
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

Give You the Middle Finger

Upon witnessing Orv departing with the wind-based adjudicator, Qin Liye also made her exit.

He had no desire to linger here feeling ill at ease!

Though Orv had left with the wind-based adjudicator, the fervent atmosphere within the arena not only failed to abate but instead began to escalate!

What had just occurred?!

A spectral warrior had actually subdued a fifth-tier wind-based adjudicator, and even upon Qin Liye's arrival, he could nearly incapacitate his opponent with a single move!

This was simply horrifying!

Moreover, Vice Dean Orv himself appeared next, prompting even the normally reserved deputy dean to take notice.

Furthermore, Vice Dean Orv merely took the wind-based adjudicator away without holding Niya accountable. The narrative behind this occurrence is truly intriguing.

Nevertheless, regardless of the circumstances, Niya's spectral warrior had truly stolen the limelight this time, with Niya herself basking in its reflected glory.

Who else would dare to underestimate Niya? The spectral warrior conveyed a message to everyone with its sword in hand — anyone who dares to bully Niya must first consult with my sword!

Under the awe-filled gazes of the crowd, Yann descended from the arena, returning to Niya's side, gazing steadfastly forward like her most loyal guardian.

Clad in black armor, with crimson eyes, and a half-drawn sword in its scabbard, everything about this spectral warrior proclaimed that they were not to be trifled with!

Seated in the observation stands, Clark and Aksei now stared grimly with eyes fixed on Yann and Niya.

They couldn't fathom how formidable Yann's combat prowess was.

They had initially thought that a fifth-tier magician would be sufficient for the task, but who knew the adjudicator would be so easily overpowered by Yann!

Even more astonishing was Yann's simultaneous defiance against two magicians, which alarmed Vice Dean Orv!

Clark now felt a sense of relief, grateful that he hadn't rashly rushed in earlier, otherwise...

At this thought, Clark scolded his brother fiercely. Aksei was truly a headache, daring to provoke such a figure.

Yann suddenly lifted his head towards where Clark was seated, then amidst the attention of all, raised his hand — extending his middle finger!

This was a universally understood gesture across nations and dimensions; everyone comprehended its meaning.

Instantly, all eyes turned towards Yann in astonishment, puzzled by why a spectral warrior would make such a humanizing gesture. Then, their gaze followed to the direction indicated by Yann's raised middle finger, eager to see whom the gesture was directed towards.

Clark, who had been reprimanding his younger brother, felt the weight of thousands of eyes upon him. With a perplexed expression, he lifted his head, only to witness Yann's audacious gesture!

Such indignity was intolerable!

Not only Aksei, but even the usually composed Clark showed signs of wanting to explode in rage.

He had initially intended to cease provoking Yann after this, but Yann's blatant provocation in front of everyone changed things. Could Clark still hold his head high in school if he didn't retaliate?

Clark's countenance shifted from light to dark for a dozen seconds, then he abruptly darkened his expression and dragged Aksei out of the arena.

Yann's blatant insult in the presence of the multitude undoubtedly stoked the ire of the proud-hearted Clark, who harbored a fervent desire to vanquish him. Yet, it remained but a fleeting thought, as he lacked the prowess to execute such an act.

Retaliation must be carefully considered, not rashly pursued. Fortunately, the Sahm family wielded significant influence. Dealing with a spectral warrior posed no challenge, even if the opponent could match two fifth-tier magicians, even if Clark himself wasn't a core member of the Sahm family.

The most formidable power in the entire Sheng Luo Empire wasn't the royal family but rather the feudal nobles and prominent families. Through intermarriage, they formed a system independent of the royal family. These aristocratic houses overshadowed the monarchy with their land and wealth, comprising three-quarters of the empire. If they wished, these united nobles could overthrow the existing monarchy!

However, there wasn't much benefit in toppling the monarchy, so no one chose to do so. By maintaining a royal facade, these "vassals" could continue accumulating power discreetly.

Whether fortunate or unfortunate, the Sheng Luo Empire in the heart of the Roland Continent managed to repel surrounding enemies thanks to the hegemony of its domestic nobility!

This situation bore striking resemblance to the ancient Zhou royal court of China.

Upon witnessing Clark and Aksei leaving disheartened, the onlookers in the arena erupted into boos.

After Clark and Aksei departed, Yann and Niya also exited the arena.

Although both sides had left, everyone sensed that another confrontation was inevitable!

However, whether they would be fortunate enough to witness it again was another matter altogether!

Although there were still matches happening on other arenas, nobody bothered to watch anymore; everyone was fervently discussing the recent events.

If this magical realm had a tool platform akin to phones, messages with titles like "Unbelievable! An extraordinary existence on the arena!" and "Guys, I'm mind-blown! Guess what I saw on the arena?!" would surely have skyrocketed to the headlines. Yann and Niya's names would have been circulated nationwide.

Unfortunately, such technological marvels were impossible in magical realms, so Yann and Niya missed their chance to make headlines. Nevertheless, Yann's extraordinary performance in the arena quickly spread throughout the school through word of mouth.

In the retelling, Yann was depicted as a demonic figure clad in a 200-pound heavy armor, wielding two-meter-long colossal swords, engulfed in black flames from head to toe, his eyes emitting infernal light, a demonic king!

Moreover, some fabricated Yann's past life with remarkable seriousness — he was a general, a marshal with a rank as high as ninth tier, a pivotal figure in an empire's history! He commanded millions of troops, achieving countless feats in battles across the land.

Yet, this great figure was schemed against, assassinated in a cave! It was a despicable act by jealous and fearful political adversaries!

Thus, a hero of his generation was slain. The marshal, ablaze with the flames of vengeance, returned from the underworld, and then made a pact with Niya, who happened to enter the cave — the pact's condition being that Niya would help him exact revenge on those who had assassinated him!