
Transmigrated into 'Rebirth of the urban immortal cultivator'-Fanfic

A reader of 'rebirth of the urban immortal cultivator' suddenly dies and is Transmigrated there.

HuaXia · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Chen Fan POV pt1

'It was the day of the auction I was invited to by the Wei family and I am only here because I heard there would be magic equipment, let's hope earth has some decent magic equipment although I don't have many expectations.'

Suddenly as I was about to head in I hear someone shout "Hey it's you!"

I turn and narrows my eyes and asks "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Feilong and I was also invited by the Wei family." he replied

"How do you know I was invited by the Wei family?" I ask curiously but with my guard up as this could be someone with bad intentions.

"It's because of your cultivation level." he simply replied.

"You can tell what my cultivation level is?" I asked.

"Ha~ I'm much stronger than you so of course, I can tell, like what could a middle stage of foundation establishment do to me." he replied nonchalantly.

"How do you know the levels of the upper worlds!" I replied preparing to attack in case he was a possible threat.

"Hahaha~ no need to fight, is there?" he laughed before replying in a serious tone.

"I guess your right as this is not the place to fight and since you have not provoked me there is no need for a fight. However, I will leave first" I reply as I walk into the auction as I need to leave as fast as possible and think of how he knows of the upper world cultivation levels.

-A couple of minutes later-

I was in an argument with the manager and a guy called Chu Menghui who seemed to have been harassing Xu Rongfei one of the only people who had looked after me in my previous life!

However, before I left the Wei girl came in and interrupted us to which she defended me but what surprised me more was when Chu Menghui claimed Xu Rongfei was his girlfriend.

"Who do you think you are to casually claim any women your girlfriend!" I shout

"And who are y-" He replied before falling to the floor from what seemed to be a soul suppression technique!

"You think you can question me!" Feilong shouted as everyone's attention was drawn towards him.

"Feilong can you forgive him, he does not know who you are?" Ziqing said with concerned eyes seeing Chu Menhui like that.

"For you, and out of consideration for my master's relationship with your grandfather." Feilong replied as he walked closer to Chu Menghui.

he leans across to his ear and whisper "If, you dare to act high and might in front of me again, I promise you now that your end will not be painless." Which I could barely pick up. A few moments after he said "Let's go have a look at what we are here for no?" directed to Wei Ziqing

O...of course." She said as she turned around and began to walk with a slight blush.

he then walked next to me in which I got curious as to how he knew such a technique and wishes to continue our conversation from earlier, to which I asked "What sect are you from?"

"Hahaha~ I knew you would ask this but sorry no answer. However, our sect master is a profound immortal." Feilong replied making me stop in my tracks.

'A-a profound immortal! Why would a disciple of a sect that has a profound immortal as their patriarch be on earth. Not only that a profound immortal is what I was at the peak of my life and I had not heard of anyone reaching that level as even my master was below that at the Dao reunion level! I need to find out more some way but I would need to get closer to him, I guess I can think about it later.'

I then continued as we were lead through the auction and stopped before the glowing ball.

"Don't tell me this is the magic equipment?!" Feilong said with a disappointed look on his face which received shocked looks from Ziqing and the manager while I was indifferent knowing full well what he meant.

"What do you mean?" Ziqing asked Feilong.

"This is merely a bead that collected some aura and attracts people's mind." he replied.

Before the manager could get involved he waved his hand as he dispersed the lingering aura of the bead getting a gasp from them in shock as they realised the truth of the bead. "Seems you are talented just as your master said." was Ziqing's response to this.

"Too bad there is no magic equipment here and I will have to forge it myself." I said as I began to look around.

"Magic forging?!" The manager and Ziqing both said in unison.

"Not so quick Chen Fan, wait I'm just going to call you Chen now as it's annoying saying your full name over and over but look at the jade over there." Feilong said making me look over to the piece of jade that rested on a cloth.

'This would be great to build some magic equipment.'

"How much for this?" I immediately responded.

"Uhhh, take it as a gift for the trouble today." Ziqing replied.

"Then you have my thanks, this will be used to make real magic equipment but I will take my leave now, call me or visit me if you need anything." I said as I quickly left to go and forge.

-A few days later-

"Hey how are you doing?" greeted Feilong as he entered the car.

"You again, did the Wei family call you here?" I replied.

"Why of course I have shown my skills to them as well as yourself." he replied putting his finger on his chin.

"I guess that's true but can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Go ahead." he replied.

"What's your cultivation level currently?" I questioned.

"Hmmm, if we are going to put it the upper cultivation levels that peak stage of qi refinement and I may break through to connate being anytime now." he replied with a satisfied smile.

"What! Cough, I'm surprised you could reach that level at your age on earth of all places." I said breaking my usual demeanour at the shocking news.

"Haha~ you praise me too much, however, let's end this here as we have arrived." he said as he opened the door on his side and got out.

-End of appraising-

Despite my thoughts, this was a rather fruitful day since I will not be provided with jade and will get some money out of this too although that's nothing in comparison to the jade and information on the ghost cultivator.

-The birthday party-

Why is he here? Did he get to know Xu Rongfei in some way but how.

I go up to Jiang Churan and ask her "Why is he here?" while pointing at Feilong.

"He transferred to our school yesterday and we got quite close with him that night." She replied which shocked me.

'Did he transfer to find me or is it just coincidence?'

The night continued and Xu Ao entered the party shocking many who were there along with when he came to find me and asked me a few questions to which we continued to party but later on in the night.

A conversation about who Master Chen was started and Mengmeng said that she would marry him. Feilong then interrupted and said "I know master Chen."

This got everyone to look at him but then they all become quiet while Xu Ao asked "And you are?"

