
Transmigrated Into a Parallel World.

In the world of Witrotean, where life and death were like air and water, where races like elves, vampires, and beasts roamed, where you could achieve any beauty, wealth, and desire as long as you had the power to get it, Rick was reincarnated in this perilous yet enchanting world after another human not quite different from him, reincarnated a thousand years ago. A certain race of people in this universe proudly called themselves wizards, while other races went by different names, but were still similarly doing great things. A handful of these people were almost godlike because of their overwhelming power and magic. They possess power strong enough to shatter islands with a flick or perhaps reverse time itself. In his previous life, Rick never had any fulfilling desires, his life was nothing more than average, and his desire was just to have a peaceful life. In the end, dying a simple yet plain death, he finds himself in a totally new world for reasons that only fate knows and destiny understands. (PS: This excerpt wasn't exactly as it's written in the story) Waking up into this world, the first thought that Rick had was, "Oh! Sh*t! I'm in that novel?" Yup, he was reincarnated in a random fantasy novel. A novel that told the story of myths and legends, the same as Witrotean. And the second thought that came to his mind was.  "No! It can't be... I am…Verlice?" Yup, he was reincarnated into the main character. Though it wasn't just any main character who gets all the beauties or has thousands of cheats… He was your MC that struggled to get where he reached... and the worst part? Heh... he died in the end. "Everything is already complicated…. but that stupid inevitable fate... " Rick lamented in tears over this thought, but a few seconds later he joked bitterly. "Maybe I should just die?" [NO!] A female voice resolved inside his head. "And why should I not do that?" He questioned without putting much of a thought into that voice [You obtained this system to avert the likelihood of that happening] "Is that so? That's nic- Wait! Who am I talking to?" Welcome to the journey of Rick, the guy who butchered the vampires, fought against the beasts, challenged the dragons, and took even the most impossible paths to avoid the fate that destiny had in store for him.

Zenick · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

CHAPTER (10): Creston Academy.

The ride there was very long. Almost everyone on the train was already asleep when they arrived at the first stop, including Verlice.

Verlice decided to rest his head on the armrest of his seat after holding onto it to quite an extent. What he didn't know was that he was going to fall asleep.

When the train stopped for the first time after two hours, Verlice was awakened by the sounds of people getting on and off.

'Wait, did I just take a nap on this speedy train? What if my seat belt accidentally came undone? I would have fallen off my seat, or worse, crashed through the glass. Thank god none of that was the case,' Verlice let out subconsciously.

Surprisingly, even though Verlice was asleep on the fast train, he was somehow still able to enjoy his sleep.

[You just assume things. None of that is possible unless you jinxed yourself, of course], Lera commented.

After a brief stop to get on and off, the train returned to the tracks.

This time it was traveling at a breakneck speed. The train wasn't so fast the first time it took off.

'The train is even faster now, oh my God. I'd have vomited gallons of junk if I had gotten the slightest motion sickness,' Verlice thought, clutching the seat he was holding onto tighter than ever.

[You want to know why the train is faster, don't you?]

'I already know. The fewer people there are, the lighter the train gets, so it goes correspondingly faster. I'm right, that's the answer, isn't it?' Verlice subconsciously responded with a smile.

['Well, in a way you're right, but not entirely. The main reason the train becomes very fast is because of the reduced magical potency, which depletes the energy of the Beast crystals that the train uses to power up]

'I understand, but I'm still right, regardless. That's to say, most people on this train are Wizards/Mages?'

[Yes. Just so you know, not only Mages use magic. Other races equally use magic as well, though differently]

'This world is more complicated than I thought. There are still a lot of things to get adapted to,' Verlice said subconsciously.

The next stop was after an hour. Some people got on and off before the train went off again.

"This is our last stop. The train won't stop again until it reaches the perimeters of Creston Academy." The same monotone voice announced.

That was when Verlice noticed something. Looking around the seats of the train, he was surprised to find out that almost all the passengers had left.

The few people that were still on the train were just teenagers like him. They must be heading to Creston Academy.

"Woah, when did all those people leave? I didn't know the train was so empty," Verlice muttered in amazement.

[They left when you were roaming in your thoughts. The few that are left are only teenagers on their way to Creston Academy]

'I see,' Verlice muttered.

The journey to Creston Academy took quite a while. Verlice had to sleep, wake up, and go back to sleep several times before they finally arrived.

"Finally, we have arrived at the outer walls of Creston Academy. Everyone can get off now," A monotone voice of a female announced through the speaker.

''We are here at last, how nice,'' Verlice murmured before rising from his seat and walking to the exit door.

Other passengers correspondingly rose from their seats and walked to the exit of the train.

Because of the crowd at the exit door, it took Verlice quite a while to get off the train, but he ultimately made it.

As soon as he stepped off the train, he was mesmerized by the magnificent sight of the buildings around.

The voice of the train's loudspeaker had lied, claiming they were right outside the walls of Creston Academy, while in truth, the train stopped at the entrance to the town leading to Creston Academy.

If the hotel he had woken up in was described as simply beautiful, this place was great.

He was just outside the school walls, what would it be like when he finally entered Creston Academy? He was pretty sure the inside of the school would look more magnificent than the outside there.

By the way, where is Creston academy? Creston academy is nowhere to be found around there. It was nowhere near that place.

While he was still admiring the magnificent buildings around the place, the students who had come with him on the train were already on their way.

[Don't you want to follow the others? Alright, I get it now. You just came here for sightseeing]

At that moment, Verlice was jolted back to reality. Looking around, he realized that the students who had gotten off the train with him were no longer near him. Instead, they had moved quite a distance away from him.

He was lucky the place wasn't crowded, or he probably would have really lost them.

'Damn, I don't know my way around here at all. I should probably catch up with them now,' Verlice thought before hurrying towards the students.

It didn't take long for him to catch up with them. Soon he found himself walking among the students. The students were about 20 or so, so they weren't that many.

Just like typical travelers, most of them carried back-bags on their backs, conceivably containing their belongings.

Most of the students knew each other already, so they were chatting and laughing their heads off as they walked.

Verlice wasn't interested in any form of conversation, so he just shut up and kept following them.

Anyway, even as he walked alone, he still managed to make out some important parts of what the students were discussing.

"I heard that Creson Academy is one of the fastest in issuing permanent licenses. I only have a provisional license with me here and it expires next year, so I need a permanent one. If I finish a year there and still don't get a permanent license, I'll transfer to Four Flying Stars academy." A blond-haired boy said confidently.

"Are you serious, huh? The Four Flying Stars Academy? You're not even one of the top 20 young mages in Azuche city, so how do you intend to make that happen? I'm pretty sure you haven't mastered all your abilities, or am I wrong?" Said another blond-haired guy mockingly.

"I'm not in the same class as you, sure. And just so you know, I don't really have to be one of the top 20 young mages in Azuche city or master my ability well enough to enter Four Flying Stars academy."

"Okay, buddy, have it your way. We're not arguing."

'Four Flying Stars academy,' Verlice repeated.

['This is the best mage school in this world. It's not like other magic schools that take in almost everyone that practices magic. Four Flying Stars academy only takes in the best of the best]

'I see, I'd like to be there someday,' Verlice muttered with a smile.

[Yeah, someday, you would make it there]