
The Strongest Summoning System

warning: it was the first time I wrote anything so expect a lot of grammatical mistake. Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs

Phantom archer

While Dawn and his teammates were fighting for their lives. A fight of epic proportions was raging in the sky, a random shockwave of which was enough to kill Dawn a million times over.

The fight of stage 3 cultivators was catastrophic, changing the surroundings permanently, as the cultivators of this stage were able to bring mana out of their bodies more efficiently and with higher control over mana. As the rank of cultivators at mana emission rank increases their efficiency and control also increases proportionally. 

Duma and Nios were in midair hundreds of metres apart from each other, with lightning flickering around Duma constantly, Duma's face was devoid of any emotions, He looked in the direction of Nios and spoke in a cold tone, "Let's end this farce".

Nios didn't answer Duma, he got into a fighting position himself and spoke in a plain voice "Don't worry too much, you will die from overthinking",

Duma only harrumphed at Nios words, he roared and lightning started gathering around him slowly forming a 2 km long Lake with Duma at the centre, Duma raised both of his hands and lightning inside the lake started spinning.

Looking at this scene Nios started backing away, Although he didn't feel any threat from Duma's action he remained cautious he didn't if there was any other expert nearby hiding in the dark, attacking the moment he let his guard down.

Nios didn't care about Duma who was only at the mana emission rank 2, how could he care about such a guy after all Nios himself was at rank 9.

While Nios was backing away at a fast speed Duma closed his and made a throwing motion with his hand and the lighting vortex moved toward Nios wanting to devour him completely.

Now that Duma had taken action and used his ultimate move he couldn't care about the hidden expert anymore, he decided to end this fight if there was any hidden expert he would handle the situation accordingly.

Nios hair started fluttering in the wind as his mana started pouring out slowly forming a 9 km long sword above his head, made entirely out of mana covered with countless magic runes stabilising it.

Looking at the sword Duma shouted "How can this be, You are at rank 9, How is this possible We were given the wrong information", Duma shouted with a dumbfounded look on his face He started moving and destroyed his lighting vortex in one move and started moving towards Duma.

Duma knew he was going to die and no one was going to save him. So he started begging for mercy "Please spare me senior, I was blind" he hurriedly kowtowed in mid-air. Even after Duma begged, the sword didn't stop and erased him from existence in one swing.

Seeing how easily Duma was taken care of, Nios thought " I was worried for nothing".

Duma the strongest was only at rank 2, so he didn't even have to bother about other guys that he brought any captain could take care of them, Nios decided to first check on captains and then move toward cadets.

Fighting for Nios was easy and quick but the same couldn't be said about Dawn's group, 5 minutes earlier the remaining guys from the GrandLake empire started moving toward dawn in an attempt to kill him.

Dawn sighed and summoned his second monster, The portrait of the phantom archer flashed and the archer appeared covered in shadow at the altar, the number jumped from 1/30 to 2/30, 

Dawn summoned the archer because of its racial ability, the creature couldn't be seen by one real lower and one realm higher beings.

Dawn also summoned the barbarian to distract his opponents and let the archer do all the work.

The hulking 7-foot monstrosity appeared in front of the guys from the GrandLake empire, they almost peed their pants from fear. The barbarian emitted the aura of oppression and savagery.

Nemo too jumped in surprise, he backed away and asked Dawn to do the same as he wasn't able to relate the barbarian with Dawn, Dawn found it funny and Dawn spoke to appease his doubts "Relax he is on our side". 

Dawn ordered the barbarian to kill the guys and the Barbarian started moving toward the newest guy and brandished his sword. He also ordered the phantom archer to finish the other guys.

The people from the Grand Lake empire side started falling like leaves, the archer reaped their lives one by one and the last guy was gone from the one swing of the barbarian.

Dawn dismissed the shadow archer and asked the barbarian to bring Ajanta near Ellora, Dawn surveyed the surroundings for any threat.

Nemo rushed toward Ellora to check her condition, Getting to his knees he checked her pulse, she was breathing and her pulse was steady, Nemo sighed with relief.

Nemo and Lucy looked at the 7 ft barbarian coming in their direction carrying Ajanta in one hand and a 4 feet long sword in another, They moved to the side giving room for the barbarian to place Ajanta beside Ellora. After placing down Ajanta he disappeared.

Nemo and Lucy both were at ease seeing him disappear and looked toward Dawn curiously, Nemo questioned him "What was that monster " Lucy too perked up her ear, Lucy too wanted to know although she didn't show it on her face.

"It was my summon" Dawn answered casually he decided to reveal this information strategically, people around him were bound to witness a little bit of his power, and always hiding everything would make things even more difficult for him.

"You are a summoner," Nemo spoke in high pitch, Nemo's eyes widened in shock and astonishment. The reaction was expected after all there were too few summoners among cultivators, and even Lucy's eyes had astonishment in them.

"Yeah, right," Dawn confirmed his thoughts with a nod of his head and spoke to Nemo," We are still in the middle of the battlefield, let's talk about this later,"

Nemo smacked his forehead in shame and spoke while smiling sheepishly, "How stupid of me," Nemo had almost forgotten about the fact that he was on the battlefield, hearing Dawn's reminder, Nemo looked around himself alertly.

Dawn looked toward two of them and said," You guys stay here and look after Ajanta and Ellora I will go ahead and scout our surroundings".

Nemo didn't know what to say, he wanted to say who would take care of their safety, but he couldn't say anything after dawn had just saved his life and chose to nod silently. Lucy remained silent as always.

Dawn looked at the conflicting expression of Nemo, he couldn't be bothered to speak anything, Dawn wasn't going to let go of such an opportunity of levelling up. When he killed the seven guys from the Grand Lake empire, the system had notified him about something but he didn't check what it was about, he could guess that as his strength had increased compared to before, he most likely levelled up. 

He didn't feel any guilt toward those 7 people, after all, they were trying to kill him first.

Dawn knew life and was precious and his own life even more precious.

Dawn started heading north from where he could hear occasional fighting sounds, Nemo looked at the back of the departing figure with complicated emotions in his eyes.

After 5 min he was a considerable distance away from his previous location, his speed had improved significantly due to his recent breakthrough in cultivation, now he could cover a 100-metre distance in 5 seconds easily.

Dawn was able to find a safe hiding spot behind a boulder covered with ice, so he decided to check his status. After sitting in a meditative position he muttered, "status", in a low voice.


anyone reading this chapter? can you please let me know

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