
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

Twin-tailed Lolita

In the room of the Sacred Heart Academy, Niya resided.

Even during the holiday period, the dormitories and various public facilities of the Sacred Heart Academy remained freely accessible to students. In the library, one could occasionally spot a few students engrossed in studying, delving into various subjects such as the histories, economies, and general discussions of militaries of different nations. Of course, the most common topic was the intricate explanations of magic and martial arts.

Although the dormitories remained open to students, there were hardly any students residing in them. At least in the dormitory building where Niya resided, she was the sole inhabitant.

The other students had all left the academy and returned to their respective homes. Most had to endure weary journeys before reaching their distant abodes.

"No matter how much you call, no one will come to save you, not even if you scream your lungs out. Oh ho ho ho!" The tentacled monster exclaimed with a libertine expression, its voice echoing.

"You scoundrel! Do you believe I cannot unleash a spell right now and demolish this room?" Euénie glared angrily at Yann.

However, Euénie's hands were already tied to the bedpost with strips of cloth.

The blue-haired loli, dressed in revealing attire, sat on the ground with her knees bent, her twin tails of blue hair hanging on either side.

Due to the previous battle with Yann, her clothes had also been torn, though not as extensively as Yann's.

"Let it go. Release your most potent magic if you wish. I've already inscribed a sealing magic circle on your forehead. Now, you can't muster any magical elements." Yann touched the magic circle on Euénie's forehead with his tentacle.

As a former sovereign-level powerhouse, Yann possessed considerable knowledge. Being renowned as a knowledgeable sage from the realm of the undead, he was well-versed in various subjects. However, as a lich who had possessed a body, he ultimately led his nation to ruin due to his recklessness.

The saying goes: "Those who do not court death will not perish." Indeed, Yann's previous skirmishes with other lords were not without reason, largely owing to his own errors.

"You..." Euénie glared at Yann with resentment.

She knew very well that Yann had inscribed a magic circle on her forehead. Previously, she had attempted to mobilize the magical elements within her body to resonate with the outside world. However, each time she tried, she would experience a tingling sensation on her forehead. Subsequently, the magic elements she had painstakingly mobilized would be disrupted and dissipated.

She could construct magical circuits within her body, but she couldn't imbue them with magical elements! In simpler terms, she had been stripped of her ability to use magic!

What could a loli without her terrifying magic capabilities achieve? With her mere height of one meter and forty centimeters...

"Well, twin tails are indeed adorable, Niya. How about it? I was right, weren't I? Loli characters should always have twin tails! Here, take a look in the mirror. Although you may not be able to kill with magic now, you can certainly charm people to death!" Yann presented a mirror to Euénie, urging her to take a look.

"You're a perverted lolicon." Niya squinted at Yann, looking at him disdainfully.

Sensing Niya's disdainful gaze, Yann unexpectedly felt excited. He felt as though some incredibly extraordinary trait within him had awakened.

"How could this be possi—" Euénie turned her head away, pouting stubbornly, yet the innate desire for beauty, inherent to women, made her care about her changed appearance.

It was irresistible, it was inevitable...

Euénie suddenly thrust her face towards the mirror, her eyes flashing with a glimmer!

As if an assassin, in the midst of an assassination, had finally found an opportunity for a lethal strike!

"Wow..." Euénie's small mouth opened in astonishment, revealing an expression capable of melting hearts, a sight that could undoubtedly captivate any lolicon!

"Stop fooling around. We still need to buy armor and inscribe magic runes." Niya chuckled and said.

She was in good spirits, having emerged from the unsuitable state for murder, or rather temporarily suppressed it. Perhaps the theory of bloodlines, with its obvious classist undertones, truly existed. Niya's Habsburg lineage enabled her to quickly overcome the negative effects of unexpected incidents.

This was true even for murder. When human life faced threats, when confronted with threats that would undoubtedly result in death if left unchallenged, one could unleash immense potential! Potential that even oneself couldn't believe!

This was the instinct of animals, the right to survive bestowed upon them by the heavens!

Yann chuckled at Niya's words, then skillfully donned his leather armor and black robe before untying the cloth binding Euénie's hands.

Euénie no longer had any magic, so what could a four-foot-tall doll do? Now, Niya alone could easily handle her.

Euénie was a smart person; she understood what she should do in the current situation. So, after being untied, she didn't foolishly rush out of the room.

It was still the same place as before. They bought several sets of identical full-body plate armor from the same workshop. As there were a few items in stock at the storefront, Yann, to prevent another incident of torn clothing, simply bought all the armor. There was still plenty of gold left on the magic crystal card; Yann had experienced the feeling of being a big spender in another world.

However, on their way to buy armor and back, Yann received quite a few stares. Most of these gazes were directed towards Niya and Euénie.

The youthful and energetic beauty, with her bun-like face, and the blue-haired loli, her face contorted with resentment.

And—a strange figure entirely wrapped in a black robe, carrying a large box on his back. It was unclear what was inside the box, but the metallic clinking sound could be heard as he walked.

"Thud!" Upon returning to the room, Yann tossed the box on the ground, producing a dull thud. It weighed several hundred pounds, and it was only thanks to Yann's peculiar body structure, combined with the magic added by Niya, that he could carry the box back.

"Gurgle gurgle..." After dropping the box, Yann collapsed onto the ground like a puddle of mud, exactly like snot.

"How disgusting..." Euénie remarked without reservation.

"Stop pretending. Without nerves, you don't feel tired." Niya rolled her eyes at Yann.

"Really, no comfort at all. We're already sharing the same room, yet you're still so cold..." Yann said in a teasing tone.

"Bang!" Niya's hand ignited a fireball!

"I was joking, I was joking. I have something important to do now, so let's not fool around." Yann got up from the ground, extending two tentacles in a conciliatory gesture.

Using her other hand, Niya released a harmless water ball, then rubbed the fireball and water ball together to extinguish the fireball.

Reabsorbing released magic could cause harm to oneself, known as backlash.

"Alright, other matters are settled. It's time to get serious! I'll start questioning you, Miss Euénie!" Yann said solemnly, "Confession brings leniency; resistance leads to severity."

Euénie sat on the bed, swinging her legs back and forth.