
Transmigrated as Fat young missy

Mo Ran, an extremely talented and gorgeous Army doctor, found herself transmigrated into the body of a 130 kilos unfavoured young daughter of Qin family, Qin Yan. Originally with powerful medical and martial arts skills, Mo Ran faced great difficulty dealing with heavy body of Qin Yan. She vowed to loose weight and restore her original appearance. No matter how difficult it was, she was determined. Her vicious mother and white lotus sister stood shocked seeing the changes in Qin Yan but the faceslapping had just begun. Her plans were perfect but a little bun suddenly intervened.. "I like Sister Yan. Dad, I want to live with Sister Yan." The CEO of Xi Corporation, the richest business magnate in the country said, "We both Father and son like you. Come home with us." FL : Strong and determined. ML : Crafty and shrewd.

_Shining_Soul_001 · สมัยใหม่
628 Chs

My boss wants to meet you!

"I learned some first aid," Qin Yan said while walking forward.

Qiao Qing was really jealous now. She felt like Qin Yan was a real all-rounder. There maybe very few things that she didn't know. Qiao Qing found it admirable. Qin Yan's personality had always motivated her. Now seeing Qin Yan, she was also inspired to learn more things.

The two walked for a while but now that so many things had happened, their shopping mood was ruined.

Qiao Qing held Qin Yan's hand lightly and leaned over her, "Yan Yan, I don't want to shop anymore. I am tired now!"

Qin Yan nodded while patting her friend's shoulder, "Okay, let's go back," with this she took out the 500 yuan shopping voucher that she had won, "Here..take this. You can redeem it in this week anytime!"