

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

First Battle

"Alright Annie. How do you think we can help Amelia?"

Asuka had just gotten back to her room from Amelia's house. The dinner, while awkward for her, was overall successful.

"I need you to keep in mind Asuka that there is no guarantee that my way will work."

"I don't care. Just tell me. Please."

Annie let out a sigh at Asuka's persistence.

"The only way I can think of helping her is by letting her figure it herself."

Asuka tilted her head puzzled by Annie's suggestion.

Annie, sensing Asuka's confusion, explained further.

"As I said before, it's likely that she wasn't very popular with other kids, probably due to her living situation, and relied heavily on her parents for comfort and as a support system. Once they died, her mind created the delusion that they were still alive as a coping mechanism."

Asuka nodded in understanding.

"What we need to do to break that delusion is to first become close with her to gain her trust. You will fill the hole in her heart her parents left."

"No Annie. 'We' will. In order to establish trust there can be no secrets. I will have to tell her about you."

"I doubt that is a good idea Asuka. But tif you must, wait till after we've helped her. Telling her your part demon might destroy her trust in us."

"T-that's true."

"Anyways, the second thing we'll need to do is to expose her mind to reality as much as possible. This might be difficult to do right now due to her attachment to her parents. But as her trust in you grows, it will become much easier. But remember not to force it."

"Okay. I think I understand."

"But don't forget why your here Asuka. Your mission comes before anything. Don't forget that."

"I know I know. I'll do my best to manage."

"No. Doing your best is not enough. You must be completely dedicated to finish your mission. This one girl does not take precedence over the lives of many. I need you to guarantee that your friendship with her will not interfere. Can you do that?"

Asuka was about answer but then she hesitated. She started to think about the possible scenarios where she would be forced to choose between her friend and the great or good. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists before giving a resolute answer.


"So long as you understand. Now, go to bed. You only have a week before Ichigo comes back. You don't want him to think you couldn't even handle this on your own right? Better rub it in his face when your done as well."

Asuka chuckled at Annie's words.

"You really don't like him do you?"

"Of course not. Sealing my power like this. It's humiliating."

"I never knew you were so prideful."

"I might be part of you but you'd do well to remember I'm a demon. Of course I have my pride. I can't wait for the day you master your contra. You know that at full power, I'd destroy him. Seeing his arrogant face when you beat him will be so satisfying."

"R-really. Your stronger than Ichigo."

"Hell yeah I am. Only reason he was able to seal my power was because of how unstable it was at the time."

Asuka couldn't help but grin at the prospect of beating Ichigo.

"It would feel really good to beat after all of our spars."

"Then how about I start teaching you how to use your contra."

"Are you sure? Ichigo said he would teach me himself."

"Trust me, I would be a much better teacher than Ichigo. He's only a hybrid. Why not be taught by the source itself?"

Asuka pondered Annie's suggestion foe a couple seconds before giving an answer.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt to get ahead a bit."

"Good. But we'll only train at night. Can't wait to kick his ass," Annie said rubbing her hands mischievously.


Before the star rose in the sky, Asuka was already and commenced her investigation. She had left the town and ventured into the forest surrounding the Aboa to see if there was any evidence like torn clothes or blood. But after searching for hours, not even a leaf was out of place. Asuka now is laying against a tree drenched in sweat .

"I thought that their would at least be some sort of sign of a struggle. But there really is nothing."

"You don't need to worry Asuka. It's only been a couple hours and this is a vast forest. It probably stretches for thousands of kilometers. You should head back and get some rest."

Asuka took a couple deep breathes before standing and trudging further into the forest.

"Asuka, I'm telling you it would be beneficial to go back now."

"I can't go back. Not while I know people are suffering. I'll go back when I at least have some kind of a clue."

Asuka took her sword while still in it's sheath and used it as a walking stick. She slowly continued to make her way through the thick vegetation. But, before even making it twenty meters, she fell onto her knees.

"What's going on? How am I so weak?"

It was then that she realized that her anima reserves were shockingly.

"Hey Annie. Can you tell me what going on. How come my anima levels are so low?"

"Sorry Asuka, but I'm unable to sense anima. If I had to guess, I'd say someone has been siphoning away your anima. Your level of control is far too impressive for you to be this fatigued."

Asuka started to frantically look around to see if she could find the person responsible but whoever was doing this was too well hidden for normal eyes to be capable to see them.

"They're either hiding very well or are too far for me to see. But no matter what they can never fully hide their anima."

Asuka closed her eyes and scraped whatever anima she had left and spread it around her about two kilometers. At the edge of that range she sensed one person's anima. As soon she sensed them she turned to their direction and was about to dash towards them when a dagger came flying at her, scraping her cheek as she tried to dodge it.

"Wow. For such a young girl, your reflexes are good."

Asuka quickly turned to the direction the voice came from. On the branch if a tree, stood to be what looked like a decently built man wearing all black with a mask covering their entire head.

"There's no mistake. He's the guy I sensed. I didn't sense him move meaning he threw that dagger from so far away. Not to mention he crossed that distance even faster. As I am now, I'm not sure I can beat him."

"Now isn't the time for getting distracted girl."

He then appeared behind Asuka swinging a dagger at her neck. Asuka quickly countered swinging her head to the side and using that momentum to aim a kick at his chin. The man jumped back surprised by her counter.

"Heh. Even with your anima reserves drained, you can still fight this well. It definitely was a good choice to kill you now," he said smugly.

Despite the situation, Asuka let out a small chuckle at the man's words.

"That's bold of you to assume someone as weak as you could kill me."

She picked up her sword from off the ground and got in her battle stance ready for her first true battle.