
Traitor - watching Toni Starks life

Natasha_Ward_8269 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

The beginning

Loki could not believe what has happened to the avengers the humans that defeated him when he was mind-controlled by Thanos. It's been 2 months since they split up because of the Civil war between Toni and Steve. Team Cap has all been pardoned 2 weeks ago and everyone lives in the avengers compound. Everyone is separated if someone sees someone from the other team they ignore them or just walk away. The only 2 people that seem to talk from both teams are vision and Wanda.

It has been 2 weeks since Toni Stark woke up from her month coma that Steve Rogers And Bucky Barnes put her in after they finished beating her up in Siberia. It has also been a month since thor Loki and bruce arrived at the compound at started to live with the avengers. The only people that know about the coma were Pepper, Paxton, Rhodey, Doctor strange, Fury and obviously Toni.

Since Toni realised from the hospital she was able to get the avengers pardoned. She was also able to get Ross arrested. With the avengers being pardoned she had been making deals left and right. Team cap came back bitter and angry. They all hated Toni they believed it was her fault and she wanted the accords. Nobody saw Toni she was always in the lab. Rhodey constantly sat in the lab with her to keep her company and to make sure she was well.

When she was dragged out of her near-death in Siberia the doctors found that she has been neglecting her health for 9 years (since she was 20). Her body was deprived of the nutrients she needed and was sleep deprived from all the countless days of being awake. She was underweight for a 29-year-old. It hadn't helped the stress Steve and his team put on her then the fight in Siberia. Since discharge Rhodey has kept an eye on her just to make sure she doesn't get worse.

But Toni was still staying awake for 4 days in a row and just drinking coffee or alcohol. she would then sleep for about 4 hours and then repeat. Nobody knew what she was working on as nobody bothered to ask. If they did ask she probably never tell them as she no longer trusted anyone besides Rhodey, Happy, Pepper, Paxton her fiancé and her adopted son peter. Tonis' trust was constantly broken first by Obadiah Stane, then Natasha Romanoff but she redeemed herself, Then her whole team blamed her for Ultron but then she trusted again and now she has been backstabbed by steve, clint, Wanda, sam and Natasha again. She even had Scott hate her with Bucky. She no longer knew who to trust. The only person she trusted was Rhodey, pepper, Happy, and Paxton as they have always been there for her falls and rises and always came back. Her wall she started to break down with team has built themselves up back up quickly.

Loki hated it he hated seeing this once arrogant woman into a shell of her old self and now using her ego and sarcasm and self-defense and inside she was broken. He hated seeing how a group of people could hate someone who had no choice and did everything to give them their freedom after almost killing her. But she would not tell them as Toni thought they would never believe her.

Loki had met with doctor strange to make a plan. a plan to hopeful rebuild this team they both knew what was coming and that the Avengers should beat him as one but not when there fighting like this. They called Fury, agent Hill, Paxton and Pepper Potts, Happy, and all the people living in the compound to come to the living room. After about 20 minutes almost everybody he called had arrived the only person not to be there was Toni. "Why did you call us here you two," Fury asked the God of mischief and wizard. But they ignored nick and started to walk to Toni's lab everybody followed him. As they arrived Team Cap rolled their eyes at where they were.

They walked in a were instantly met with "highway to hell" blasting through speakers. They could see Toni walk around her lab not paying attention to anything. She was muttering to herself and was building some machine but no one could tell what it was. You could obviously see how skinny she had gotten as she was now having to use a belt to hold her trouse on. There were over 30 mugs in one of the corners of the room they were all empty. She had a black blazer on with a white shirt underneath. the arms were rolled up to her elbows. she was also wearing red high heels. "FRIDAY" Loki talked to the new Ai. "Turn off the music," he commanded.

FRIDAY listens and instantly switched off the music. This got the Billionares attention. she turned around to face the group and rolled her eyes at the team cap.

"What going on why are you in my lab i am very busy so make this quick," Toni spoke. Paxton walked over to his girlfriend and walked behind her and pulled her into a hug.

"I don't know stark Loki called everyone to the living room but you did not come." Steve bitterly said to Toni. Rhodey just rolled his eyes at him.

Loki began to speak. "I know you two have not been friends since what happed 2 months ago. But you need to become a team again with what's coming." He tried to explain.

"How do we do that when Starks ego is too big and she too arrogant," Wanda asked. Toni just rolled her eyes at the maximoff girl.

"Me and Loki have got Movies about Toni's past and the future." Doctor Strange told everyone in the lab.

"Why do we have to watch the brat's life," Sam asked.

"So you can understand what has happened why it happened and what to do to fix everything," Loki said. Every nodded Toni was worried as they would have to see her past self. Everyone made their way to the living room. On one couch Toni, Paxton, Happy, pepper, Rhodey, and Peter sat. On the couch in the middle sat Fury, Loki, Thor, Bruce, Hill, and strange. Then on the couch far away from Toni sat the rest. once they were all settled Loki used his magic and made the tv light up and the first movie began to play.