
Transmigrated With A Time Chamber In DxD

"Okay guys. Time to settle an argument. If you were to reincarnate in DxD, what race would you choose and why?" Some choose dragons. Some choose yokai. Others choose devils and another few, angels. In an era where gods exist and a myriad of races populate the planet, Igor made the most uncanny of choices. As for what it was, read on and find out. Available on Fanfiction.net and RoyalRoad with the same title name.

HolyGambler · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
123 Chs

Chapter 43


Sun Wukong stood there with his hand meekly reaching out.

"Stop. Don't go…"

Yet on his face was a smile of immense curiosity.

"Well…I tried."




Igor moved forward towards the Vatican, not caring that he was charging into the base of one of the most powerful factions in the supernatural world. All that was in his mind at this moment, was the fact that he could feel as if something very important to him was nearby. He could feel it in his blood, like a hunger that must be satisfied at any means necessary.

Igor did not try to hide his aura. He didn't even consider it. So drawn he was by this feeling that all rational thought had been erased. But soon enough, he felt it. That empty feeling in his heart finally felt as if it was fulfilled. That empty invisible string he had been following finally connected to its target.

A series of basic information appeared within Igor's head.

"Female. Five-years old."

Yet there was an extra important part that Igor paid extra attention to.


It was an unavoidable fact. He could instinctively tell that whoever that girl was, was family to him. Although faint, there was a blood resonance between them.

He no longer wasted any time. Putting two fingers to the top of his head, he immediately locked on to the girl through the blood connection and vanished.





Igor appeared in a spacious room filled with all kinds of plushy toys and pink decorations. But he didn't care for that.


Right in front of him, lay a little girl who was in a blissful sleep. She slept on her arm, which cutely scrunched up her chubby cheeks. But that wasn't the complete reason that made Igor's heart rate suddenly spike.

*Badump* *Badump* *Badump*

His heart was beating so quickly because this girl looked awfully like his mother. From the golden hair to the contours on her face. Everything about her resembled his mother. The contrast was so perfect that his eyes almost became wet around the edges.

Yet before he could take a step forward, a massive fist suddenly closed in on him.

"Get away from my granddaughter!!!"


Igor was so surprised by the sudden appearance of Vasco that he could barely block in time. From the moment he entered the room, he never noticed the existence of the towering elderly male.

And now he paid for it.


Although he managed to quickly put up his guard, he was off balance. Thus, the blonde was sent crashing through the walls of the house. 

"...did that just…happen?"

Flying through the air, it took a good second or two for him to properly process that he was in fact, sent flying through the wall. Frowning in annoyance, Igor flipped himself and landed on his feet.

He looked ahead with a serious gaze, a small outline of fiery white aura surrounding him.

"That punch was strong."

As for Vasco, the elderly titan put a simple 'sleep' spell on the terrified Asia who was roused by the loud crash.

Knowing that exorcists will come to take Asia away later, he charged forward, determined to capture this strange boy who could suddenly teleport into his warded room with ease.

As for Igor, he stood a few hundred metres away from the house in silence, ignoring the numerous exorcists surrounding him. The blonde looked straight ahead with cold fury visible in his eyes.

As soon as Vasco appeared a few dozen metres from him, Igor directly addressed him.

"I am not here to fight. All I want is my little sister who you're holding here. Give her to me, and I will leave with only property damage as my crime."

The underlying tone in the blonde's words were clear. Either Vasco hands over Asia, or there would be bloodshed.

Igor truly did not want to fight at that moment. Having lived for decades, the fact that he found the closest thing to his blood relative made him increasingly eager to meet Asia. It was also for this reason that his patience was wearing thin as the seconds passed.

To him, Vasco was like the obstacle that stopped him a thirsty man from reaching an oasis. Playing around was the last thing on his mind. There was truly no battle lust within him.

But for Vasco, the only impression he had on the blonde right now was that he was an enemy who somehow discovered that Asia had unlocked the Twilight Healing sacred gear. Nevermind him, Asia's importance to the church and the faction as a whole was important. Under no circumstance could she leave his sight. And adding personal reasons to the mix, Asia was the light in his heart that gave him a reason to live. To him, the blonde was a threat to the granddaughter he loved with his whole heart.

