
Tragic Orphan Seek Revenge

Orphaned overnight, Lily had to follow her Aunt to the world of unknown, a world of cultivators and political struggles while discovering her family's history, culture and past.

mitsuki88 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter 034 Cultivation

In the garden of Gu Villa, surrounded by the golden gingko and fiery red maple leaves, Lily sat in the lotus position, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind and focus on the task at hand.

"Concentrate, focus. Feel the energy, they are like particles." Fei Ying said gently. "breath and believe, trust in yourself."

With Fei Ying's guidance, she channelled her energy, letting it flow through her body like a gentle current.

As she concentrated, the energy around her seemed to respond to her thoughts, swirling and dancing in harmony. It was a mesmerizing sight, like a delicate dance of light and colour. Lily could feel the tingling sensation of the energy moving towards her core, as if it was eager to be harnessed.

With each passing moment, Lily felt a connection with the world around her, as if she was becoming one with the vibrant garden, the rustling leaves, and the gentle breeze. It was an exhilarating experience, unlike anything she had ever felt before.

Fei Ying watched her with a pleased smile, seeing the progress she was making. "Well done, Lily," he said softly. "You have a natural affinity for cultivation, and your connection with the energy is impressive." In his heart, he was secretly thinking, "indeed she is Yan Yu's daughter, her talent really rivalled her mother."

Encouraged by his words, Lily continued to focus, allowing the energy to flow through her, guiding it with her thoughts and intentions. She felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that she had the ability to harness this energy and use it for her own growth and development.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the garden, Lily opened her eyes. She felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement, knowing that she was just beginning to scratch the surface of her potential.

Fei Ying nodded in approval. "You're making excellent progress," he said. "But remember, cultivation is a lifelong journey. There will be challenges and setbacks along the way. With dedication and perseverance, you will continue to grow stronger."

Lily nodded, her determination unwavering. She knew that the path of cultivation was not an easy one, but she was ready to embrace every obstacle and opportunity that came her way.

And as she looked ahead, she knew that the future held endless possibilities for a young girl who had unlocked her true potential and was now ready to soar to new heights. She is no longer the handicapped in the world of Jiu Hua.

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