
Transmigration:- Wakeup as imperial consert [ bl]

" who think that I will died and transmigrated into another world another era and fell in love with the king of this era ( chuckles) I find that day to much funny when I came here ( giggles) so cute .... " baby where are you " ... " I am here honey " ...... ( he excitedly run outside) ..... What do you think was it real a transmigration or a struggle to fine his lost soulmate

Silentknight1994 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

kiss me ( M )

King without a single moment of hasitation, he swooped in and possessively capture his bride's lips in a hot searing kiss. His lips were parted and king immediately invaded his mouth plunging deep into his sweet mouth . From that point was a primal gnashing of teeth and dueling of tongues . Shen Niang shuddered all over his beloved's lips sent jolts of electricity straight through his body...

It was like fire was ignited all over his skin . The butterflies in his stomach were on a rampage. He wasn't just being kissed. It was like he was being devoured and there was no chance for him to back away .


The object of his desire, his love and fantasy was finally before him, kissing him like there was no times. King growled lowly, deepening the kiss for his love's tasted so good his tongue was velvety smooth . He smelled amazing and there was just something about him that made king go crazy with need. He pulled shen Niang even closer putting his plump behind directly over his engorged dick . Shen Niang was already having a hard time breathing being ravaged so fiercely. Feeling the massive pulsing shaft underneath his butt , his heart started to pound harder. He wrapped his arms around his beloved's neck as he squirmed around in his lap , unknowingly grinding himself on his beloved's long thick shaft.

Everything in him was getting hotter and hotter . His dick has already risen and it was letting out a steady stream of pre-cum.It was a rough head swirling,toe-curling kiss .

The scent of wine and roses suddenly filled the air sweet and intoxicating. King recognized it as his bride's arousal which made his cock twitch , coupled with the ceaseless movement of shen Niang over his cock , it further fueled his desire for him , with every lustful thought, his pulsing rod increased in size and shen Niang was kiss within an inch of his life . Every whimper , every moan he elecited from shen Niang made him crave more ....

His entire sense told him to take shen Niang there and then . Shen Niang could only let out choked moans as he clung to his beloved like he was his lifeline . He broke the kiss letting prince breathe and began to pepper kisses all over his face , his neck , his exposed shoulder . Shen Niang smelled heavenly. Like fresh watered roses and a hint of wine . Shen Niang held onto the lapel of his beloved's robe as he was being smothered with kisses . They were hot and each place king kissed burned making him feel light headed Gosh his beloved was totally driving him insane. His dick was as hard as nail . He could feel it trying to poke a hole in his clothes , not to forget his beloved's engorged member that trying to poke his button he moved around , trying to get a better position but all he did was stoke the flames of King's desire. King devoured him sucking on his neck as his hands roamed all over his supple body , stoping at his perky butt which he squished with both hands . He made the nail of his pointer grow long and sharp then cut a lime through shen Niang's clothes ....

He retracted the nail , ripped open the robe and pants then grobbed both cheeks directly.....

" S, shi'An" shen Niang moaned. He was the first thing shen Niang felt. The delicious of his over skin , the callouses of his beloved's palm on his behind , rubbing, squeezing. It ingnites a kind of fire in his core that he has never felt before something inside him itched for more...

King groaned at the silky feel of shen Niang's skin . He gazes down over Shen Niang's shoulder looking at the cute mounds sitting on his engorged cock. The little mewling sounds Niang emitted went straight to his member making him pulse out a steady stream of pre-cum , wetting his robes. He just couldn't stop wanting more.

His entire body throbbed with need . Shen Niang was seduction personified. There was nothing else but the beautiful lover on his mind . He pressed thier lips together once more as he proceeded to kiss him senseless. He kept kneeding those soft buns with his Palma , making Niang grind his waist to follow his movement. It was like having a full on lap dance and he loved it .

The little lover was unbelievablely SEXY..

He Tested every nook and corner of his love's mouth and shen Niang was getting addicted to his taste. He kept on moaning and withing against his beloved's body as he felt his impending orgasm .

His dick kept twitching ceaselessly and as if king sense it,he moved one hand and dug into the front of shen Niang's already torn pants. Shen Niang was almost there already. His entire body was quivering I'm anticipation. His balls were churnning awaiting release and the moment king's finger grazed the head of his dick , he erupted.

King broke the kiss and watched in awe as those sparkling emerland eyes went misty before they closed and Niang let out a sweet melodious whimper as his body bucked , spasming as he came , releasing rope after rope of his hot essence. It was the most beautiful sight to dragon king the most stunning thing he had ever since watching his lover in the throes of his orgasmic release, knowing he has cause it and all he had to do was flick a finger over his dick .

It made king extremely please to know how responsive Niang's body was to him . Shen Niang opened his dazzy eyes and met his beloved's heated gaze causing him to blush deeply and embarrassed just to came with his one touch .

" You are so beautiful. You knew that . My love", king whispered, rubbing thier noses .

" I want to watch you cum a thousand times . I want to watch you cum while I fuck the life out of you " .. shen Niang's face and ears went even hotter . How could his beloved say such things ? It made him wonder, was king always so shameless .

" Kiss me , love"...

King whispered, his eyes on shen Niang's swellon lips . Shen Niang felt shy and bashful . " Come on , kiss me love " king urged. Thier faces were close and he could feel the tips of shen Niang's wet lashes against his own ....

" Kiss me " .....