

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs


Asuka and Ichigo were not even an hour on the carriage before Asuka started to complain. Lying on the red cushioned chairs staring at the ceiling with an intricate design

"Ugh! How long is this gonna take? Wouldn't it be a lot faster is we just ran there?"

"Yes it would. But how will you be able to al the beautiful scenery if your zooming past it all?"

Asuka just stared at Ichigo with a look of annoyance. She then opened the carriage window, revealing the barren land that stretches as far the eyes could see.

"Ok. So the scenery isn't the best. But there is something I wanted to discuss with you before you get to Aboa."

The tone inside of the carriage shifted and Asuka's expression became a little more serious.

"Just in case you run into one, I need to give you some information about demons. So you'd better listen closely."

Asuka nodded making sure not to miss a single piece of information.

"The first thing that you'll need to know is that although very rare, weaker demons tend to work in groups of two or three when either desperate or when theres mutual benefit. So just because you managed to kill one doesn't mean you should let down your guard. Secondly, demons have very powerful regenerative abilities. The stronger the demon, the more it can regenerate. Third, you can determine the strength of a demon by the number and length of horns on their head. The number of horns will tell you how much contra they have and the length will show you their level of control."

"Wait, I thought you said everyone is born with the same amount of anima. Why would it be different for demons?"

"It is because of the nature of contra. Contra is the antithesis of anima. Meaning that if anima is equally distributed amongst people, then contra would vary from demon to demon."

"I guess that makes sense."

"The fouth thing you need to know is that if anima and contra make contact in an uncontrolled environment, it will cause a massive release of energy. Even a small amount could reduce a large city to nothing. So do be very careful."

Asuka flinched after a couple seconds of processing Ichigo's words.

"Doesn't that mean I should've exploded a long time ago? I mean, I have both contra and anima in my body."

"The key words are uncontrolled enviroment. Your body naturally manages and circulates anima and contra through out your body. It's kinda works like the strong nuclear force holds atoms nucleus together."

Asuka started to slowly nod her head, showing her understanding.

"I lost you didn't I?"

"What the hell is a 'strong nuclear force' ?"

"Nevermind. Just know, your body is forcing the anima and contra to remain in contact."

"Is there a situation where the body fails to keep them together?"

Ichigo pondered Asuka's question for a moment.

"No. None that I am aware of at least."

Asuka nodded now actually understanding.

"Finally, the fifth and final thing you'll need to wary about is this."

Ichigo stretched out his right arm and opened his palm where a black flame ignited. Asuka began to shiver and her fingers and toes became numb.

"This is the black flame I mentioned a while back. It's called hells blaze. All demons who can use it are able to manifest and control these flames. This is because the blood of the demon king runs through all demons. Even a hybrid like me and a trinity like you. But these flames are very dangerous. They are capable of erasing whatever they come into contact with from existence. Not even a person's soul will remain behind. Along with that, it will also continuously absorb heat and anima in the surrounding area."

"Dang. Demons really have got quite the toolkit."

"Yes. Not to mention whatever ability they awaken, they are very formidable. But I will say just like with humans, it is very rare for demons to awaken an ability or even to manipulate hells blaze. So I doubt you'll need to worry about those things. But you should just keep in mind as a possibility."

Asuka nodded at Ichigos suggestion. She then looked down at her palm. Closing her eyes, she began to concentrate very hard pouring anima into her hand. But instead of the desired result, a hard stone covering wraps around her hand.

"If you want to manifest hells blaze, you'll need to use your contra. But, you don't have enough control of the amount you have now to do it at will. I'll teach you to master it when you master anima first."

Asuka's eyes shined at the prospect of learning such an advanced technique.

"But before that, let's look at the obstacle infront of us first alright."

"Right. I can't afford to get too distracted. Can we talk about some strategies so as to find the culprit. I'm not exactly a detective and I'm going to need some pointers to detective work."

"Sure. I've done some jobs like this in the past so I think I can give you some pointers."


For the next couple hours, they discussed multiple tactics and strategies for how Asuka could catch and apprehend the culprit. And then-

"Hey, Ichigo. Wake up. We're here."

Ichigo opened his eye's while groaning. Finally, he sat up on the couch and looked a the man with unkept grey hair and scruffy stubble. He then reached into his pocketanf pulled out a couple coins and handed them to the carriage driver.

"Keep the change. You should get something nice for Jenny."

"You'd better let me keep the change. Had I known it was gonna take this long, I woulda charged ya triple."

Ichigo chuckled nervously at the drivers statement.

"Hopefully that ungrateful daughter of mine will be satisfied with this."

"Oh don't say that. She's young. Let her be a little self centered. It wouldn't hurt."

"Yeah it all fun and games till you got a narcissistic teenager on ya hands. Anyway, you should get going. It'll be sundown soon and Aboa is quite the tourist attractor. So finding an inn with a spare room to sleep in will be a challenge."

Without responding, Ichigo stretched his arm to reach Asuka. He grabbed her shoulder and gently shook her to wake her up. After only a few moments, Asuka's eye's opened.

"We've arrived at Aboa. We need to find some accommodations."

Asuka just nodded weakly and got up from her seat with her eyes still slightly shut. Ichigo followed suit and stood. They then both walked out of the carriage.

"Thanks Carter. You've really been a help."

"Eh don't mention it. Just make sure you stay safe."

The two men then waved at each other and Carter rode of is his carriage. Ichigo and Asuka then turn to face the city of Aboa.