

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Hi, my name is...

"I had a feeling that Mr. Baldwin wouldn't be much help so I preemptively did a little investigation myself."

Ichigo had already helped Asuka set up her room in the motel she was staying at. Ichigo then gave her a list of names of people who might know something about the kidnappings before heading off to his own mission. Asuka, who was still seated on her rundown bed, looked down at the list of names that Ichigo had written down of people who claimed to have some information on the kidnappings and where they are seen most commonly.

"Jeffery from the bar ehh. Guess he's who I gotta get to first. And no last name. Seems to be common for people who aren't nobles."

After reading the first name on the list, she put the list in her pocket, grabbed her cloak and left her room.


Asuka walked the streets of Aboa looking for the man named Jeffery. With the sun setting, the people who had filled the streets before had retired back to their homes leaving the streets deserted with only a few people remaining and they all had their eyes on the young girl wandering in their town.

"I can tell they don't have any intention to harm me, but it's still really creepy when so many of them stare."

Stopping in her tracks, Asuka had reached the place that Ichigo had written down for her on the outer half of the town. It was a bar that was still open with plenty of people inside of it with a lot of commotion going on inside.

"Sounds like a party going on. I know it's not good to eavesdrop but-,"

Asuka started to channel anima into her ears and began to listen in on the conversations going on in the bar.

"-just in time too. Another day and we woulda been screwed."

"So what do you think about the girl?"

"C'mon baby, he don't gotta know about this."

"You seen that girl?"

"You think the we have enough resources for the winter?"

"She was with that foreigner right? They kinda look alike. Think they're related something?"

"What if she finds out about the deal?"

"Man, this itch up my-"

Asuka immediately stopped her eavesdropping.

"Too many people at once are talking. It's overwhelming. And I don't wanna risk someone sensing me by focusing my anima in one area. Could cause them to distrust me if they catch me. Guess I better head inside myself."

Taking a deep breath, Asuka walked up to the wooden steps and confidently pushed open the doors of the bar. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the young girl. It was a few awkward seconds before Asuka spoke up.

"I'm looking for a man named Jeffery. It's a very urgent matter so please come forward if your him."

Again, seconds went by with no one making a sound. And then the entire bar erupted with laughter.

"Man she really is just a kid," one man exclaimed.

They all started to walk up to walk up to her and Asuka just stood there fluttering at all the people approaching her.

"Look at her trying to carry such a large sword. Let me hold that for ya kiddo."

The man then reached out and grab her sword but Asuka gripped onto her the hilt of her blade and turned awaya slightly from the man.

"Uhh please don't touch my sword."

"C'mon, I insist."

He stretched his arm into Asuka's cloak when her right hand gripped his wrist causing the man to gasp in pain.

"I said, don't touch," a cold and heavy voice.

The man fell to his knees with fear stricken eyes. Asuka then let go of the man before taking a large sigh.

"That was risky Annie. You shouldn't just switch with me like that. What if they found out I was part demon?"

Annie, whose appearance has become a little more visible, just rolled her eyes.

"And so what if they did? Not like they could do any thing about it."

"That may be true, but making the people fear us isn't something I want. I want to build some sort of trust between us. You can't do that with fear."

"Well then you shouldn't get flustered so easily when someone is a little pushy with you."

"I know I should, but that might make them think negative of me. I don't want that."

"Hmph. Whatever."

Asuka left the inner world saw the people who were laughing were now looking at her with shock, fear and awe.

"S-sorry. I can be very possessive with my belongings."

The man, who was still on the ground, quickly stood up and backed away from Asuka.

"As I said before. I'm looking for a man named Jeffery. He should be popular around here."

At that moment, a man with unkempt curly ginger hair walked from the back wearing green suit vest and pants, with a white shirt, red tie and brown shoes.

"Heeeey! How come everyone's so quiet," he asked playfully.

It wasn't until he took notice of the other people looking at the young girl. The girl looking at thebegan tk walk towards him.

"Who might you be little girl."

"My name is Asuka. I'm looking for a man named Jeffery. Do you know who that is?"

