.

In the void there was a soul that was wandering in the void from where it came from and where it's going no one knows.

But it was not affected by the void as it continued to roam without any goal and purpose.

Suddenly a ball of light touched it and the soul lit up in a burst of white light that filled area around the soul with light. Light was so intense that illuminated surrounding of soul as light filled the area even in the void without any atmosphere.

Soon the light was gone and so the soul that was wandering in the void unknown to itself.

What remained was the void that was always there and will remain at last even after everything is gone.


PoV: Soul

As light hit my twitching eyelids I opened my eyes I was in a room that did not look like my room in which I slept last night. Last night when I slept I was in my room with my roommates after doing my assingnment. When I was sleeping I suddenly felt a warmth and happiness that I never felt then after some time I felt like I was floating and then there was a feeling of closeness and love that I had never felt even with my family. After feeling a different kind of closeness I don't know why I felt like sleeping and then I slept with that warmth with and within me and when I opened my eyes and here I am in an unfamiliar room.

"Where am I ? Why am I here ? Am I kidnapped ? But I don't feel like kidnapped. Did someone drugged me, was that warmth drug or something." Soul asked himself.

Now that the previous feeling was gone I started thinking if I was kidnapped or something like that as I did not have any bad habits like drinking or any addiction so it was only possibility that someone has taken me here but I do not have any enmity with anyone or bad blood I don't even remember any fight with anyone.

As I was thinking there was sudden influx of memory it was uncomfortable as it was too sudden and large amount of memory so it was a little uncomfortable but there was not pain that I was ready to bear as novels said.

After sometime I started to feel normal so I thought of going through memory to find about situation as was going through the memory I realized that the memory is of a boy who live with his family his name is Lu Ze and his life was filled with hardwork and so on. After going through memory I realized that I was in a novel Pocket hunting dimension that I had read from start to end if I am not wrong then it is the time when Lu Ze from past transmigrated in this timeline.

I started thinking if he transmigrated then where will I go and if not how will I get pocket dimension as I was thinking I remembered if I have pocket dimension it will be in my mind.

So with that I started focus in my mind I did see a dimension space it means I also have pocket dimension.

" I also have pocket dimension, than am I Lu Ze, nah! I have my memory and I am me not not someone else I think, right ?"asked soul in a confused voice to himself.

Then I heard a sweet voice of a girl in my mind and a screen also lit up in front of my eyes.

[Ding! System fusion completed. Congratulation! Host, system is now on in your service.]

When I heard the voice and saw floating screen with words in front of my eyes I was so happy that I almost screamed with happiness.

Now I believed that I have transmigrated in a novel as protaganist and there will not be any Lu Ze anymore because I have taken his place.

Now I still have to know full situation so I asked system in a caution tone " System who sent you and why are you here with me ?"

[Host, system have choosen you to be soulmate for your other half who also have system's half part so host don't have to be worried for anything bad. System assures you that it has no ill intention towards you. System is here to help you to reach the top and beyond of this universe.] System said in a soothing voice.

" So why me? Is there any thing that I was choosen and for whom am I groomed ?" I asked curiously.

[Host was chosen because of host soul has some connection with true void and I can't answer about your soulmate as it's not right for you to know now,she said she will talk to you herself but I can tell that your soulmate is very powerfull and she will found when time will come you don't have to worry about it.] System said in a sweet teenage girl voice.

'Thank god I am groomed for a girl not for sacrifice but what if system is lying I would not even know if it tells a lie' I said in my my mind.

[Host ,I will not lie to you and there is no need for me to lie to you.] System said in a calm voice.

' So you can read my mind'. I said calmly in my mind.

[Yes host, I can read your mind, if you don't want it you can tell me anytime I will stop it and we can talk through telepathy.] System said timidly.

"Ok, stop reading my mind, we will talk through telepathy, I don't want anyone to know what I am thinking everytime". I said.

[ Host, command has been noted.] System said slowly if want me to stop it.

" No need to call me host, you can call me by my name it feels strange when say that and do you have a name, you are conscious so it will be better if I call your name". I said with a relaxed smile on my face now I would have extra insurance on my thoughts.

[I don't have a name, host can give me a name and for reminder your name will not suit here. So host can give himself a name or can keep body's name as well.] System said in a relaxing tone.

After hearing I thought ' She is right my name will oddball here but I don't want my name to be Lu Ze as well. I should probaly change my name but what will I tell Lu family and others about it.

As I was thinking I suddenly had an idea ' Yup that will work'. I thought after making a plan in my mind.

'Now what name should I choose for both of us'. As I was thinking I started thinking of my life before my transmigration.

I was a college student and I was 20 years old. I don't have many friends as I was a introverted type guy. I always thought to live a happy and peaceful life but it was not possible with what my family and I have.

I was not doing anything other than my studies and I don't have a goal or purpose for me strive so I was lazy and I only read novels in my free time because it was one of the things that I like to do.

I like system type novels and I always had dream of having a system .

I always wanted to have powerful system that can make me OP.

I was average guy with a joint family so I have many relatives, sometimes even I don't know how many relatives I have.

It was the day I started writing a fanfic for my own improvement so I can write good novel of my own later and that night I died and transmigrated here. I don't even know how I died as I have read others die by truck-kun or for saving someone or by lightning and after they meet a god who gave them wishes how cliche. Thank god I don't have to suffer like them as I died without knowing and I also have system. I just hope my family will live a happy life.

'I should choose a name from novels for me and for system I have already thought about it' I thought at end of my monologue.

"System I have already thought about your name, how about you give me suggestion for my name that I can use here." I said after thinking.

[Host, you can use any name you want now and after we leave from this universe you can change after going new place.] System suggested in a calm tone.

"You are right I should use a good name here and we can always change later". I said with a smile.

"System from now your name will be "Elise" and 'Eli' in short and my name will be Lu Shen and with it I can also become Lu family's relative, what do you think about it." After saying I asked Eli.

[Thank you for name from now I will be in your care, Master~~] Eli said in a sweet and melodious.

Her voice sounded so sweet that I almost lost my self , what do you expect from a teenager who never get close to any beautifull girl in real life other than family members.

My reactions were always slow and I almost never really felt high emotions but her voice was something else.

It has unknown familiar feeling but I can't put what it is. But because of it I can trust her that quickly as if it has to be done.

I felt like it was natural and it has to be like this.

" Hey do we know each other". I asked as it felt like something familiar.

["No, master, I don't know you before this time".]

'She don't know me than why is this feeling as if I know her and how can I just trust her, is it some kind of her trick? but it doesn't feel like it' I thought .

I always listen to others and can also believe them but there was not the feeling of trust as it was just inherited from my father and we were kind to others so there was nothing I can do about that.

I didn't want to follow my ideals and kind nature but it was inherited and I can't do anything about it as it will feel bad and even if I want I always have to thought what people will think and how will it affect to my family.

As I was thinking suddenly there was sound of a girl from outside of the room "Lu Ze are you awake?"

I know it sounds bland and does not have colourfullness of strory but I don`t know how to make it more interesting and better. Please give me advises that can make it better in comments after all it is all for improvement.

Dark_Life_1creators' thoughts