
My husband and I

The room was bleak, cold and completely dark.... the cozy bed, it's clean and silky sheets was relaxing and satisfying, making me fall in love with my sleep. It was quiet and partially devoid of light and I felt a chill as the darkness engulfed me, all this having a knack for giving immense joy and satisfaction to my sleep not until the birds started chirping, though it was sweet and melodious but I won't forgive them for the distraction created to my seemingly unending sleep

I was half awake hoping they'll stop and I'll continue my sleep, but I was wrong, then I heard a deep voice saying "Good morning my love"..... Good morning my love ?, I thought to myself,

"Who's that ? Am I being kidnapped ? Am I being burgled ?

All kinds of thought went rampaged in my mind as I opened my eyes to see a man opening the windows and spreading the curtains with my half opened eye, then it dawned on me... I'm married, how could I forget I got married yesterday !

It was obviously my husband, I guess I've been single for so many years that I've forgotten I'm married, though it was an arranged marriage, I wouldn't have forgotten I was married if I had married the man after my heart.

"Good morning sir", I responded faking a broad smile, he then said to me "should I bring your breakfast ?", I thought my ears weren't functioning well, I mean an arranged marriage, I was of the idea that we were meant to only bear children for our families as it seemed like that's the only thing they cared about. Since I didn't answer his question he dashed to the kitchen and brought the food in a large and laden,well segmented,thick long handled wooden tray ,it was giving the Igbo vibes that he is.

I was still lost in my thoughts before he said "will you sit there for a life time" I chuckled and collected the outstretched tray from him,"Thank you sir" I said .....he smirked then said I need not to be formal as we are married.

I was eyeing the food because I had no interest in it,I took the bean cake and split it into two,I ate one half and it tasted as though I was eating my favourite bean cake prepared by my best friend...."did my best friend come here"? I asked munching the bean cake as though my life depends on it....."no, he didn't",he replied bending down to pick the already fallen tooth paste

"Why do you ask?" Nothing ",I said.

He hurriedly went into the bathroom, dashing his leg against the round table in the middle of the room which was home to some scented flowers properly and beautifully arranged in a flower vase....

Maybe he was pressed,I wouldn't know!

I said sorry ,but he shook his head in dismay, maybe he didn't hear ?

i cared less....he had his bath while I stretched out my laps putting the tray in between them and enjoying the oats with the beans cake....I was pleased with the breakfast in bed! I wanted more if there was any.

He came out of the bathroom dripping wet,he has a almond shape brown eyes and bristling eyebrows with a well defined cheek bone then he moved with a leopard like-grace looking for his singlet and perfume, even without the perfume on , an earthly scent swirled him.....he was dishy with a well pointed nose .

I knew I had to stop admiring him when he told me to get off the bed and go have my bath

I did as though I was being a robot and I was being controlled by a remote,while in the bathroom I was reminded of his cosmic smile and I was smiling to my self.

"Am I in love already" The question came across my mind,I searched for answers and I got none.

I got out of the bathroom and i slipped,why wouldn't I.....I was still impressed and satisfied with his looks and my legs were wet and a bit shaky because of the stress of the just concluded wedding

He ran towards me and held me so tight as though he was holding on to a valuable piece of gold jewel ,his hands wrapped my waist and my hands were on his titan's shoulder, he carried me gently and laid me on the bed.

"Hope you didn't sprain your ankle" ,he asked while reaching out to the first aid box close to the dressing table,he brought out the ointment and applied it gently on my legs...I was enjoying it then I asked him to help massage my waist as they were hurting too , he agreed .... just then we heard the sound of the door bell, someone was at the door!

He rushed to attend to it then I quickly had to put on some clothes too.... "Olivia,it's your best friend", he said as I was coming out from the room adjusting my shorts.

"Oh, james how are you" I asked almost surprised because I wasn't expecting his visit....it's my first day of being with my husband ,I expected privacy!

He said he was passing by and he wanted to check on me

I told him I'm fine and he said he's on his way to a conference meeting.....I bided him fare well and I sent my regards to his family.

I sat beside my husband.... there was a few minutes of silence and we were just staring at each other.....i was already lost in my thoughts again before he broke the silence by telling me to put on something more beautiful...I was putting on a black biker short and a Versace white top because of the rush of wanting to know the person at the door

I said "okay " without questioning his decision,I already knew we were going out

But where? ,this i don't know!

I hope this man is who he's claiming to be,bad thoughts ran through my mind because of the story shared in the church on how her husband used her for prostitution and how she was living in fear!

I gathered courage and asked him where we are going that I'll dress beautiful to, he replied saying "To the mall".