
Tragic Orphan Seek Revenge

Orphaned overnight, Lily had to follow her Aunt to the world of unknown, a world of cultivators and political struggles while discovering her family's history, culture and past.

mitsuki88 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter 014 First Time

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold, Lily found herself immersed in the teachings of her wise grandfather. Lily eagerly embraced her new journey of cultivation, determined to unlock the hidden potential within her. With Grandpa Yan's guidance, she delved into the intricacies of the cultivation process.

Grandpa Yan explained the four stages of cultivation: Mortal, Earth, Heaven, and Immortal. Each stage represented a higher level of power and mastery over the spiritual energy that flowed through the world. Lily listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder, as Grandpa Yan revealed the immense challenges and rewards that lay ahead.

Her admiration for her grandfather grew as he revealed that he had reached level 8, a remarkable achievement in itself. Lily couldn't help but ask, her voice filled with excitement, "Does that mean you'll become an immortal soon?"

A gentle smile graced Grandpa Yan's face as he patted Lily's shoulder. "My dear, reaching the level of immortality is an arduous and uncertain path. The higher the level, the more challenging it becomes to make progress. I have been at level 8 for the past ten years, and it requires both enormous amount of resources and an abundance of luck to ascend further."

Lily's eyes widened, realizing the magnitude of the journey that lay before her. The prospect of facing such trials filled her with a mix of determination and trepidation. She understood that cultivation was not a path easily travelled, but her resolve remained unshaken.

With renewed determination, Lily spent the entire morning practicing her cultivation techniques, channelling her energy and focusing her mind. However, despite her unwavering efforts, progress eluded her. It seemed as though she had hit a wall, unable to break through to the next stage.

Frustration clouded Lily's thoughts as doubts crept into her mind. She wondered if she was lacking in some way, if her potential was limited. Grandpa Yan sensed her inner turmoil and approached her, his eyes filled with compassion.

"My dear Lily, do not be disheartened. Cultivation is a journey filled with peaks and valleys. It takes time and perseverance to break through the barriers that lie before us. Sometimes progress is slow, and setbacks are inevitable. What matters is your unwavering determination and the strength of your spirit."

Grandpa Yan's words resonated within Lily's heart, reigniting the flickering flame of hope. She understood that her cultivation journey would not be a smooth ascent, but a series of challenges that would test her resilience. With Grandpa Yan's unwavering support, she vowed to face each obstacle with unwavering determination.

As the day continued, Lily resolved to continue her cultivation practice, trusting that one day, she would overcome the stagnation and ascend to new heights. The path to becoming a powerful cultivator was not an easy one, but with patience, dedication, and the guidance of her wise grandfather, Lily was ready to embrace the challenges that awaited her on her quest for mastery.