
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
93 Chs

10) Changes

The potion was successful in both the Cat as well as Rat.

Their muscle mass became more and they became more faster.

I had told mother about it as it would be strange if I suddenly came home with increased muscles.

She was not fine with this but couldn't say anything as she herself was on musculature potions.

Besides I had just told her that this was a modified Musculature Potion.

She had reluctantly agreed but said to me about being careful with that.

I had decided to try it inside the abandoned cloth factory and had set up wards which prevented anyone from hearing or seeing me there.

So here I was, holding a goblet of Potion in my right hand and looking at it.

The Rat and Cat had screamed and trashed around which indicated that the process was painful.

But then again no pain no gain

I had already applied silencing charms and notice me not charms around the place.

Here it goes I thought and drank it in a gulp. The potion was nasty but then again most of the potions are nasty.

I waited for a moment and nothing happened, as I was thinking that the Potion didn't work suddenly the pain hit.

It was on the level on a Cruciatos curse I felt like every nerve of my body was burning and every area of my body was being ripped apart.

The pain was so much that it was difficult to concentrate.

I didn't utter a word but there were tears in my eyes from the pain alone.

After five minutes of this torture the pain slowly stopped.

My body was covered with sweat completely and tears were streaming slowly due to the pain.

Call it stubbornness but I didn't scream during the whole procedure.

I tried to get up but I couldn't, I felt like that my co-ordination was jumbled completely.

After five minutes of laying on the ground and when I felt like I could control myself nicely I tried to stand up.

I looked down at my body, the skinny arms were now filled with muscles but not too much.

My chest had broadened slightly, wait do I see abs in my stomach. Yes, apparently the Potion gave me abs.

I went to the mirror which I had placed in the room from earlier to see the changes.

When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but conclude that the potion was absolutely wonderful.

My height seemed to be increased by 2 inches. My shoulders and thighs were well toned with muscles.

My body was now like that of what we call that of a Greek God type.

I couldn't help but wonder that this Potion just gave me the physique for which people exercised for months and years.

Hah, I let the magic flow in my body and couldn't help but wonder that it felt more powerful than before.

Well time to give my enhancements a test and I started to punch and kicks in the air.

They were more faster than before and I could coordinate perfectly, I still hadn't checked about the reflexes but I could always test them later.

I opened the buttons and took a peek at little Severus, the Potion affected him too from the sight.

I grinned afterall it was just a blessing of God.

Well, I looked at the list which mother had given me to buy some groceries.

I couldn't refuse as she had thrusted the list in my hands while she decided to do a makeover of the house.

I vanished the goblet and mirror which I had conjured.

I could feel the increased power behind my spells.

Increased power was good and all but it won't make a difference if you are not skilled enough to wield it.

Magical skill was necessary which was the main reason Dumbledore and Voldemort were so feared as they possessed the skill to wield that immense magical power which they had.

Even with his Yew wand Lord Voldemort was able to go toe to toe with Dumbledore due to the skills he had developed.

I walked out of the factory and started to go towards the Grocery stores.

On the way, I didn't see many people as Spinners End was not much populated anymore due to the closing of the Factory which provided employment to most of the people in the area.

I walked to a Grocery shop and had just finished shopping and was looking for the peanut butter which was kept on a high shelf when suddenly I felt a person behind me.

"Could you please pass the peanut butter" she asked me and I stiffened slightly as I recognized the voice from Severus memories.

"Here Mrs Evans" I said holding the Peanut Butter and turning towards her.

She was surprised as I had recognized her and she looked at me for a second.

"Severus, How are you?" she asked me surprised.

I just nodded and replied wondering how did she recognised me "I am fine Mrs Evans, how did"

"recognise you" she asked with a knowing look.

"It was not difficult with the voice and your eyes. Besides I had known you since childhood you foolish boy" she scolded me lightly.

It was true as she had known Severus since he and Lily became friends. It was just that in recent two years that Severus didn't visited Lily's home often as their friendship was getting pushed apart due to their houses bias towards each other.

I gave her a embarrassed nod, she was still kind as ever.

When his father was in home, Severus spent most of his time outside and Severus was always welcomed by Mrs Evans so I too was kind to her as Old Severus had no ill feelings towards her instead he adored her for the kindness she had shown to him.

"Now tell me what is going with you young man. Lily says that you both are no more friends. What idiocy you both got on now" she asked me crossing her arms.

"Well it will take much time, are you free for now" I asked with a half smile to her.

Well if she wanted to know then I will surely tell her everything impartially afterall her opinion will be upto her.

"Oh I am even Petunia came here today with me as she was free too" She said and pointed her hand towards the counter where Petunia was looking at both of us with a curious gaze.

"Well then How about both of you having some tea after shopping with me" I said kindly to her.

She smiled and nodded. I started helping her in shopping as my shopping was already finished.

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