
Transmigrated as a pet of suppose to be powerful character on the book

Sei Quixan is a michievous person and has always been at the top of food chain. Unfortunately, he died because of his own mischief and has been bound by the pet system. He had to become a pet of someone else and make them very famous and have them leave their names in history. Sei Quixan: I don't want to be a pet System 66( smirking) : You are a sinner Sei Quixan ( trembling): So what do I do? System 66: Just be a good pet Sei Quixan: Yes yes I will

SeannLied · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3 :  Sei is the name of my lovely beast

  When Morie is washing up in the bathroom. He couldn't stop thinking of cute names that he will give his summon beast.

   His beast is what they call celestial snake. It's a snake with special skills and specialized magic. The mark that appeared on the beast and its summoner symbolize their connection and companionship. The beast will be able to assist the summoner with its magic.

  The mark also has its other identification. When the sysmbol of sun appeared on the celestial snake it means it uses light magic and has skills of strenght,  firmness and power. The symbol of star means space magic and has skills of path and astronomy. And the symbol of moon means shadow magic while it's skill is beauty, calmness and nurturing.

  Since his celestial snake has the mark of the moon it's magic will naturally be shadow magic and it's skill was already seen by it's appearance and temperance.

  Morie can't stop smiling foolishy while clothing himself. He turn the doorknob of the bathroom and unexpectedly came upon the scene where his summon beast has a look of shock. It got startled by his action and unintentionally spoke to him through mental communication.

  "He is a boy who loves cute things" It's voice has the tone of disbelief.

  He couldn't help but get panic, he didn't expect his summon beast to found out about his hobby. But at the same time he was happy because the tone of the voice only contain disbelief not disgust.

  Sei Quixan found out that his future master has a foolish look on his face when he look at him. He clearly exposed his hobby but instead of being ashamed it even looks like he was excited to find a companion whom he can share his hobby with. Thinking back at the time when he was summon,  he heard that his master is an aloof guy with terrible social skills.

  "Is it bad that I like cute things?" Morie ask with his usual cold voice but if you look at his eyes you'll find out that he was very nervous right now. He was clearly nervous but his demeanor of being aloof guy didn't collapse even in front his summon beast.

  "No, the word cute is only one of the ways to appreciate beautiful things hiss~" Sei Quixan responded through mental communication. His voice was slippery but it was very elegant like a noble man.

  Morie's eyes that was nervous a while ago was now replace with admiration, gratitude and doting look. He was very moved so he took a magic crystal from his drawer and give it to his summon beast as a reward.

  Sei Quixan look at Morie whose eyes had a doting look like an old mother looking at his beautiful child. He was so embarrassed that he felt very guilty looking at this foolish child. He was cleary thinking on making him his slave but now he can't even think about it because he might be worship as a god if he train this guy to just obey his command. While he was having an embarrassing repentance on his mind a magic crystal suddenly appeared on his line of sight. He was stunned for a while before snapping on his thoughts and look back at Morie whose eyes is clearly saying that 'This is a reward'.

  "A reward for me?hiss~ what for?hiss~" Sei Quixan asked with his noble voice throught mental communication.

  "It was greeting gift from me By the way my name is Morie,  14 years old,  second year student. Do you have your own name or should I name you?" Morie asked dodging the word reward with a very classic word gift as an excuse. He also has the look of anticipation waiting for him to say that he has no name.

  Sei Quixan somehow felt sorry for him because his name was already decided but he also has a look mischievousness,  thinking of teasing him for a while. He accepted the magic crystal while purposely not answering his questions. He bite onto the magic crystal gracefully like it was a high class cuisine while ignoring the anticipated look of the foolish boy beside him. When he is already done consuming the magic crystal,  Morie has a crazy look of wanting to speak but can't speak. Sei Quixan wanted to laugh thinking that he didn't tease the child but giving him scumbag lines. When Morie was about to speak,  Sei Quixan voice sounded to his head.

  "Sei,  my name is Sei hiss~ my future partner Morie master"  Sei voice was very elegant with the tone of teasing at the end of it. But Morie wasn't in any state to speak back beacause his head is full of his beast name.

   Morie's head was full of 'Sei was the name of my lovely beast....'