

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Fateful Meeting

After practicing her swordsmanship for 2 hours, Asuka got back to the house took a bath to clean herself and made herself some breakfast. A nice bowl of oatmeal, eggs, a banana, two sausages and a glass of milk. At that moment, a young boy walks down the flight of stairs while yawning with his arms stretched in the air while wearing dark blue pajamas and a night cap. The young boy and girl just looked at each other.

"Oh…uh…g..good morning Arthur."

"Ahhh..good morning Asuka," the boy said with a calm smile.

Arthur then looked at her hands and saw the scrapes and bruises from her training.

"I hope your not too hurt. I know how hard you work and it would bad if you pushed yourself too hard," Arthur said with a concerned look.

"No no no, you don't have to worry Arthur. Though I appreciate your concern."

Asuka had a flash of red on her face.

"Damn it. Why does he have to be so…himself. Control yourself Asuka."

'Looks like someone has a crush.'

"That's good to hear," Arthur said with a smile of relief.

Arthur then walked over to Asuka and she turned an even brighter shade of red.

"Aaaaahhhhh. Why are you walking over here."

Arthur then reached over Asuka's shoulder and grabbed one of her sausages.

"Do you mind?"

"No no, g..go right ahead."

Arthur took a bite out of the sausage and had a look of surprise on his face.

"Wow Asuka. This is so delicious. I didn't know you could cook this well."

"I…I mean, I am a woman of many skills after all," Asuka said with a look of embarrassment.

"Actually, Granny Thalia was the one who cooked this. But he doesn't have to know that."

"Seriously, you should make food for everybody. They'd all love it."


At that moment, Martha walked in and saw the situation. She could only give a devilish smirk.

"Well good morning Arthur. How is your day going so far."

"Oh, its going quite good Ms. Martha. And it was made even better by Asuka's cooking."

"Oooooohhhh. Is that so Asuka."

"Shut up. Don't tease me."

She then looked up and realized Arthur was staring at her.

"Umm, w..whats wrong Arthur."

"I just noticed that your face is really red. Are you not feeling well?"

He then placed the palm of his hand on Asuka's forehead. You could practically see the steam coming from her face.

"Not to mention, you're really burning up. You must be getting sick from all the training. I'll bring you a wet towel to cool you down."

Martha just chuckled in amusement.

"That's not the reason Arthur," Martha said.

"Huh? What else could is be?"

'Wow, this kid is dense.'

"You'll figure it out in due time. But for now, I need Asuka for something important. So if you could finish up your breakfast fast, that would be much appreciated," Martha interrupted.

"What is it that's so important?"

Martha took a deep breath before she spoke.

"From now on, I will no longer be teaching you."

Asuka looked at Martha with a look of confusion.

"Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean 'no longer teaching you'?"

"I have taught you everything I know. Remember I told you a while back that I myself only know the basics of anima control. I was originally only supposed to help you train your body to handle the strain of your high level of mana. But I wanted to train you a little bit more."

"Why is that big sis?"

"What? Want to get away from me that bad huh? I'm hurt."

"To spend more time with you of course," Martha thought secretly.

"I told you to stop teasing me big sis."

"Sorry. I just couldn't help myself," Martha said with a laugh.

While Martha was having a laugh, Asuka glanced over at Arthur who showed a look of sadness.

"What's with the look Arthur? Is something bothering you?"

Arthur then looked up at Asuka and gave a small smile.

"Oh please, it's nothing you need to worry over. After all, you have your training to look forward to."

"Are you sure?"

"Yup. Nothing to worry about."

Arthur then turned and walked back up to his room. Asuka just watched as he left.

"I hope he's alright."

"There's no need to worry about him Asuka. He's a lot more level headed and mature then the other kids here. If he says not to worry, I'm sure he can handle it."

"I guess your right."

"But, why do I sense sadness in his heart?"

'Damn, she's even more dense 🤣🤣.'

"Now, finish your food quickly. I don't want to keep Ichigo waiting."

"Ichigo? Whose that?"

"Your new sensei of course."


Asuka was exhausted. It had been nearly an 5 hours since they had left Thalia's home. After saying goodbye to Thalia and the other children, Asuka and Martha began their walk to Ichigo's home. Unfortunately for Asuka, having just finished her breakfast, her stomach was not holding up well.

"Damn it. Why didn't she tell that we were going on this long walk. I would've packed food instead of eating before. Now I got to deal with these cramps. Wait, she couldn't have done that on purpose, right," Asuka thought while clutching her stomach.

Asuka then looked up to see how Martha reacted to her situation. She was met with a devilish smile on Martha's face.


Martha then let out a laugh.

"The look on your face is priceless, but you don't have to worry. We'll be arriving shortly."

