Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.
The sun was high and the atmosphere was young. Kazemi was in a huge bed with naked women around him. They were all asleep and each had some form of limb on him.
'Ah, the cops better not knock on the door...' He took Rukia's foot off his face and slowly turned her until she rested on his right shoulder. He then lifted the covers up and saw Jasmine sleeping directly on his crotch.
'That's fine..'
He looked at Tory was was embracing his left arm and had her mouth open slightly to breathe. 'That's fine as well. Now where the hell is..' He then saw an upside down face in front of his. 'Oh. So you were my pillow?'
He pulled her down and made her rest right on his chest. 'I'll..miss this feeling. Wait, this is my first time experiencing something like this. I'll...enjoy this feeling.' He gave out a sigh of relief as some of the girls yawned.
Tory moaned out while rubbing her eyes. Rukia did the same and held onto his arm. Rukia then pushed Hina off of Kazemi's chest, causing her to roll onto Tory, making her to wake up completely.
"Good morning.."
She hugged him while smiling wearily. Kazemi only patted her head, causing her to pur of sorts. He then felt a rumble upon his crotch which lead him to finish.
To finish patting Rukia on the head.
More things happened in the sheets and they all soon got up. Kazemi was now bathing with Rukia and Hina while Tory and Jasmine were putting their clothes on. 'Reminds me of the and Haru bathed in puddles of rain..' He smiled while looking up.
'To think that there'd be a day where I'd be here, huh, little bro?' Kazemi then realized something. 'Wait, I'm..not going back to earth, huh? When will I see them again? Will I ever see them again?'
Kazemi was then splashed with water, causing him to snap out of it and look down. Rukia was pouting while hitting the water. 'You like attention a lot..'
"Please continue washing me.."
"Yeah, yeah.."
He sniffed and started scrubbing her back. She would hum a song as he did with Hina being too scared to get in. When Kazemi stripped, she saw a monster which spooked her. Rukia saw the same monster, but instead became happy.
Kazemi cleaned her up and motioned Hina to get in while Rukia was drying off. She resisted at first until Rukia pushed her in, making water go everywhere. Under said water, she saw the monster again, opened her mouth from surprisment and almost drowned.
Kazemi helped her out and sat her down in his lap. He began washing her and her hair alike like he did Rukia. He soon got out with her and helped dry her off.
He put clean clothes on them and himself. He then came out the bathroom while holding their hands and when he did, he was flashed by the click of a camera.
"That's so cute!"
Tory had her phone in her hand while wearing a black dress. It went perfectly with her golden hair. In fact, Rukia and Hina had on pitch black clothing and so did Kazemi and Jasmine.
"Yeah, we look good don't we?"
Kazemi spun them around to show off their beauty. For children, they looked very good. Pause. 'It ain't even like that bruh. I swear I don't see them like that. I just mean they look very cute and adorable.'
"Why are we in these clothes? Are we going to the tentacle bastards funeral or something?" They looked over at Jasmine, Kazemi sighing as he remembered his last conversation with the said tentacle bastard.
"Will you do me one last request?"
Kazemi and the tentacle bastard was inside the church they first fought in. Kazemi sat on the farthest right seat on the right side while the tentacle sat on the farthest left seat of the left side.
"One last request? You really are prepared for death, huh?"
"Death..isn't the end, Kazemi. For me, it's a new beginning all together.."
Kazemi went silent after that and continued to stared at the destroyed statue of christ. 'I..actually understand him, seeing that when I died, I got another chance..' He also knew his other meaning.
'Atonement In Hell.'
He understood that as well because he was going to chose that sort of life if he didn't pick Transmigration.
"What's the request?"
The businessman slowly looked over at him and stared at the side of his face. "I have a daughter that lives out in the country. She's in school, but sick as well. With my D-Game money, I want you to take it all and give it to her to further her treatment. Can that for me?"
A rapist, murderer, down right psychopath was asking for such a request. Any person who knows about his daughter would immediately seek out to go find her and do the acts that he does to other children on her.
Even though he was all that, Kazemi saw how much his daughter meant to her. Kazemi put himself into the tentacles shoes and felt how he felt. What if you wanted to repent by dying and you have a sick daughter? This was the only course of action, right? That's how Kazemi saw it.
"Thank you..young man.."
Kazemi sighed and said to Jasmine: "No. He wouldn't want us to come to his funeral." The leader of that gang went to the hotel, fought with the tentacle and won. But at the cost of half his men dying and the leader himself losing an arm. The tentacle also blew up the entire building which caused the leader to lose the territory.
"He wasn't the best creation by God, and he knew that. He...knew that."
The sort of cheery atmosphere of the room went down as Kazemi said that. 'Find who you really are, Tom. Find him and embrace him. Your an evil being, and we all know your actions can never be justified. But unlike the others, I can see that you were just broken. A man blinded by rage and hatred. A man...who just wanted to get revenge for the one...he loved.'
A blue haired feminine boy looked at the person who flipped their curtain open. Kazemi stared at the bruises on his body, his frown getting deeper as his eyes switched between bruises.
"Who..did this to you..?"
Kazemi was inside of a heavily guarded warehouse. He was told by Rukia of where he would be. He used invisibility to sneak in and nabbed someone's security card to access doors and such.
His voice was void of moisture and sounded like he was in need of some water. 'Did they....Yeah, they must have. When they didn't find the culprit who kill the seller, they looked to the merchandise and took their actions out on him..'
Kazemi swiped the card on the card scanner and opened the cage very slowly. He then closed it behind himself and was immediately met with a huge hug.
"You..caMe back~.."
He started to tear up, his hold on Kazemi increasing. "Yeah..I promised you, right? I..try to keep them.." He thought back to the promise he made his little brother, then shook his head off the thought.
