
Transmigrated with a system (Temporary)

[Warning: I'm new at writing at novel so don't expect me to have good writing plus English is not my first language.] No Description! Will have a description after 10 chapters. //Warning: Bloodbump

StevenWolfe · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

New World

As he expected when he open his eyes, he saw a bright sun and if you focus on the side of the sun, is that there were two white moons even though it was not night.

As he looked around, he saw full of grass and beautiful flowers, red roses and blue roses, and beautiful and full of large trees and other plants that he didn't know about the blue planet.

It was beautiful scenery even though he didn't see it in the past even in the movies or anime that he watched it cannot compare to the beauty of nature that he is seeing right now.

He stood up and looked around, after walking around he saw beautiful falls and there was a cave inside if you look carefully.

He walked toward into falls waters and after walking toward it he saw his appearance a handsome that looked quite feminine and had long black hair and he has deep blue eyes and he has a long nose that looked like a wuxia, that he read in the blue planet when he was alive.

{Her appearance}

"This is the appearance I wanted..." As he said while looking toward into water and caressing her face like a perfect item in the world.

"Thankfully I am not naked or I will look quite dumb.." As he checks his outfit like a proper businessman when he was in Blue planet he has a white t-shirt and black long pants as he checks his outfit he heard a mechanical sound.


He looked at the sound where came from and saw a blue panel again and looked forward into it.

[Congratulations for now 'Transmigrated' into World 'Tecno Earth'

Introduction: A High technology world that beyond technology into your world 'Blue planet' even in the 817 - universe it's one of the top technology in all of the 817 - universe. And it's one of the top thousand rankings into 817 Universe.]

As he read the blue panel into the system and was quite shocked he thought that he will be reincarnated into the Isekai world or medieval world and he didn't think in her mind that he will be reincarnated into high technology not even once.

[No need to worry host The Supreme One, Already created your identity in that world.]

"Thankfully there will be no problem..." he sighed while looking into the system and then he looked into the system and said "Then what's my introduction into my identity?

[Your name in this world is 'Alexander S. Miller' and your orphan since you are born your parents die due to a car accident and they have no parents or sister so the government goes into the orphanage and arrange your identity there so that. As you grew up there was no single want to adopt you.]

"Why does no one want to adopt me even though I have a handsome face?" as he touches her face like a jade.

[Becuase you choose to fresh new start so The Supreme One makes you sure that no one supposed someone adopts you.]

"Ohh okay... Is there a cheat? like in novels?" as he asks into the blue panel in front of her.

[Yes, Say status]

"Status" As he said it excitedly because he thought there was a cheat after he said it a blue panel appeared on her with a number.

[Name: Alexander S. Miller

Title: Orphan, The Outsider,

Rank: 0 Stage - Beginner Mage

Level - 1 [0/100]


Status Points - 0

HP - 10/10

MP - 10/10

ST - 10/10

Stamina - {2}

Mana - {2}

Strength - {2}

Agility - {2}

Defense - {2}

Skills - 'None'. ]

(Notice - Please read the 'Comment Button' There was an explanation there that I wrote.)

As he looked into the blue panel in front of her, After reading a few seconds he talked into the system "Is this a normal point of normal human standard?" He is very scratchy because of his status, there seems to be a reason. The smallness of the number of points of the blue panel that he is looks like something wrong.

[Yes host there was nothing wrong and don't expect me to change it because this is human standard in this world when measuring a technology item.]

"Ohh okay... Then what's the title there and I understand the meaning of standard but why orphan is it because of this boy"

[Yes, let's just say that it was you into that body you are in but without memories.]

"Ohh okay is there a bonus like that because sometimes In reading in the novels in the blue planet ya know"

[Yes because of the unique system if you have the title you will get a bonus but there was a requirement before getting a title if you haven't completed the title even though you have it in this world it is because you haven't met qualify yet to get it.]

"Then show me the bonus points"


Orphan - You are orphan

Bonus - Decrease your presence by 35%

The outsider - You came from another planet

Bonus - You are unique because of the supreme one, you are now an insider in this world. ]

"Ohh okay? is there a shop or quest"

[No please don't expect like in novels you read in the past. The system is balanced for example as you go into another stage the Experience Point will decrease to 50%. Of course, even though you haven't got experience point, you can go normally what other being into this world do when they go into stages but becuase of the system there was no peak or stuck stages like that.]

"Ohh I like that there were no stuck or peak stages but.. the experience point decreased so much! Damnnm I thought that there was no decrease exp like other novels that break the balance of the world"

As he shakes his head and looks around and walks in a random direction because there was full of tall trees maybe even high beings are into the forest so he checks carefully if there is any monster like that. He woke around about 10 minutes and said in system tired voice.

"is there any map?!"

[Yes but not like you expected. And host I warn you before I will unlock the information about this world.]

"Yeah just give it to me it will quite handy too"

[Okay host]

After the system says it a pain inside my head it's was like someone cracking his head as he never felt this pain in her all life he lay down in the pain he was experiencing and after a minute he opened his eyes with a full sweat and shouting at the system "Why didn't you warning me do you know what pain I was experiencing in the few minutes!"

[Host before I tell you, I already warned you.]

"Ugh never mind" As he focuses on what memories of an memories he got.

As he unlock all his memory and was quite troubling because there are so many information that inserted into her memories.

"I should not have troubled my memories"

He shakes his head and focuses on the memories of a map and history.

He was now into the biggest continent 'Deratio' in the south direction and it was the 3rd richest in the world and many powerhouses living here because of the long history and uniqueness of the continent this continent has a 39 thousand of years and never shakes the foundation even the war of the demons 'Deratio' continent never erased and it was like a foundation where powerful human came from. And that was 'Tenco School' It has many sub-jobs. And they only accepted those that have potential for example potential of being a mage or either a technology talent that has no being mage potential they accepted too but they have no treatment like others so don't expect it from much and you will be lucky if you didn't get bullied in the school so only a few dared to go into 'Deratio' school even other schools because other school has worse treatment.

I'm quite bad.

Please give me ideas

StevenWolfecreators' thoughts