"Well, yes I do Ms. Asuka. After all, it is I who you seek for," he said dramatically shoving his thumb into his chest.

"Well, there's something I would like to discuss with you."

"Oh really. What is it you'd like to discuss with me."

"Well um," she then took a look at everyone behind her,"I don't want to talk about it here."

The man, now identified as Jeffery, rubbed his chin before making a decision.

"Alright then. Let's head to the back."


The two stood behind the bar. While Asuka was a little more serious and cautious, Jeffery was very casual and even could come across a cocky with his smirk and lean on the wall.

"Well, to what is it that you needed to ask me little girl."

Asuka looked at him with, confused by his attitude.

"He should've felt the contra Annie emitted when she took over. And everyone looking at me when he came into the room so he should know that I'm the source. How could he be so calm?"

"I wanted to ask you for some information."

"What information could you possibly want from me?"

"It's about the disappearances that have been going on."

Jeffery visibly shook at Asuka's words but tried to put up a facade. This did not go unnoticed by the girl.

"My teacher brought me here to find the culprit and put an end to it. He said that you would have some information that could help me. If you do, please give me whatever information you h-"

"Sorry girl. I don't know what you've been told but there's nothing going on here. You should return to your home."

He tried to turn away from the girl but she grabbed his arm forcing him to halt in place.

"What are you talking about? I already met with Mr. Baldwin and he knows of the situation. Why are you lying to me?"

Jeffery clicked his tongue and with a surprising show of strength pulled his arm away from Asuka.

"Well, you were deceived. So go home."

He then walked off leaving Asuka alone outside. She opened her palm and looked at it.

"I even coated my hand in anima. It was a small amount but it still should've been impossible for someone to pulled their arm away from my grip with just physical strength alone. Meaning he can manipulate his anima. Pretty well at that.This is going to be a lot more troublesome than I thought."

Asuka then walked around the bar to avoid the stares and walked on the main road back to her hotel.


Asuka's head snapped towards the direction of the scream. Without even thinking, she poured anima into her legs and jumped high into the air. Pouring anima into her eyes next, she looked around and saw a girl being attacked by three guys. As soon as her feet hit the ground she dashed towards the three robber and before they could react, one of them received a strong hand chop to the next.

"What the hell?"

"Who is this bit-"

Before he finished his sentence, his face planted on the ground.

The last man, who was now trembling, tried to pull a knife out of his pocket but dropped due to his trembling hands. He got down to try and take the knife but met a swift kick to the chin on the way down. After taking a deep breath, Asuka turned and faced the girl who was seated on the ground. She walked up to the girl and stretched out her arm.

"Hello there. I'm Asuka. I hope these guys didn't hurt you too mu-"

"Wait. I know her. she's from my-"

The touch from the girl grabbing her hand brought Asuka out of her thoughts. Asuka then helped her up. She swiped away the dirt left on her blue and white checkered dress before grabbing Asuka's hand again.

"Thank you, thank you thank you sooooo much," the young girl said with a toothy grin,"you have no idea how terrified I was. Please allow me to thank in some way. Do you have a place to stay? How about dinner? You look hungry,"the girl then noticed to hilt of Asuka's blade,"OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE SUCH A COOL SWORD! Do you train? No wonder you beat up those guys. Can you teach me some moves to me? I may not have any real skills, but I assure you I'll be a good student. Please?"

'She seems nice.'

"I'm sorry. Sometimes I can get a little talkative when I'm overwhelmed. My name is Amelia. Nice ta meetcha," she said giving an exaggerated two finger salute.

'Understatement of the century.'

"H-hey," Asuka said giving a small wave.

"Please allow me to serve you dinner. You saved my life after all. It's the least I can do."

Stretching out her hand for Asuka to shake. Asuka hesitated for a second, but clasped her hand with her own.

"Alright. I'll take you up on your offer."

"GREAT! Please, follow me. Oh my parents are gonna love you after they hear what happened."

Amelia started to walk off and Asuka followed her. While Amelia was busy humming loudly while skipping down the street, Asuka was deep in her thoughts.

"She may not be what I expected, but there's no doubt. She's the girl who was in my dream."