
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

This Continent Lacks Innovation Capability

Now, as the grand marshal and Niya returned to their room, the first thing they did was to remove their armor, revealing the grotesque form of the tentacled monster beneath.

If Yann's appearance were seen by the spectators now, it would surely shatter their sensibilities!

Isn't this deceiving the audience's emotions?

Originally, there had been a great anticipation for the awe-inspiring form beneath the armor, but the reality was—a tentacled monster!

This is the grand marshal? The grand marshal of the Slime Empire?

"Is everything alright? You managed to deal with those two fifth-tier magicians without any problems?" Niya closed the door behind her and drew the curtains, concealing Yann's body.

Yann's appearance was simply unsightly.

Yann shifted his body slightly. "It's nothing serious, just a minor inconvenience. Ah, I've overestimated the strength of your plane. I originally thought that even if I fully utilized this set of equipment on me, I could only contend with a fourth-tier professional. But unexpectedly, I was able to take on two at once. It seems that the power system of your plane is still inadequate."

Indeed, according to Yann's memory, fifth-tier professionals should not be so fragile, at least ten times stronger than they were now!

"This is still considered weak..." Niya clicked her tongue. She couldn't fathom just how formidable fifth-tier magicians were in Yann's eyes.

"In general, your magical civilization seems to be relatively primitive. From the variety and quantity of magic at each tier, it seems there are many deficiencies, as if someone has made several cuts with a knife, resulting in many discontinuities." During these few days, Yann had taken the opportunity during Niya's training to look at the magic textbooks up to the third tier. The results revealed many incomplete theories.

Moreover, in terms of magical application, it was not particularly outstanding, even bordering on primitive!

It's like having trains and steam engines without the accumulation of natural science before the invention of the steam engine. It's just not scientific!

In the short term, this doesn't matter much, as long as trains can be manufactured. But in the long run, such shortcomings become evident. Without basic natural science, how can one extend to physics, chemistry, and biology? Will they just keep making trains without making cars, airplanes, or spacecraft?

Niya answered Yann's doubts, "That's right, our magic and martial skills are not independently developed."

Niya stared at Yann with the gaze of a kindergarten teacher.

Yann's question was really lacking in sophistication. The magic of the Roland Continent was indeed not developed independently but relied on many external forces.

"Oh, what's going on?" Niya's words piqued Yann's interest. What exactly was going on? This clearly violated the law of civilization development.

"The magic on the Roland Continent mainly comes from three sources." Niya held up three fingers. "First, there are some hidden ancient relics on the Roland Continent, where supposedly treasures left by powerful beings from ancient times are found, including some magic or martial skills."

Niya's words left Yann feeling a bit depressed. Who would bury their treasure somewhere and let others take it later? If it were him, he would never do such a thing!

No, it seemed like Yann had placed his treasures in the palace, and then the palace was attacked, and the treasures inside were all looted!

"Second, there are forces like the Church that can receive blessings from the deities they believe in, including magic and martial skills from higher planes."

Yann felt a sense of familiarity upon hearing this.

Back then, when he was in the Undead Realm, he had done similar things to increase his strength by collecting the power of belief. By occasionally displaying miracles and occasionally sending a few subordinates to the mortal realm to show his holiness, the number of people who believed in him grew, and he gained more power of belief!

Hmm, this made sense! It turned out he was also a criminal who interfered with the normal development of civilization!

"Third, some summoners occasionally summon intelligent creatures from other worlds, or some intelligent creatures accidentally enter our plane, bringing with them magic and martial skills from another plane."

Yann thought for a moment. Wasn't he the intelligent creature who accidentally stumbled into this world, and didn't he sell a bloodline magic for a sky-high price before?

"Those who create their own magic are rare compared to these three, hardly worth mentioning," Niya concluded.

This is indeed a lamentable situation," Yann shook his head. "A dimension devoid of autonomous innovation will never sustain itself as a formidable realm. Your path of development still stretches far ahead."

Niya pursed her lips, contemplating. "Merely mastering the current array of magics is already quite daunting. Innovating new spells? That's beyond the capabilities of someone like me, of my caliber."

"Oh, by the way, you mentioned our dimension's combatants having feeble prowess. What's the explanation behind it?" inquired Niya.

"It's simply that they are feeble," Yann responded bluntly. "You see, the pitfall of your development lies in the overall weakness of your combatants. Due to the lack of an autonomous system, other branches cannot be created. Your dimension's alchemy, for instance, produces nothing but trash, utterly worthless in comparison to other realms. Enchanting weapons, the process is crude, and your magic arrays are dreadfully primitive."

Yann's critique of Niya's dimension's magical system was scathing.

"In summary," Yann concluded, "this continent holds no promise."

Niya pursed her lips, feeling a little frustrated. After all, for her, the magical development level of the entire continent was far beyond her reach, and the two were not on the same level. Niya was now just a lucky girl who had received Yann's help, not someone who could change the magical development level of the entire plane.

Seeing Niya's reaction, Yann had no special emotions. Niya's reaction was within his expectations.

If it were a lord or a sovereign of a country, after hearing Yann's words, they would definitely inquire about how they could improve the magical development level of their subordinates, and enhance the strength of their own forces to vie for supremacy in the world!

However, whether Yann was willing to help was another matter.

In any case, Niya had achieved her three victories, albeit in a completely unexpected turn of events, but the mission had been accomplished!