

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

First Mission

"MISSION," shouted Asuka.

It's been three days since Asuka's dream and she failed to experience it again. She had decided not to tell Ichigo about it. Though her trust in him has somewhat recovered, she still doesn't fully let him in. But, he can tell that she's hiding something. She kept in her training with Annie and Ichigo had to weaken the seal allowing, five percent of Annie's contra to be released.

"Yeah. I've determined that your ready for low level solo mission."

Asuka couldn't hide her excitement and joy with a blinding smile.

"So where am I going? What's the mission about? Are there gonna be demons? Will I get to fight one?"

Asuka was about to ask hundreds of more question, but Ichigo raised his arms with a disoriented expression.

"S...slow down Asuka. I'll answer any question you have while we're on the way their so please, calm down alright."

"Alright, alright. But at least tell me what it's about."

Ichigo sighed at Asuka's impatience.

"Well, I can tell you that it isn't anything too dangerous. In the town over by the coast called Aboa. There has been an increasing number of missing people in that town. What you need to do is discover what is causing these people to go missing."

Asuka's excited expression shifted into a more serious one when she heard people had gone missing.

"Do you have any idea of what could be causing these people to go missing."

"There are plenty of possible causes. But I've narrowed it done to just three. The first being that they joined Derelictis Sumus. A cult which believes that the aeons have abandoned us to fight demons alone. The second is that the people are being kidnapped and sold. Third is that a demon is kidnapping the people. Out of those three, worst case scenario is the second one. It could mean having to fight many opponents at once which could cause an issue. If that is the case and they have nature affinities as well, don't take em on your own. I'll be checking up on your progress in a weeks time. Wait for then and I'll take care of it."

"Why would I wait. I'm definitely strong enough to take down a couple uglies."

"It's not that your not strong enough. It's just-" Ichigo hesitated for a second to finish that sentence,"there are some things that would be very disturbing for you to see and you know how that could affect you with your earth affinity."

"I-I see. Your right. But I do have a question. Why is that the worse than a demon?"

"Demons almost never work together. And when they do, the alliance never lasts long. Unless there is one overwhelmingly more powerful than the others, there would be constant in fighting about who should be in charge. The only time when weaker demons work together is when they're desperate or theres mutual benefit in working together. Even then, there would only be a maximum of 2 or 3."

"Ok. I understand. When do we start off?"

"Tomorrow at dawn. In the meantime, why don't we head back to the orphanage. It's been a while since you've been there and your about to travel pretty far away."

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to tell Martha, Arthur, granny and the other kids about this."

"Then that settles it. Grab your sword, some extra clothes and snacks," he then walked over to the shadow of the tree, placed his hand on it and pulled on the shadow creating the portal,"and throw whatever your bringing in here."

Asuka got all the necessary essentials and they began the walk to the orphanage.


When Asuka and Ichigo made it, Asuka excitedly ran up the step to the door and knocked on it hard.

"HEY ANYBODY HOME! IM BAAAAAAAACK," she yelled while raising her arms.

"Did she really have to be so loud?"

They then heard forced heavy footsteps coming to the door. They could hear the person grumbling something but couldn't exactly make out what they were saying. The person opened the door and had steam fuming out of her ears.


Asuka and Martha stood there staring at each other for a couple seconds.

"Oh....Asuka....I'm so sorry....I....I wasn't expecting you to show up. How are you doing?"

"Fuck? What does that mean?"

Martha turned a bright shade of red at Asuka's question.

"Um...uh...,"she then looked up and saw Ichigo was standing there and then looked back at Asuka,"why don't you ask Ichigo? After all he is your teacher."

Asuka turned to ask her teacher only to see that him slowly sinking into the shadow made on the porch. When Martha saw this, she turned even more red but not with embarrassment.


"What? What's got y'all like this? It's just a word right?"

"Well, let's just say it's a bad words ok. Please don't use it alright," said Martha while chuckling nervously.

