
I don't believe in coincidences

Qin Yan woke up and tidied up her quilt. She then freshened up and went for a run. Today she ran for two extra rounds after which she got ready wearing casual clothes.

Since it was weekend today, she did not need to go to school. The school did organize self study batches but Qin Yan did not attend them as she was already ahead in her studies.

She then fried an egg and warmed some milk for breakfast. She sat on the dining table and browsed the news while have her breakfast.

She had this habit from the very beginning. Waking up, morning exercise, freshening up and then having breakfast while browsing the news. It was her daily routine.

These days she had immense peace as she did not have to face the hypocritical Qin family and living alone was already her cup of tea.

Also today she was exceptionally happy. The reason was none other than it was weekend and she could have her favourite cookies.