"Thank goodness. The torture finally en-"

Asuka then looked up in horror as the tall hill loomed over her.

"Yup. Just one tiny hill, right Asuka," Martha said with a cheeky grin.

"I'll send you the hell."

'Now that's just cruel. I love it 😈.'

Once over the hill, Asuka saw a small bricked house.

"Whoa. For the kingdoms strongest royal guard, he sure lives pretty cheap."

Martha had told Asuka about Ichigo and how he was the one who taught Martha most of what she knows. Her admiration for the man was plain to see. The way she would describe him, it was like the way a child talks about their favorite hero. She also had told Asuka about how he saved both their lives twelve years ago, but she refrained on telling Asuka the exactly what they were saved from.

They walked up to the house but Martha started to go behind the back instead of inside.

"Hey sis, where are you going."

"He likes to sit outside most of the time."

They went around the house to see a man in all black but his brown boots and sword at his waist sitting in a tree reading a book.

"So that's him. To the ordinary person he wouldn't seem that strong but I can tell he is restraining his power. He so powerful just the feeling of his anima is overwhelming."

"Hey bro, stop acting as if you know we're here," Martha said.

The man looked back with a surprised look on his face revealing his obsidian colored eyes and then jumped down from the tree.

"Sorry Martha. I was quite invested in my book and I didn't notice you," the man said with a nervous grin while scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, sure you did," Martha said sarcastically.

Martha then looked at his hair and she could barely hold in her laughter.

"Come on. Its not that bad," Ichigo said," Mei did her best."

"If that's her best then I'd love to see her worst."

Asuka, interrupting the conversation, then walked up to the man with a serious face.

"Your Ichigo, right?"

Ichigo then looked down at Asuka.

"Yup. That would be me. Anything you need."

Asuka took a deep breath.

"I may not know the specifics, but I know that you saved both Martha and my life."

She then bowed her head.

"I owe you a great debt for saving the both of us. Thank you."

Both Martha and Ichigo were surprised by Asuka's gesture of gratitude.

"No, no, no. You don't need to do that. I had just happened to be passing by anyway and I just thought I could help. Plus, a lot of people still ended up dying because of me."

"Well...you can't save everyone right."

Martha and Ichigo just looked at her with shock.

"Plus, saving Martha and me is worth a hundred or even a thousand people. Cause I'm gonna become strong enough to save way more and beat the person who caused whatever disaster had occurred," she said with a raised clenched fist and a confident smile.

"Surprisingly mature and very determined. Not bad traits at all. But that arrogance. Lets see how this goes," thought Ichigo.

"What's the reason you want to become strong?"

Asuka looked at Ichigo as if the question surprised her. She then glanced at Martha, who gave a confused look.

"Well…umm…I guess it would be because Granny Thalia used to always talk about how she used to be a royal guard and how they would save people from powerful demons and the different types of techniques used. It's always fascinated me," Asuka said with an unconvincing laugh.

Ichigo and Martha just raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"Is that all," Ichigo asked.

"W..what do you mean? Isn't that reason enough?"

Ichigo just sighed at Asuka's comment.

"Well I guess it's not the 'worst' reason in the world."

He then looked at Martha who was just quietly listening before.

"You've taught her everything that I showed you right?"

"Of course I did bro. I wouldn't have brought her if I hadn't," she said with an annoyed face.

"I was just making sure Martha. No need to be hostle," he said while putting his hand up with a smile.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Wait. You still haven't answered my question."

"I'll tell you at another time. You don't need to worry about it for now. In the mean lets have a spar."

As soon as he said that a sword appeared in his hand.

"Whoa! How did you do that?"

"What do you mean? I just went to get a sword. Basic speed really," he said with a smug look.

A drop of sweat fell from Asuka's face.

"What?! That was his basic speed? This guy is way faster than Martha and even Granny Thalia. Not to mention I can feel his man flowing out. There is no malice in it but it feels so heavy. I feel like I'm drowning."

"Martha, if you would go back to Thalia's and prepare to move Asuka's belongings please," Ichigo asked.


"Don't worry. You don't have to bring them. Just prepare them and I will help you move 'em alright."

Martha cursed under her breath and left.

Ichigo then tossed Asuka the sword. Asuka then got in a ready stance while Ichigo just stood there without even putting his hand against his blade.

"I hope you don't mind using a claymore. It's a lot heavier than a practice sword but I think you'll get used to it.

"Shut it and come at me already."

"Confident are we. Let's test that resolve."

Ichigo then released a small amount of his contra out. Asuka feeling this couldn't help but start to tremble in fear. The hairs on her skin started to rise and a chill shot through her spine.

"Now, what will you do?"

