
The Match.

Davis's P.O.V ( 2 years later).

'Today is a very big day for me.' I thought in my dressing room.

Oh, I didn't let you know that I'm a wrestler in WWE and I have been one for sixteen years now. Today I am going to fight against the Universal Champion, John Coyde. It was going to be a life-changing and very tough match and I knew it. That's why I'd been practicing so much.

That's what I do for a living, I wrestle. Its what brought food to our table.

I'd fought so many people and came out victorious so I wasn't not scared about this one.

I'm sure Coyde never expected that I'll wrestle him. Reason being that he was the one that helped me to get where I am today. Yes, he sponsored me when I was just a street fighter. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been here. I think he saw the skills in me and thought he could use me to make some more gains for his selfish self and he did.

I know I'm meant to be grateful to him and I am very grateful, but, the hustle's got to continue. Its not like he even helped me in my whole career. He helped me a little and I picked up and helped myself.

I put on my wrestling outfit and wore my USA Championship Belt around my waist, then did all my last touches before I came out.

When I came out, I heard Coyde's entrance song being played and he did his shit and got into the ring. There were some boos. There normally are, but muffled. I really wanted to get the thing I've been wanting for a great part of my life: The Universal Championship Belt.

Then I heard mine playing.

'Its show time!' I said to myself, as I walked through the curtain. Then, I walked through the alley, gesturing and shaking fans and all. At least the applauds and screams that were made when I was entering were loud enough. And that's why I love what I do. I love the fans and the job. They're just so awesome.

And that's exactly what Coyde lacked, that passion just wasn't there. And not just that. He also lacked sense; his egoistic nature made me want to kick his ass... and that's exactly what I was about to do.

Before we started the match, a video was played on the large televisions hung in different parts of the stadium. It was one where Coyde was telling a WWE journalist that: "Just anticipate Monday, alright. That's going to be the day I'll beat that asshole. What's his dumb name again?"

The journalist reminded him and then he continued. "Yeah, Davis Cole. I'm going to beat him up and shove shit down his throat! Then I'm going to show that ungrateful bastard who's boss! Just keep anticipating."

And his dream actually came true, there were so many people that came to watch the match. I could even spot some sharing seats.

But the only part that isn't going to come true for him is the part where he said that he was going to beat me and shove shit through my guts. I'll never allow him to beat me so easily, and even if he did, I'll never allow him shove shit through my guts, as in, which normal human being will allow that?

"And also,"

'Come on, he's not done blabbing yet?' I asked myself as the video continued playing. It was paused before. "If a fucked up street rat like Davis Cole can beat me, I don't think I'm worth being here. I'll end my career." He ended as he slammed the microphone on the ground and walked away.

I heard a lot of boos from the crowd and a faint applause. I think the audience despise him as much as I do.

Then the journalist picked up the microphone and said: "Show him who's boss? Lets see how that goes." Then the televisions went off.

Such a self-absorbed, egoistic bitch! How could he be so dumb taking such a risk and saying it to the whole world? He's just joking with his career and I think I'll help him end it.

I'm sure its because he picked me up and changed my life, as he always sang in my ear. That's why he was so bitter and why he called me a street rat and an ungrateful bastard. God, why did I allow myself get helped by this man?

I was looking at Coyde and he seemed very angry. Why should he still be angry when I'm the one that got insulted.

Finally, the referee collected Coyde's belt from him.

"The Universal Champion, John Coyde," one of the commentators remarked as the referee rose the belt up and there were a lot of screams, a lot louder than before. The referee took my belt also.

"Versus The USA Champion, Davis Cole," he remarked again and the referee declared both our belts. If he won he was going to take both belts with him, but if I won, I was going to take both belts with me. It was as simple as that.

Then the bell was rung indicating the beginning of the match.

It was a very tough one for me and I started getting weak. I didn't normally take any hard drugs before I wrestled and that was probably why Coyde didn't find it difficult to punch me and kick me so easily. Unlike me, he normally took cocaine before he fought.

He pinned me and the referee started counting.

When he reached two, I kicked out. I saw Justin from the crowd and he gave me a thumbs up. I wasn't going to let him down.

I stood up and began fighting with all my strength and commitment. I used all the moves I practiced for the fight on him and he started getting weak.

I don't want to bore you with all the moves I used but sincerely, they were fantastic.

When I gave him an RKO, his body and face got slammed on the floor. He soon stood up and rested on the ropes then I ran and headbutted him and he knelt on the floor. I ended it with the 'Triple A,' my signature move. Then he lay unconscious on the ground.

I took the chance to pin him.

The referee counted, "One... Two..."

I expected John to kick out, but he didn't.

"...Three!" He shouted as the bell was rung for the end of the match.

I couldn't believe it. I just won the Universal Champion, John Coyde. And all I ever wanted was now mine.

"And the winner is, your one and only... Davis Cole." The commentator remarked as the referee rose my hand up and handed both belts over to me. The screams and cheering were so loud.

I rose the belts up and kissed both. I buckled the Universal Championship belt on my waist and hung the USA Championship belt on my shoulder then I got out of the ring and walked through the alley. I was so tired I could faint just then. And the belts were so heavy, I wished I could cast them away but I wasn't going to do such to what I worked very hard for.

When I got backstage, many other wrestlers I was friends with and even some I never talked to, congratulated me. I felt very happy and fulfilled.


Third Person's P.O.V

John Coyde lay on the ground, bruised and unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he stood up from the floor and left the ring. There were so many boos from the crowd. John's eyes were red and he was filled with rage.

When he went backstage, the same journalist that had interviewed him earlier came up to him

"Mr. Coyde, why couldn't you show Davis Cole who 'boss' is in the ring?" she said and gave him the microphone.

"I couldn't fulfill that promise but, now, I promise to you all that I'll make sure that that man never has the chance to beat anyone that way in a ring." He said in a very deep and serious tone.

"But your career in WWE has ended. How do you intend to do that?" She asked and he peered into her eyes in anger. He didn't reply.

"Is that a threat?" She asked as he walked away and flung the microphone.

"Such a bitch," she cursed. "Well, you have all seen it all. John Coyde, the former Universal Champion has been beaten and his career has been ended by Davis Cole. See you on Tuesday night."

John Coyde had been beaten fair and square and his reputation had been stained heavily by Davis. He had no other option than to resign and he knew even if he did, he'll probably just get sacked because, the fans were surely going to ask questions.

He started regretting why he made those promises and why he was so egoistic and rash. The fault was partially his and partially Davis'

He thought, 'How could someone I helped hurt me so badly? Why did he choose to bite the hand that fed him.'

And the kind of character John Coyde had wasn't going to allow Davis go scot-free. He was going to revenge but, there was no way he was going to do that in a ring now. But he was surely going to repay the man that back-stabbed him and stripped him of his job.