
Chapter 25

“And then I’d add a big ‘Who cares?’, Skater Boy.” No shoes, no shirt, no pants, no shame, Milo wore neon orange boxer briefs he’d tied a short blue apron over. “Just because I’ve never gone pro on a frat dude site like Mrs. Thor, that don’t mean I’m prudish. Nudity is beautiful. Even you said you don’t care if Flower watches us fuck.”

“You said that?” Erika asked.

“Not to be put on blast.” Tom Alan turned bright red.

“Deny the picture was your idea, love. Go ahead. Lie. The one of me licking your bum.”

“I’ll agree to just about anything when you do that. But can we please change the subject before Jesse comes down?”

“Yes. Here’s a topic.” Erika took a breath. “Jesse…” She picked at her breakfast as she deliberated how to broach the topic without breaking confidences. “Was there ever a time, even when you were younger—especially when you were younger…” The way they were staring wasn’t helping. “Okay. At what age did you first know you were attracted to men?”