Asuka then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then opened her eyes, her eyes filled with resolve, and stopped shaking. She started to put her mana in her arms and legs.

"Good job Asuka. Your doing well so far. Don't lose that resolve. You'll need it."

Asuka then launched herself forward and diagonally slashed downward. This attack effortlessly avoided by Ichigo but this did not discourage Asuka one bit as she attacked relentlessly.

"Slash, cut, thrust, stab. I can't stop. Act as if this is a real fight. If I stop for even second, I'm dead. I have to keep going."

She then made a large swing downward which was dodged and the sword got stuck in the tree.

"Reckless. She's getting ti-"

Suddenly Asuka grabbed the sword and propelled herself over it and threw a kick at Ichigo's face.

"Clever. Using the sword as leverage to throw a kick. It seems Martha did a good job teaching you," Ichigo thought as Asuka's foot came closer to making contact.

Despite her efforts, Ichigo planted his foot into Asuka's stomach before she could reach him. This launched her back several meters. She landed with a thud on the dirt. She coughed up saliva while clutching her stomach.

"I think that's enough for now. You've shown me all I needed to see. Martha really did a good job mentoring you. I'll be sure to give her a little gift next time I see her."

Ichigo then walked up to Asuka and stretched out his hand.

"Here. I'll help you up."

Asuka looked up and then looked back down and gave a defeated expression. She then reached out to grab his hand. Then suddenly she put her hand on the ground for balance and threw a kick which forced Ichigo to block with one arm. She then looked at him with a look of success.

"Yes! I landed one!"

"Getting a little over confident are we. If I were a real enemy and you tried that, I would've cut off your leg instead of block. And for someone with such a weak reason to become strong, you sure do have a strong will. Unless there more to your reasoning that you have yet to tell."

Asuka's then widened her eyes in surprise of the question.

She then looked down and clenched her fist.

"One night two years ago, after a long spar with Martha, I had went to bed early since my muscles were very sore and forgot to eat something. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night to make something to eat. On the way to the kitchen I passed by big sister's room and I heard a strange noise. As if someone was talking. So I pressed my ear against the door listen and-"

'Oohh, flashback time.'


"please…i'm s..so sorry. i…i failed. why…why did you all have to die. it should've been me. it…it should've been me instead."

"Is that big sister? What is she talking about? Why would she say such terrible things. Big sis.."

Asuka the knocked on door.

"no…please…not her…"


"Who is she talking to?"

Asuka with trembling fingers gripped the door handle and turned slowly. She then pushed to door open to see Martha laying in her bed in with her legs tucked into her stomach and arms wrapped around her. Her sheets soaked in sweat and her body violently shaking.

"Is she dreaming."

Then Martha started to murmur again in her sleep.

"asuka...…..no. ASUKA!!"

Martha then shot up out of her bed hyperventilating with tears forming in her eyes. Then looked at an Asuka who had jumped back from the sudden outburst.

"Asuka…I….I'm sorry. Did I scare you? I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I'm fine okay. You can go back to sleep now alright," Martha said with a noticeably forced smile.

'What a tough elder sister she is.'

But then, as if on instinct, Asuka's look of fright turned one of concern. She then walked up to Martha and embraced her with warmth.

"It's okay big sis. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Martha hearing Asuka's warm words couldn't help but break down on the spot.

'Oh wow. How nice of Asuka to console her elder sister. Might even warm this ice cold heart of mine 😭.'


Asuka now stood there looking at the ground, fists clenched, with a look of anger. Ichigo stood there just looking at her with a

"Big sis said that it happens from time to time. The nightmares. Before that I was only trying to be like granny. But after that, I knew that whatever I was going to be fighting against had put my sister in that state. The sister I always thought was strong had been reduced to that. Seeing that was a reality check for me and I knew I needed a better reason to become strong than a just a story."

"And what is that reason, Asuka."

Asuka then stood up straight and looked at Ichigo with determination in her eyes.

"To use this power that I have to protect those from ever having to experience whatever it was sister had gone through, and to bring peace to the entire world. You said it yourself after all. I'm special. That means I have a responsibility to use my abilities to help others."

"That's quite the goal. But such a goal comes with a heavy burden. Can you bear it?"

Asuka balled her hands into a fist and pounded her chest.

"It's not a matter of whether I can or can't. I have to."

Ichigo satisfied with her answer walked to the tree and pulled the sword out of it. He threw it to Asuka who grabbed the handle.

"With such a goal, there is no way I can hold back with your training."

He then unsheathed his katana and got in a stance.

"For every mistake you make, one cut . Are you prepared."

He then flared his anima. Asuka just smiled.

"Bring it old man," said as she did the same as he.

And thus, Asuka takes her first step to achieving her dream.