
Breaking Dawn Pt. 7

The Cullen house was full of tense silence since the death of Bella and Skylar. No one expected the girls to die at the same time, but it was the stress that got to Skylar. Carlisle figured out that it was the tumour that killed her because there was no sign of medicine in her system. No one ever thought that Carlisle and Edward to be hostile but they both snapped at anyone who tried to talk to them. Carlisle never left Skylar's side, he spent most days in his office reading to her or talking hoping she might hear. Edward, however, couldn't even look at Renesmee.

Everyone was unsure if Skylar and Bella would ever wake up, they both had the venom in them so they had to wake up. No one noticed anything until the next day.

Carlisle was the first to notice the changes because he was with Skylar most of the day. It was Skylar's hair first, when she was human she had brown hair but now her hair was red. Then it was her skin, instead of her normal olive skin she had creamy pale skin like the rest of the vampires. Bella started to get her looks back as well and that's when Edward started to interact with Renesmee.

The newborn grew very fast. No vampire in the house had seen anything like it, not even Carlisle. It frustrated him that he could not figure out why.

The day Skylar started to change was also the day weird things happened in the house. Electricity began flickering, objects moved around the house and the vampire and werewolf all swear they heard Skylar talking to them. This reaffirmed Carlisle that her mind was active and she was slowly coming back. The Phoenix was going to rise again.

Carlisle sat by the window in the living room staring off into space. Alice and Rose had managed to pull him away from Skylar for a bit to go hunting but he desperately wanted to go back to her. It would take three days for her to change fully and it had only been two.


He looked up to see Alice holding a bag and smiling softly at him, "I went to the store to get them some nice clothes to wear for when they wake up, do you want to come with us to get her ready?"

Carlisle followed them through to where Bella and Skylar were kept. Rosalie was there too brushing Skylar's hair and making it neat. Carlisle looked down at her body and gave a heavy sigh.

"They say that when someone dies they just look like they're sleeping. She doesn't look like she's sleeping, she looks dead," That was the darkest thing Carlisle had ever said. Alice and Rose gave him a sympathetic look as Alice pulled out the dress Skylar was going to wear. It was burgundy, lace dress with no sleeves. Bella was going to wear a royal blue dress.

Carlisle helped clean the cuts from when Skylar tripped in the woods. He then stepped out of the room while Alice and Rosalie put Bella and Skylar in their dresses. When Carlisle was allowed in again his eyes widened at Skylar. Her dress looked beautiful on her, it hugged all her curves in the right way.

Carlisle smiled at his mate and hoped she would wake up tomorrow.


It was the third day, Skylar and Bella would be waking up.

The coven and Jacob sat in Carlisle's office, where Bella and Skylar were. Carlisle was sitting next to Skylar holding her hand and reading to her while the rest of them were scattered around the office. They both looked beautiful with there new looks. Carlisle thought that Skylar looked the best but didn't say anything.

None of them realized how beautiful the girls would look once they changed. Of course, they were both beautiful before but now they were radiant.

A sudden gasp came from Alice's mouth which made everyone look up at her. The vampire's eyes were on the two girls. Carlisle waited hopefully for Skylar to wake up but it wasn't her. Instead, it was Bella whose red eyes snapped open, staring at the ceiling.

Carlisle went to move Skylar out of Bella's sight for now. The coven decided not to tell Bella until she had hunted and seen Renesmee. Once Edward had left with Bella, Carlisle placed Skylar back on the table and put her hands on her stomach.

The doctor sat down next to his mate once again and grabbed her hand, "Come on, Bella's awake, you can wake up now too,"


A very short chapter sorry but the next one will be longer.