And thus, he must be eliminated.


Charging forward, Vasco focused holy power into his fist and aimed it at the blonde's face.


A giant shockwave cascaded from the clash. Yet as everyone's sight finally caught up, all they saw was Igor calmly blocking Vasco's fist with his hand. Multiple gasps of shock and hisses resounded the area. Every exorcist observing the scene was thoroughly shocked to the point that some of them dropped their weapons.

As for Igor, multiple veins on his forehead were threatening to burst from rage. He could feel that Vasco was just slightly stronger than him in his base form. But that was in his base form without the Kaioken. Igor constantly had his Kaioken activated at 60% efficiency, meaning that Vasco's fist filled with holy power did absolutely nothing to him.

On a normal day, he would've entertained the thought of fighting the strong elderly man in front of him. But he was so anxious to meet Asia that the mere fact that he was being prevented from meeting the only family member worthy of his acknowledgement, made him truly wish to boost himself twice and instantly kill Vasco.

Yet even though he was struck first, Igor gritted his teeth and spoke.

"I am not here to fight. All I want is my little sister. Do NOT force my hand."

The only reason the blonde hadn't lost his rationale was because he could still feel Asia sleeping in the house. Furthermore, he felt that he couldn't teleport into the room any longer, likely a defensive measure that was executed by the old man glaring at him.

And his pride wouldn't let him run past Vasco to go to Asia. The last thing he wanted was being chased all over the world. Just the number of exorcists surrounding him was more than enough for him to know that simply up and leaving with her would cause endless troubles. And if he could, he would rather kill them all here to rid himself of possible trouble. But like his initial intentions, he truly did not want to reap lives unnecessarily. He was not clear about the whole situation yet. When he first saw Asia, she looked so peaceful and there was no sign of abuse. 

That is why he could still hold himself back with gritted teeth, even though his rage was threatening to bubble over.

Vasco jumped away from the blonde and without pause, summoned Durandal in his hand.

"Surrender yourself peacefully, or face the consequences."


su su su su Su Su Su Su Su Su SU SU SU SU SU SU SU

"You really treat me as a vegetarian, don't you?"


A violent red aura manifested around the blonde. He tried diplomacy, but it wasn't working. He didn't attack first, yet the elderly male in front of him was truly pushing every button in his body.

As for Vasco, he was even more determined to stop Igor from advancing any further, especially after sensing the violent ki emanating from him. He was even more sure that Igor was a yokai in disguise.

Immediately, he charged forward and swung Durandal at the blonde.



…Igor stopped the blade with his hand.

"I'm done asking."

With his power having increased tenfold, his power had already surpassed that of the mid-satan class. Taking into account his powerful body nurtured by gravity training and numerous herbs, it was easy for him to grab the blade of the holy sword, especially with demi-ki shrouding his entire body.

Igor coldly looked into Vasco's eyes, a terrifying pressure spreading from him. Reeling his fist back, Igor tore away the sword from Vasco's grasp before punching the man in the stomach.


He acted so quickly that Vasco could barely see the blonde's actions. By the time his brain caught up, he was already sent flying through the air.


Quickly reacting, Vasco performed a backflip before righting himself on the ground. His hand clutched his stomach, right on the spot where a dark red corruption seemed to spreading from it.

But that pain paled in comparison to what he saw Igor do. Igor was holding Durandal with a tight grip while the sword seemed to be vibrating immensely. Yet the blonde cared not for the sword rejecting him. 

It was with his next words that Durandal finally stopped resisting.

"Obey, or be destroyed." 

With the blonde finally channelling demi-ki into Durandal, the sword finally stopped shaking and willingly submitted to Igor.

Feeling the sword's acquiescence, Igor pointed it towards Vasco. His words were cold, his judgement final.






Things are looking pretty neat. I've settled into a schedule so right now, this should be my normal uploading time until further notice. 

Moving on, here's the link if you want to read 3 chapters further. There's a particularly nice scene ahead that may melt-…okay, I'll stop here since this would count as spoiling it for you.

Again, here's the link: p@tre0n.com/HolyGambler

Replace the '@' and '0' with 'a' and 'o' respectively. Or just search for 'HolyGambler'.