
Chapter 54 - Discovery Realm

Shawn felt enlivened by the topic 'Probability', the explanation by the teacher was incredibly easy to understand.

"Don't get ahead of yourselves thinking that this subject is that easy. As you continue to reach higher levels, you'll meet more stress on this topic"

The alarm bell then rang, forcing the teacher to leave the classroom for the next only to stop halfway through the door.

"And yes before I forget, take the first exercise on the topic in your textbooks and submit before the week ends,"

"So, he's only giving us till tomorrow as an alternative?" One of the students whispered into the ears of another.

A few minutes remained until the appearance of the next teacher and Shawn was still staring at his textbook, glancing through the questions of the exercise.

"Oohh! This example seems to have a bit of a challenge,"

"This question might take a long time to fix,"

"Are you free to help me explain some of the questions?" Richard's voice interrupted him from his inner monologue.

He turned to the busty student beside him.

"Of course, we can solve it together after school. But I can only spare twenty minutes or so"

"That'll be enough," Richard replied.

Then the entire class turned to face the teacher that had appeared from the door.

"Greetings young ones,"

The day of school continued before it once again passed as always as the alarm rang marking it.

Students rushed out of their classrooms, eagerly carrying their bags to take with them to leave.

The Elementary School where Shawn's siblings were was just a few miles away from the current location of the school.

It wasn't long before the gang entered the premises where they had also closed for the day. They strided through the gate and followed Shawn to the classroom where Stacy was.

The sounds of grade one kids running on and about the classroom made them chuckle before they entered.

After a few minutes of searching, Shawn noticed Stacy who was sitting on her chair, relaxed as her hands held crayons that rubbed against a paper.

Shawn whistled in a certain way that made her perk her head up to look at him.

"Only brother will have such a bad whistle," She told herself as she noticed the presence of his gang and stood up.

"I've hardly seen you whistle before to alert your sister?" said Charles.

"Oh, we just started that practice recently. She calls it 'horrid'"

His mind was dragged to the moment when

He then stepped into the classroom, the teacher in charge noticed and didn't stop him since she was already familiar with who he was.

"Welcome brother," Stacy's next words made him laugh.

"Your 'horrid' whistle was truly horrid like mom said,"

Shawn did not say a single word and just took her bag with one hand and held his small sis's hand with another and they both exited the classroom.

"So how was today?" he asked as they walked further into the premises to locate Lucas.

As usual, he was with his friends, playing around and this time his clothes had been dirtied.

"Tsk tsk. Hope you're prepared for mum's scolding," said Shawn.

The Roland siblings entered their house and went to their respective rooms, of course with Stacy preferring to stay with Lucas and Shawn going into his room.

With a deep breath, he slumped into his bed trying to think about the school work that he needed to handle.

"It's actually almost two weeks since I've used my phone," he realized.

"After handling the assignments then I'll have to start detailing how I can finish up the tasks that deal with Ornio"

His face immediately switched over to his bed as he reached for his blue bag and opened it.

"Let's start with maths first. It's a good thing that I actually stayed to teach Richard what Mr Roberts taught us,"

After thirty minutes of writing and workings, he finished all fifteen questions in the exercise and closed the textbook.

"Now for geography,"

His hand began ransacking the bag before he brought out the note and read the question for the assignment that he had written down.

"Pick three civilizations to write about their resources which they used to rise to prominence while using them,"

"Really? this assignment is going to be long to write about, it's mostly about empires that rose up in time through trading,"

He rolled on his bed and reached the suitcase under it before opening it to reveal his laptop which he booted.

He then began to search for trading empires and was given a long list which he tried to narrow down from.

After rummaging through his bag once again, he picked up a notebook that he didn't use for any subject and started jotting down the content that he was finding from the web.

An unknown amount of time, he switched to writing a comprehensive note and finally closed the note releasing a deep sigh as he did so.

But the free notebook was still opened and then he switched to writing down the remaining tasks that he had to complete.

"Shawn!" Emily called.

"Oh, mum's back"

He raised himself up from his maroon colored bed sheets and faced the window of his room.


"I was actually being busy for this long that I didn't notice the sun setting"

He immediately ran out of the room and down the stairs to see the entire family sitting with their dishes in front of them.

"Dinner's ready," said Emily who gestured him towards his seat that was beside Nick.

Shawn smiled before joining them at the dining table to eat his mother's meal.

Lucas made a compliment on the cooking "Mum's cooking is delicious as usual,"

"But one day, I'll surpass her," Shawn interjected, looking at her with vigor in his eyes.

Emily squinted her eyes at him "You can always try of course and you'll probably surpass me"

"After a lifetime,"

Shawn just focused on his food after hearing her reply.

"I trust that today was nice for you all,"

After having a hearty meal, he returned to his room and stayed up wondering what to do before he slept.

"I've already planned everything for Yorn and Ornio except for that Realm Race. What else could remain?"

His eyes darted across the room, looking for something that would provide the inspiration he needed.

He opened his jotter, scrambling through the pages to find something.

And at last, he found it.

An incomplete flow chart of what he had planned for Ornio when he was still around the first rank or so.

"Good" he said with a grin,


[Logging creator into the world]

"System, some time ago one of the tasks you gave me was to make something that will be beneficial to the world,"

"And I came up with the technology tree and so, I would like to ask if I can make a few adjustments to it?"

[The weight of the adjustment is what determines if it would be suitable]

"Well, the technology tree was only a task completed. It has no form and no way of telling its existence so it's basically a dormant usd. So i want to make a realm that encompasses its existence"

A tab appeared in his face, showing the various functions he could click. He chose the one with realms and clicked on a new realm.

"This realm will have the surface of a brown book page with a tree at its center. The tree will have orbs that have a lock dangling from its branches, each orb holds special and historic information on what new device, item or machinery has been created by the races.

Those who can access the realm are the intellectuals of the races and those who can access the technologies of the tree are judged by the tree before being deemed worthy of accessing it"

He then tapped on the section that included name "Discovery Realm"

He clicked done and the tab closed before him.

After waiting for a while he received a notification.

[New Realm Created, host can travel there]

"I will but I want to create the race for that realm,"

The tab appeared again and this time, he clicked the part of it that was titled 'Races'

The screen showed the various realms in Ornio and Yorn as well as the Races living in them.

He found the new realm he had created and clicked on it before tapping the 'add race'

As usual, the tab required a name and description/detail

"Key guardians - Beings who are in the shapes of keys with wings and only have faces. They are assigned to access a series of orbs hung in the tree. They search the realm for new discoveries to be added to the tree with their minds trapping the information for the tree to recreate.

The highest among them has a paper crown and gets to determine who has access into the realm"