
Tragic Immortal

After Losing his family and being cursed with eternal life, he must live on with pain and sorrow. His only hope is to find peace in a life so miserable...

TheM337 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

28 (Vol.3 Finale)

Amidst the darkness of his grief and despair, Alexander's mind was suddenly filled with a voice, a voice that seemed to resonate from the depths of his consciousness, a voice that was both soothing and mysterious.

"Alexander Morwyn, hear my words. I am a deity beyond the boundaries of time and fate, an entity who observes the echoes of existence."

Startled, Alexander looked around, his thoughts searching for the source of the voice. "Who are you?"

"I am an enigma, an anonymous presence. I have witnessed your struggles, your pain, and your choices."

Alexander's voice was a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "What do you want from me?"

"I offer you a choice, a chance to rewrite your destiny, to undo the trials that have burdened you. I can send you back to a time before the curses, before the shadows."

His heart raced at the prospect, a second chance to rewrite the past, to prevent the tragedies that had befallen him. But doubt still lingered. "Why are you offering me this? What's the catch?"

The voice was gentle, its words carrying a sense of sincerity. "There is no catch, only a choice. You have endured more than anyone should. I offer you the opportunity to reclaim your life, to forge a new path free from curses and shadows."

Tears welled in Alexander's eyes, a mixture of hope and longing filling his heart. "And what of Serene? Can she be brought back?"

"I can only offer you a new beginning. The threads of fate are intricate, and her path may differ from the one you've known. But the choice is yours, Alexander Morwyn."

His decision was made in an instant, a resolute nod that transcended the limitations of spoken words. "I accept."

And then, as if the fabric of reality itself began to shift, Alexander's surroundings seemed to blur and twist. Time itself seemed to bend, and he found himself standing in a place that was both familiar and foreign, a place before the trials, before the curses had taken hold.

With a mixture of wonder and disbelief, Alexander realized that he was back in the village, his past self standing before him. The opportunity to rewrite his destiny had been granted, and his heart swelled with gratitude.

As he watched his past self interact with the villagers, a sense of determination settled within him. He knew the choices that had led him down a path of darkness, and now he had the chance to make different ones. To protect those he loved, to build a future without the weight of curses and shadows.

The melodies of the village seemed to resonate with a renewed sense of purpose, a purpose that was shaped by the echoes of his newfound resolve. And as the days turned into weeks, Alexander's actions began to create ripples, ripples that echoed through time and space.

But amidst the echoes of his redemption, he couldn't shake the memory of the deity's voice, the enigmatic entity that had offered him a second chance. He knew that the journey ahead was not without challenges, that the choices he made would still carry consequences. Yet, with the weight of his past experiences guiding him, he was ready to forge a new destiny, a destiny that was shaped by the echoes of his determination, his love, and his unwavering hope for a brighter future.