
Transmigrated to a World Where Sex is Considered Boring

Nox, bound to the Omnidrive system, transmigrates to a world where sex and physical intimacy are frowned upon. His mission? To help the women of this world reconnect with their desires and discover the joy of intimacy. As for how he'll achieve it? *cough* *cough* Of course, by using his charisma and by showering them with love. ........ Five hundred years ago, gene reproduction technology swept away the messy uncertainty of natural birth. In this new era, children are engineered for extraordinary talents and flawless genes. But in this carefully ordered world, where knowledge and genetic purity are paramount, Nox's arrival shatters the sterile facade. Bound to the mysterious Omnidrive system, he's an anomaly – a man fueled by chaotic passions and ideals that defy this society's rigid control. Will his quest to awaken humanity's dormant desires ignite a revolution, or will those in power crush him as a dangerous aberration? ____________ DISCLAIMER: English isn't my first language, so please bear with any grammatical errors. I'm new to writing and still learning, but I promise to improve with each chapter! NOTE: This story is all about unabashed indulgence and explores mature themes. If that's your thing, buckle up for a wild ride! What to expect: A growing harem (YES) Lots of steamy scenes (YESSSS) An actual story amidst the fun (YES) Relaxing, slice-of-life moments (YES) What NOT to expect: Yuri (NAH) NTR (MEHH) Release Schedule: I'm aiming for 5+ chapters weekly!

Plottergeist · ไซไฟ
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Body Mender

In a dimly lit room, two men stood in stark contrast. One, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, exuded an air of professionalism. The other, clad in casual attire, seemed out of place.

The well-dressed man fixed his gaze on the younger one. "Nox, you'll need to work for two years before you can pay off your debt. It's only because of Mr. Arthur that I'm hiring you. Otherwise, a newbie like you would never land such a high-paying job."

Nox straightened his posture, his face etched with seriousness. "Yes, Boss. Don't worry. I'll pour my heart and soul into this work and ensure I don't tarnish the establishment's reputation."

The boss nodded, his expression unwavering. "Yes, and remember, customers are king. As a qualified body mender, you must satisfy their every wish. Understand?"

"Yes!" Nox replied resolutely.

Satisfied with Nox's attitude, the boss emphasized once more, "Okay, you'll receive customers in this room from now on." He strode towards the door, pausing to add, "You'll receive your first customer shortly, so get changed. I'll check on you this evening."

Nox mustered a polite smile. "Take care, Boss! Have a great day ahead." He waved as the door creaked shut.

The moment the boss departed, Nox's expression transformed into one of frustration. "Grateful, my ass!" he muttered. "I'm only getting 100 Aether Coins per hour, and I have to work like a slave for twelve hours a day. And you expect me to be grateful?"

He let out a frustrated sigh, running his fingers through his disheveled hair. "Dammit! Other protagonists get transmigrated into worlds brimming with cheat abilities and endless riches. But what do I get?" He paused, clenching his fists. "A debt of two hundred thousand Aether Coins hanging over my head like a curse!"

Muttering under his breath, Nox made his way toward the changing area.

He had transmigrated into this body a week ago. His predecessor, a Body Mender with high aspirations, had aimed to open his own business and took out a substantial loan to make it happen. However, after receiving no customers, the venture proved unsuccessful. Soon after, debt collectors began knocking on his door daily, relentlessly demanding repayment.

Faced with mounting pressure, no source of income, and a staggering debt looming over him, the predecessor's mental state deteriorated until he ultimately succumbed, allowing Nox to take over this body.

"Body Mender, my ass!" Nox scoffed, letting out a derisive snort. "isn't this the work that masseurs do?"

In this world, genetic research had advanced to such a level that humans could overcome the boundaries of mortality and become superhuman. Although it seemed like a dream come true, it came with a price. Increasing one's strength through gene technology places immense stress on the body. Thus, the profession of Body Menders emerged, individuals who used various massage techniques, medicines, and treatments to alleviate the physical strain endured by superhumans.

Shaking his head, Nox grabbed his work attire and began changing. Regardless of his reservations, he needed to pay off the debt, and working as a Body Mender was his only viable option, at least until he found a better alternative.

After changing when Nox walked outside he was surprised to see that someone was already sitting in the room.

The one sitting in the room is a female, She had long, jet-black hair that cascaded down her back in soft waves, contrasting sharply against her pale skin. Her eyes, brown in color. She wore a tight-fitting outfit that clung to an hourglass figure like a second skin.

Nox couldn't help but steal a glance at her ample bosom, his gaze lingering on her D-cup assets for a moment before he retracted it.

"You are…?" Nox kept a straight face and asked.

"Are you the new Body Mender, Gok was talking about?" The woman did not answer him but checked him from top to bottom.

At the mention of his boss's name, Nox straightened up instinctively. If this woman knew Gok, he needed to be on his best behavior. "Yes, ma'am. I'm Nox, ready to provide my services." He gave a slight nod, his voice professional.

"Hmm, Nox?" She arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, her full lips curving into a faint smile. "Alright, Nox. Have a seat right here." She patted the empty space beside her on the plush sofa.

"Yes, ma'am." Nox nodded and took a seat, his mind racing. If she were here for a body mending service, why the strange procedure?

As if sensing his unvoiced questions, the woman leaned back against the sofa, her arms folding beneath her ample bosom, accentuating her curves in a way that made it hard for Nox to tear his gaze away. "Gok briefed you on the rules, didn't he?" Her voice was low, almost a purr.

"Yes, Customer is the king. As a qualified Body Mender you should respect and fulfill their every wish…" Nox blinked and recited what Gok had told him before leaving but he had a nagging feeling that something was wrong with the situation.

The woman's smile widened, her eyes glinting with an inscrutable light. "Indeed," she purred, "but there's another rule here..."

Before Nox could react, she moved closer, her lithe form pressing against his as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him into an embrace. Her curves molded against him, the heat of her body searing through the thin fabric of their clothing.

"What happens inside these four walls doesn't go beyond them," she breathed, her lips tantalizingly close to his ear. "Understood?"

Feeling her hot breath in his ear and the softness of her body pressed against his, Nox's mind went blank.

'I signed up to be a Body Mender... But no one mentioned this kind of perk came with the job...'

'...This is incredible!'

Hey guys, Author Here!

I am writing after a few months, 3 months to be exact. Various things happened but here I am now, As I want to continue writing this book.

Though the old readers(if there are any remaining), I am revamping the whole book. In previous version, I made a lots and lots of mistake so I decided to write new version.

But don't worry, You would get plenty of lemons.

If you like this chapter, Please give more powerstones, As It would motivate me to write faster.

Plottergeistcreators' thoughts