"I am Feilong." he announced proudly which got Chu Menghui to have fear covered over his face because what happened last time would most likely be exposed.

"I have never heard of you so how have you met master Chen?" Xu Ao asked Feilong.

"You can call the Wei family or the auction head to know who I am or even ask anyone here. I would suggest asking Chu Menghui though." he simply replied with a smile plastered on his face seeing Chu Menghui's face.

Xu Ao turned to Chu Menghui for answers to only see his face and how he was sweating profusely however, he still asked, "Who is he?"

"H...He i...is a martial master!" He replied with his voice slightly higher to how it usually was showing how nervous he was.

"A master at your age as If we are to believe that!" Master Gu shouted in surprise at the news he heard.

"Have you not heard of Fenghuang?" Feilong replied with his own question.

This got master Gu to be quiet however, Xu Ao then turned to him and asked "Who is Fenghuang?"

"Sir Fenghuang is the mysterious master who is said to be above the earth immortal stage and is the one who had been selling the beauty pills and recently a rumour that he will be selling pills that increase qi. You most likely did not hear of this as all these pills were sold by Wei Zhang and were only popular in Chuzhou but the qi pill rumour stirred the martial community." Master Gu replied.

"What validation proves you are his disciple?" Asked Xu Ao.

"I can call Wei Zhang or the Wei family to prove this." Feilong retaliated. Continuing with "Everyone here besides Aunt Xu and your group has seen some of my skills."

"Haha~ in that case, I won't doubt you, come next to me." He replied gesturing to where Chu Menghui was sitting as he stared at Chu Menghui to move.

"That's fine by me pick me up at 10am." Feilong replied as he moved over and sat down, continuing to say "Now let's continue the party as it's not about me or you but about Xu Rongfei."

"Your right, your right, let's continue." Xu Ao added.

I then left the party not long after as I did not need to be here any longer and had things to do anyway.

-Yangui lake-

I had been picked up by Xu Ao's driver and had arrived at a bridge where I saw Master Gu, Xu Ao and Feilong standing together.

"Uncle Xu, why did you wish to see me?" I said as I walked closer to them.

"Look over there what can you see? Xu Ao replied as he continued to stare into the distance.

"The vast Yangui lake." I simply replied.

"Yes, vast and boundless making people feel small. Yet it is a small lake in all of china." He replied looking at me.

"What do you mean uncle Xu?" I questioned.

"It's just like you outstanding in Chuzhou but negligible as dust in all of China." He replied with cold eyes. He continued to say "I've made it clear, stay away from Feifei, you're not qualified to marry her."

"What type of person is qualified?" I asked.

"Someone with background and capabilities." He responded and continued to say "I think you are neither along with the arrogance that blinds you."

"But I have every reason to be arrogant." I replied.

"What because of your martial arts or family. My influence is beyond your imagination." Xu Ao stated.

"But they can easily be destroyed, uncle Xu." I replied.

"Easily destroyed? You are too naive. Come back to me when you figure it out." He replied as he gestured for his guards to escort me out.

'Little do you know that the whole earth is as little as a grain of rice in my eyes and can easily be destroyed.'

"Wait, Uncle Xu. Let him watch the spar it will be educational." Feilong intervened.

"hmmmm...." Xu Ao pondered for a few moments.

"Chen Fan come sit here." Feilong said before Xu Ao could answer I accepted and took a seat on the bench.

"Ok go over there, we set up an arena." Xu Ao said pointing to a platform beside us.

Feilong walked over to see master Gu already prepared to fight.

"Master Gu, please enlighten me." he replied as a small smirk formed on his face after they bowed to one another.

"Ready, FIGHT!" One of Xu Ao's bodyguards announced as master Gu leapt towards Feilong.

Feilong narrowly dodges the punch which I could not even see making me slightly suprised.

All I saw next was him hit master Gu in the back sending him flying off the arena and hitting a few trees on the opposite side of the lake.

"Is that it?" Feilong asked turning to Xu Ao.

"Simply brilliant!" Xu Ao shouted in surprise as he stood up from where he sat.

"You speak too kindly uncle Xu, I simply used a little physical force." Feilong replied.

"Hahahah~ Chen Fan this is someone with both capabilities and background!" Xu Ao said turning to me.

"Chen Fan, I hope we can spar one day." Feilong said with a wink as I walked away.

'I hope I do not need to spar a monster, although I know I was a genius however, that is simply too much.'

-The martial tournament-

I went to Qingyang and had been given a guide to show me around in which while strolling I stopped Xu Ao and Feilong with a few other people.

"What are you doing here?" Xu Ao asked me.

"Hello, uncle Xu." I responded.

"Don't wander off and meet me in Qingyang hotel tonight." he responded coldly before setting off.

As they walked off Feilong shouted to Xu Ao "Uncle Xu I'm going to stay with Chen Fan for a while and then meet up with you."

"That's fine but make sure you arrive on time though." He replied as he continued to walk away.

"Chen Fan quite lucky with girls aren't you." Feilong responded with a little chuckle.

"She is merely a guide." I coldly responded.

"Come on no need to be so cold as we will both be competing in the tournament, no?" he asked.

"I have no intention to unless someone does not repay their debt." I responded.

"You know master Xu Ao?" Xiu said.

"Do you know Xu Ao?" I asked Xiu.

"Many of my acquaintances risk their lives for him." She responded putting her hand on her heart.

"Well, we should head over to the fight right?" Feilong asked.

"Yea let's head over as the first fight should be starting soon." Xiu replied leading the way as we followed.

As we arrived Xiu said, "Quick the fight is about to start lets head in quickly."

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