
Transmigration: Elf With a Necromancer Attribute!?

This is my first wsa entry, Ty for reading. ____________________________________ "So... what you think is reincarnation and transmigration is fun?" "Hell no... Ask me, the one who has transmigrated 99 times and still couldn't achieve anything big." "Well... This is going to be my 100th transmigration, hope that I transmigrate in a good world this time." These were the last thoughts of Leon before transmigrating for the 100th time. What awaits ahead for him? Will his wish get fulfilled or will he still not be able to achieve anything? Will he face the world by himself or will he have a large army of his own? Find out as thr journey towards his 100th transmigration starts... as an elf. "What!? Do I look handsome like those pointy ear creatures now?" "Hell... who said transmigration is not fun, But what are these dark shadows like creatures?" thought a young boy in his mind, excited about the new adventure that awaits. ... Hello guys, as I have mentioned above, this is my 1st wsa entry and I will try to give it my full, but the rest is on you guys, let's try to make a position in wsa. Author - Dagger Rk Other works - Rise in the Vr world. bye... now, go read the story.

DaoistMK5HEc · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

100th Time

"Is it over?"


"Huh... all of my 99 transmigrations were in vain."

"Wasn't able to achieve anything, lost everything, no golden finger like those novel mc's , what is worst luck if not this." Leon thought to himself while lying in void space.

"Lets hope that my 100th transmigration is not as bad as the 99 transmigrations, A magical world will do..." He prayed to the being up above everyone, that he transmigrate in a fantasy world with a golden finger.

Suddenly, a white light flashed across the entire void and Leon was gone after the white light stopped.


"Ugh... What is this? Was a transmigration always this painful?" Leonard thought to himself while stopping the wound on his stomach from bleeding instinctively.

He then looked down at his stomach where a large wound could be seen.

His hand was pressing against the wound to stop bleeding heavily but to no avail until now.

He first thought about why and how he was injured so severely but then dismissed those thoughts for now. It was important to treat the wound first or he will have to transmigrate again just after 2 minutes of transmigrating.

He looked around to find help and he could see some people talking about something.

"wait... those pointy ears and the beautiful skin, Are those..." He was amazed by what he was seeing right now, but he couldn't just stare at their faces because he could do that anytime later if he survived first.

"H-hey... Help me please" He said while kneeling on the ground because of the increasing pain on the wound.

The elves who were talking noticed him kneeling on the ground and quickly started to run towards him to help.

Leon could hear footsteps running towards him so he stood up and tried to move towards them while crawling. The blood loss had already caused him intense pain.

As soon as he got close enough, one of the elf girls ran to hold his hands while another two held his legs.

"Are you okay?" One of the elf girls asked while looking at him in concern.

"Y-yeah... I think so" He replied while trying to stand on his feet but he immediately fell back down.

"What is wrong with you?" She looked at him again in disbelief.

"My wound is bleeding heavily " He said while looking at the wound which was already forming a pool of dark red blood.

"Let us take you to the nearest healer." They said together and then they used their magic to levitate him into the air.

He was amazed when he saw that this world had magic, he now wanted to live desperately, he always wanted to transmigrate in a world of magic, and this was his opportunity, he didn't want to lose it at all.

Leon didn't even have the time to ask where this place was when the three girls carried him to one of the houses nearby.

They then opened the door and entered the house while carrying him inside.

They then took out some cloths and bandages to clean the wound properly before applying a healing spell to seal the wound. After that, they put on the cloths and bandage to help prevent the wound from bleeding while they wait for the wound to heal completely.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, we are still new to this place" One of the three girls apologized to the owner of the house.

" No problem, these things happen sometimes" The owner said.

"Please don't worry about it, we are just doing our job as healers here." One of them answered while patting the owner's shoulder.

"How long does the healing process usually take?" The owner asked.

"It depends on how badly the wound was damaged in the first place but normally it takes 3~4 days for a normal wound to fully heal." One of the girls explained while taking a look at his wound.

"Alright." The owner said to her while praying for Leon's wound to recover soon.

After that, they left the house and continued to carry Leon to the nearest town.

"I am really thankful for your help, thank you very much" Leon said to the girls before passing out.


"You are awake" Salena, one of the elven girls asked when she saw that Leon was awake.


"Thank you for saving my life, I could have died if you didn't help me in time." Leon felt grateful towards the elven girls and so he thanked them while showing gratitude.

"Yeah, You owe us one for sure" May spoke this time.

"Not at all, It was our duty as elves to protect this fellow." Suddenly, Salena spoke again while reminding May of their duty as healers to protect anyone whose life is in danger.

"Haha... I was just kidding, you know." May answered her while scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Enough of this nonsense, Let us go back to our homes, We have been away too long already." Julia, who was silent until now finally spoke.

That was what happened to Leon after he met the three elf girls.


"Good morning, How are you today?" Salena entered Leon's room in the early morning and greeted him politely before asking him about his health.

"I am good, thanks for caring so much about me."

Salena's cheeks started to turn red after hearing his words and said. "It's not that... it is just my duty as a healer to..."

"Haha... I know what you mean." Leon interrupted her.

He had now been staying in this house for almost a week and he had now a little information about this world.

He also found out that he was an Elf himself and this was one of the small villages in the Entire northern Elven lands.

This world also had humans, dwarves, demons and angels.

He was able to know about these things because of the book that Salena gave to him to read and pass time till his recovery.

Magic was also abundant in this world, even kids could use magic once they joined a magic academy.

Magic had levels just like in the novels Leon read.

1st level is when some joined magic academy for first time and could perform a few magic attacks.

2nd level is Formation of powerful attacks.

The 3rd level is about using powerful magic attacks and fighting with those attacks as well.

The person who is at the 4th level is considered a top grade student in a magic academy.

The 5th level is considered the level of a teacher in a magic academy.

The 6th level is that of a experienced teacher and the 7th level is a senior teacher.

The people with 8th level are mostly Elders in a magic academy or cities.

The 9th level is considered a academy head in small and normal magic academy, but it is considered grand elder in large magic academies.

The 10th level is the head of large academies.

The 11th level is the start of the Elders position in the large emperor families.

The 12th level is considered the king level.

The 13th level is the Grand Elder level in Emperor family and this kind of talent is very rare to be found.

The 14th level is the Emperor level itself and there are only 10 emperors in this era.

The 15th level is... well, only two people has managed to reach that level so far. It is considered the Grand Emperor level.

Now... The 16th level, it is the last stage that a mortal can reach, and no one... no one has managed to reach this stage yet.

It is also said that who crosses the 16th level will achieve half immortality and more stages will unlock for them.But this is only a myth among mortals and there is no proof about this statement.

He now wanted to achieve the impossible, the 16th level, but that was way too far for him for now, and he had already set his first goal.

"let's earn some money."