

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Sup baldy

It's only their first day in Aboa, and Asuka is already causing trouble.

"C'mon Asuka. It's only been thirty minutes and you've already started causing issues."

"But he said it was for free! How was I supposed to know he was lying," she whined.

"Well, you shouldn't be so naive. You've gotta realize that people this far from the kingdom. They're desperate, and will use underhanded means to get what they want. What the man was trying to do was pressure you into paying for the necklace. Though I guess that wouldn't work against you."

"Well duh. But don't ya think you should've taught me some street smarts. Would've been pretty useful."

"I thought Thalia would've done so. I'm not exactly the social type," he said defensively.

"Well I guess it's just something I'll have to work on. It really shouldn't be too hard. I'm naturally good at learnin stuff," Asuka claimed proudly.

"You know, no one likes a showoff."

"What? Jealous of my prodigious nature," she said with a cheeky grin.

"You wish. Anyway, we get going. The mayor of the town isn't one to appreciate tardiness."

"Alright. Let's get to it."

"Oh yeah. One more thing. Don't let him get under your skin."

Asuka and Ichigo proceeded to make their mayor's office. One thing Asuka noticed is how unlike the rest of the town which composed of streets made of stones pavement with strands of grass sticking out and littered with trash. The people while not rags, were still wearing cheap and worn out clothes. The houses were built to make s rectangular shape. They looked pretty ordinary but when inspected closer, it's clear that they have been maintained in a while. Overgrown grass, broken windows, rotting wood. These were just a few things that Asuka noticed when walking to the mayor's office. When she saw the office, it was a hell and heaven difference from the rest of the town. Rectangular fence, perfectly cut grass, paved walkway, and sparkling marble building.

"Quite the contrast."

Asuka looked up at Ichigo after his statement. Then looked back at the town.


They then made their way inside the building. The inside of the building was much like the outside. Covered in marble with many paintings of men in armour.

"Who are all these guys?"

"Former kings of our continent from the very first one a thousand years ago till our current one."

They continued on there way passing by more pictures till they a reached a big wooden door. Before Ichigo even knocked on the door, the sound of a man's shouting could be heard behind the door.



"I-I'm sorry sir. P-please, let me-,"

"You've done enough! Get out of my sight!"

There was a silence for only a second, them footsteps could be heard coming toward the door. It then slowly opened to show a woman in brown tattered clothes with a rag over her head struggling to push open the door.

"Let me help with that," Ichigo said smiling.

He walked up to the door and opened it fully for the woman. She then walked out of the way, making sure to be out of the mayor's line of sight and bowed to Ichigo before walking away.

Asuka stood there unsure exactly how to react. Just looking at the back of the lady who was just strongly scolded. She focused her attention to the man sitting behind his desk. He had a small frame, wore a very well dressed black and white suit, glasses, pencil mustache and balding head. The man hadn't even look up from his newspaper.

"Something tells me I won't be able to keep my cool around him."

"Goodmorning Mr. Baldwin. I've arrived with my pupil for the mission that has been assigned to her."

Finally, looking up from his newspaper he looked at them with eyes of indifference.

"You were supposed to be here an thirty minutes ago."

"His voice is deeper than I thought."

"It's my faul-,"

He raised him hand signaling Ichigo to stop speaking.

"I don't need to be told that. It's obvious your at fault. I honestly don't understand why the emporer keeps you around. You should've been executed the day you were captured you demon."

Asuka's anima flared at the man's words but with a look from Ichigo, she calmed herself.

"Well whatever. No one really knows what's going through that head of his."

"He is quite the mysterious one."

"Now, I believe I don't need to tell you or your pupil the details. Here's your keys for the hostel you'll be staying at. I expect result in two weeks time."

After tossing the keys to Ichigo, he looked back at his newspaper and returned to his reading. That's when Asuka spoke up.

"Hey, don't you think we should know the severity of the situation? Like, how this has been going on for, how many people have gone missing, if there are any witnesses or even if there's any idea of who or what is responsible this?"

"Why do you think we called you here? Those are things for you to figure out. Now leave."

"But you're the mayor of this place. Shouldn't you at least have done some kind of an investigation," Asuka asked with her anger rising.

The mayor sighed and took off his glasses and placed them on the table and then began to rub his temple.

"Demon, please take your brat away from my presence."

"C'mon Asuka. We shouldn't waste anymore time here."

"What? How can you take his side? People could be dying and he's not doing a nothing about it. How is this allowed? Why is it allowed? HOW COULD YOU TREAT YOUR PEOPLE LIKE THIS!"


Ichigo's voice boomed shocking both the mayor and Asuka.

"My apologies Mr. Baldwin. I will scold her accordingly for this insult. Now Asuka, let us go."

He then turned to walk out of the room. Asuka looked at Ichigo's back as he walked away. She clenched her fists till they began to bleed before followed behind her master and slamming the door on her way out.


They walked in silence as they made their way out of the building. As soon as they got out of the building. Asuka began to speak.

"I'm sorry."

Ichigo sighed deeply before talking.

"No. I get it. Nobles like him can be very infuriating. But please do try to keep your calm next time. These nobles have a lot of pride and whenever they feel disrespected, they won't hesitate to make you and your loved one's live's miserable."

"But I don't understand. Why won't he do something about it?"

"Probably because if a lot of people found out, they would leave reducing the amount of tax coming from this town."

"What's tax?"

"It's basically money paid to the government. It's usually used to pay for things like the orphanage. There is a certain amount of money that can be taken so that the people should still be able to live at least decently. But it's not exactly a rule that must be followed or is enforced. Sometimes the noble managing the town will increase the tax and pocket some of the money so that it looks as if the limit isn't being exceeded. Baldwin is one of those nobles."

"So if people learn how truly dire the situation is and leave, it means less money for him."

"Yeah. But there are regular checkups for the closer towns and cities to see the peoples living conditions. Aboa is on the closer side so the conditions while bad, aren't nearly as bad as places further away."

Asuka looked down at the ground with an angered expression.

"How could the king allow such things to take place? Isn't he supposed to be the one who sets an example for others? How can he be okay with so much suffering?"

"That's something I ask myself. But I will tell you that he's not like other nobles. He is arrogant but not nearly as prideful and a lot more methodical in his thinking. He always manages to keep a cool and calm attitude no matter the situation. It's a lot harder to get a read on him for anyone below his level in anima control."

"Does that include the generals granny talked to me about?"

"The generals are all very powerful. But even all their power were combined into to one being, it still wouldn't stand a chance against the king."

"What about you? Who would win if you two fought?"

Ichigo pondered that question for a couple seconds before shrugging.

"Honestly, I really couldn't say. Our abilities counter each other perfectly and I've never seen his fighting prowess. I have sensed his anima and it's quite similar level of control to mine. I'd say we're evenly matched."

"Wow. That means you must be really strong as well."

"I guess you could say that," he said with a smug smile.

Asuka chuckled looking at Ichigo's face when he answered.

"Don't get so cocky. I'll catch up to you in no time if you don't watch out."

"Yeah, well 'till then," Ichigo then vanished out of Asuka's sight and reappeared on one of the roofs,"enjoy my dust."

"For a modest guy, he's pretty overconfident."

Asuka also blurred out of sight trying to catch up to her master.