"I'm just glad your okay, Hirito. You...were beaten because of me, weren't you?"
He said straight forward. 'Damn it, Kazemi. You...can turn other people invisible, can you not? Why...can't you think?!' He became angry at himself as he was pushed to the metal and cold ground.
"But, doesn't matter~...I'm just glad you came back~..."
"Yeah, me too, Hirito. Because I don't know how much would have endured if I didn't."
Kazemi patted his back as even more tears ran down. "Hirito. Let's get out of here, okay?" Kazemi grabbed at the chains that held him in a place and broke them with brute strength.
Kazemi then picked up the naked beautiful guy and sighed. 'Also, I told him that I had this power. I unconsciously convinced myself that I didn't, huh..?' He said before that he didn't really state that he told Hirito his power when in reality, he did.
He talked too much and now needed it. His spit was basically nonexistent and so he would obviously be thirsty. 'This place definitely doesn't have a vending machine outpost just lying around so..'
Cupping his face, Kazemi kissed him and sent some spit into his mouth. Like it was instinct, the blue haired boy held the back of Kazemi's head and fought him with his tounge.
'W-Woah now..' Kazemi tried moving his head back, but he was stuck to Hirito's lips like glue. 'Your making this weird dude. Come on..' After an intense struggle, Kazemi got himself free, both of them panting in the process.
"Y-Your not a bad kisser.."
Hirito had a massive blush on his face while licking the spit in the corner of his mouth. "Y-Yeah, your not bad yourself.." Kazemi opened the cage up and fled out. 'Only 4 hours left in this world. I did everything I wanted too and more..'
He went to the amusement part with his family, the beach, the movies, he did everything that he wasn't able to do in his past life and did it all today. 'Just a few more hours, Kazemi. Just a few more hours..'
Kazemi and Tory were inside of a restaurant at 1 am in the morning. He had until 1:30 am until he'd be no more in this world. The reason as to why it was so late was because Kazemi accidentally activated an alarm system and had to escape the overwhelming amount of security guards/Sigil users.
"The view is amazing, Kazami."
He reserved a spot for the 'High Waters' restaurant that was built on a pier and stared out into the ocean. He bought out the night and chose the perfect seat for the perfect view.
"It is, huh?"
Kazemi looked out as well. The infinite space that was called the ocean reflected the moon. 'I slept on the beach multiple times and yet, this view has never been so perfect. Is it because I'm with Tory? Well to be fair though, she's better looking than any thing I've ever seen before...'
"Well anyways, what's up with you and spaghetti? You really forced that waitress to bring us some."
"W-What? Oh, it's because I seen a picture of dogs eating spaghetti and they happened to get the same noodle and..and..."
He rambled on with a huge smile. 'He's so cute..' Tory put her fist up to her cheek and listened in on what he said. Most girls would find it off for them and their partner to be eating spaghetti because the guy saw two dogs eating it, but because she knew exactly what he was talking about, she found it romantic.
"So Tory, what would you say or think if I told you I came from a different world."
Kazemi asked straight out. He didn't seem serious in the least so replied as so.
"You're not doing drugs again, are you?"
"Haha, unfortunately, no. Well, I see why'd you think I'm joking. But the thing is, I'm not, Tory. In exactly 29 minutes, I'll leave this place. Earth, I mean."
She then heard the seriousness in his voice. 'But, he's joking, right? He..came from another world, and he's leaving in a bit? Kazemi, even as a joke, it's not really funny..' She frowned and as she did, the waitress sat down a silver platter and opened it up to reveal real, Italian spaghetti.
"Tory...let me tell story.."
And like that, he told her everything. How he grew up, how he survived, his fight with his father, dying, meeting God, coming here, he told her everything. He left out the details of this being some sort of show or anime as it'll probably cause problems.
She was aggressively crying. She thought she had it rougher than he, but when she heard his story, it even made the waitress, who had no clue about what they were talking about, cry.
"HoW...dID...THaT's..." She couldn't even form sentences as she watched Kazemi eat the platter of noodles and sauce. 'I'd...kill myself. I'd kill myself if I experienced all of that..' It was heart breaking, excruciating, pure hell to hear and experience such a story.
"I just wanted to say..that I'm thankful for experiencing such a life, Tory.."
He got down to the last noodle in which he held up. "Please complete it. Please complete this story and my journey."
It was 1:28 am, meaning he had two minutes left of speaking with her. 'No~..' Her eyes were red and her makeup was runny.
"W-Why do you have to leave! Please stay with me Kazemi, I-...!"
"I..can't, Tory. And if I could, I would bring you with me a million times over..." If given such a chance, he'd bring her along to wherever he was going.
He wants to marry her, have children with her, die old with her, be buried with her, be reincarnated with her, he truly found someone in his life that he loved.
Tory was the first girl he saw in this new life and she was also the first to sleep with him as well. They say that when two bare hearts connect, it can result into something beautiful.
"Then...then take me with you!"
"I can't. I got a message that said...that I'll be the only person to leave, no one else included.."
She held her mouth as even more tears poured down. 'I-I-I-I can't...accept this...Kazemi ~....Kazemi..~..' Kazemi then grabbed her hand, making her jump a bit. She looked up from said hand and saw him. He was smiling wide as he showed his white teeth, his eyes closed to hide any emotion he could've shown.
"I Love you, Tory. Never Forget That, Okay?"
[00: 00: 00]
He turned into particles, disappearing from her sights,..and from the earth all together.
(An: If you haven't noticed, I'm trash with showing human emotion. My range of vocabulary sucks as well and so the emotional parts of this story may seem...iffy, or down right, ass.)