"But, if that's the case why did you say it?"

"Well...um...like I said, I'm sorry Asuka. I shouldn't have said it."

"Said what?"

Martha shivered as soon as she heard the slightly strained voice from behind her. She then slowly turned around to see granny Thalia walking towards her. Thalia with a slight grin on her face, grabbed Martha's ear pulling to the point she nearly ripped it off. Naturally, Martha yelped in pain.

"How many times have I told you to watch your mouth while around the children Martha?"

"Ow...ah...I sorry...I'm sorry okay. I promise to do better?

"Hmph," Thalia then let go of Martha and walked up to Asuka. She wrapped her arms around the girl in a warm embrace.

"It's been a while Asuka. I hope Ichigo hasn't been too hard on you."

"Don't worry granny. It's nothing I can't handle," said Asuka returning Thalia's hug.

"Granny. I'll never get used to you saying that."

Thalia then pulled away from Asuka and dramatically flipped her purple scarf around her neck.

"I'll have you know young lady, I'm still in the prime of my life," she said with a boisterous grin and pose. Unfortunately her back begged to differ.





"You need some help there granny."

"...yes please."

As Asuka and Martha helped Thalia walk to a seat, the top of Ichigo's head rose from the shadow.

"It seems like the coast is clear."

He then fully emerged from the shadow and walked through the door. As he passed by the staircase, Marco had appeared walking down the staircase. They made eye contact for only a few seconds.

"Sup," said Marco.


They then walked passed each other without saying another word.

"This has got to stop happening," they both thought simultaneously.


"Are you sure that she's ready?"

Ichigo and Thalia were seated in the living, discussing about Asuka's first mission. Asuka and Martha on the other hand was outside playing with the other kids in the backyard.

"I can assure you that her skills and power are on a sufficient enough. A royal officer would be no match for her."

"That is not what I meant. I have no need to doubt her power since it was you training her. But the mental challenge that Asuka will go through is something that can not be trained. Only experienced."

"That is something I can not guarantee unfortunately. I've put her through the same training I did as a child. She managed to overcome it in a lot less time then I did. I'm sure her mental strength his very high. But what happens in the inner world is not permanent. There's no real threats with lasting impacts in there so there's no way to know if she can handle it."

"And yet you still think she should do this," asked Thalia while clenching her knuckles till they turned white.

"It is better to know if she's can not overcome this struggle now and not ten years down the line. I know it seems cold-hearted of me, but this is the future we are talking about. No matter how much you care for her, we can not put her above the world."

Thalia closed her eyes while facing the ground. She sighed after giving thought to Ichigo's words.

"Yes. You are right. I can not fault you thinking this way. But I just-".

Tears started to well up in her eyes.

"It feels like I'm betraying her."

Ichigo stood up and walked over to the window and looked outside to see the kids playing outside. He then looked at Asuka specifically.

"She's more mature than you think. She'll understand."

"I hope that's true."

There was a deafening silence between the two. Both understanding what troubles the young girl was bound to inevitably confront. Whether it be this mission, or one that will come in the future.

"Well, all I can hope is that Asuka will overcome her struggles," says Thalia," but if she can't after she falls, I will make sure to be there to pick her up as well."

Ichigo smiled at Thalia's words.

"I may not be very good at these type of things, but I'll make sure to be there as well."

Thalia laughed at Ichigo's duality.

"To say such a thing after being so cold. You really are the same old Ichigo."

"Heh. I guess a bit of my father still exists in me," despite saying this with a smile his eyes betray his mask,"but if there's one thing I'm grateful to him for was that he prepared me well for the harsh world. I may not like my father, but I'll admit, some of the things he taught were pretty useful."

"Please Ichigo. Don't force yourself to speak about him."

"Don't worry granny. It doesn't bother me to speak on it anymore. Anyway, I'll go help Asuka and Martha playing with the kids. Martha looks about ready to pass out."

They both laughed at Ichigo's quote and they both left the room.