
Toxic Emperor

*Not a Overwatch Fic* This work is just an experiment. We do not own none of the characters besides our original ones. *This Fic is set in a world where's the mix of a bunch of animes, video games and things like that. It is not set in a single anime world with elements and characters of another worlds, but rather a conglomerade of many worlds fused together.* Enjoy. We'll release more chapters depending of your support :)

Dereck_Oliveira · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Whale Hunting.

Two guards were quietly patrolling the outside perimeter of a house. This was obviously not a normal house, it was a massive mansion with fences covering the entire area. The house didn't stand out in any way, if compared to the others in the street yet it was clearly situated in a healthy neighborhood.

Paradise is an extremely clean city and most of the people that live there are either rich or incredibly powerful. From generals to civil workers, every single house accommodated somebody of importance to the Warlord.

The job of the two guards was simple, protect the west gate of the mansion and only allow individuals with direct authorisation from the owner of the mansion to get inside. They have been on the job for twelve years and they never had any troubles. They were paid well and they barely had to do anything, this was the dream job.

"Hey Jack, is that a car coming at us in the distance?" One of the guards asked the other as he spotted a car closing in directly towards the gate.

The other guard immediately picked up the visitors books, looking to see if they had to receive anybody on that day. Their boss was an influential individual it was perfectly normal for him to have guests with high positions in the city. That is why they were gifted a small tablet on their first day of work. The screen would automatically update should their boss have an unexpected visit.

"There is no visits scheduled for today. It is probably somebody that got lost." The car stopped in front of the gate and the two guards surrounded the car, one on each side.

The windows of the car were made of one way glasses, meaning the guards couldn't look inside. Without any other option, one of the guards knocked on the window of the car. "Hey pal, you are trespassing a private property. I am going to ask you to leave..." Before he could finish the sentence, the glass was lowered just a little bit, not enough to see who was inside but enough for a barrel to stick outside.

Before the guard could even react, he was shot in the head. The gun had a suppressor meaning that the sound produced by the shot was extremely low.

"Jack!" The other guard screamed as he tried to grab the gun of his holster only to get shot in the head by the driver.

Samael walks out of the car and looks at the dead body. Without any remorse, he rips out the card on the jacket of the guard. He then uses it on the ID scanner of the gate and the gate opens.

"Let's go, we have a long night ahead." Sombra said as she pulled the car over to where he was. Samasl entered the car and closed the door behind him.

The drive to the actual mansion was quite uneventful, most of the armed security is inside the first floor of the mansion. The owner of the actual mansion lives on the second floor so after they cleaned up the gate, there was no resistance all the way to the actual gates of the residence.

"Remember, this is not the Undercities. If they raise the alarms, the Enforcers are going to be on our asses. We go in silently and we come out without raising any suspicion." Samael told Sombra, who in return smiled and grabbed a submachine gun from the back seat while he picked up an assault rifle. Both of the guns had suppressors meaning that they were going in silently.

"In case you have forgotten, stealth is my speciality. We have around 40 minutes before the security team notices that we just took out the guards at the gate."

Samael nodded at her words before getting out of the car with Sombra following right after.

Sombra immediatelly turned invisible while Samael had to use the bushes and the darkness of the night as his cover.

While making as little noise as possible, Samael arrived at the back door of the mansion. He placed his hand on the handle and the other one on his gun. "Sombra, lights out." He whispered out loud to seemingly nobody.

"Time to put the babies to sleep." A low voice was heard right behind him. It doesn't matter how many times she does that, he will never get used to it.

With a single tap on the screen that appeared in front of her, the lights went down while Samael opened the door. Using his night vision on his mask, he could see clear as day. The guards on the other hand were not even sure if it was a blackout or if they were actually being attacked.

As soon as they set foot inside of the room and the guards entered in their field of vision, they pull the triggers, blowing several holes in them. The muffled noises of their shots and the sound of the bodies falling on the ground alerted the more experienced guards, but there was nothing they could do when they couldn't even see, unlike both Samael and Sombra, who were gunning down everyone that had the bad luck of being in their line of sight.

After the room was cleared by the combined work of Samael and Sombra, they knew that it was only a matter of time before they were found out. They knew this way before they invaded the mansion, so they planned around it. Instead of going directly for their target they prioritised securing other rooms of the mansion that were more important.

This was where Sombra's abilities shone through, she hacked the Warlord's systems and retrieved a blueprint for the mansion making the planning for the job a lot easier.

Samael walked through the hallways shooting any guards that came his way. With Sombra covering his back, the job was much easier. Soon enough they reached a reinforced door.

"Cover my ass whilst I plant the charges. I know that you have a lot of ass to cover, but I trust you will handle it with care." Sombra said while laughing, it doesn't matter the situation she is always trying to get a reaction out of him.

Samael just knelled on one knee and watched the hallways like a hawk.

After some time, he heard something. "Charges set!"

"Time to deliver out a little surprise." Samael whispered as the door exploded with a single click.

He then threw a fear grenade inside and the gas immediately spread out throughout the room. The room had no windows which meant that they had no way of escaping the gas.

Samael entered inside the room with Sombra following behind him. The room was the surveillance room of the mansion which means that all the cameras were connected to this very room and so was the alarm.

Possessing two chairs, one of the room's wall is filled with screens, showing the entire perimeter of the house. In a few of them, the bloodied corpses of the guards that they killed were capable of being seen. The alarm of this house was designed in a way that it was impossible to hack from the outside.

There was also a door that the guards were trying to reach which said "ARMORY". This is where the guards kept the heavy guns.

"Sombra, the door please." Samael said, standing near the door while Sombra was playing around with the screens of the room.

"The alarm is down, I have cut off their contact to the outside. Which means that we don't need to keep the silence up. Also that door has been open for the last two minutes, you just need to get close to it." Samael nodded and came closer to the door and sure enough the door opened. As soon as he placed a foot inside the room, the door was close immediately. He acted on instinct and barely avoided getting the door closed on his face.

He immediately glared at Sombra that was playing around with the controls laughing her ass off. "This never gets old. Remember that time I did it to you 6 times in a row when you were ten years old? Those were the good old days."

He just looked at her and remembered the good old times where he would plan heists with Sombra just to steal some food. They did it to survive not to get wealthy, they thanked god for each day they lived with food on their mouths...

This was not the time to get emotional over his past. "I was naive enough to think that you were actually going to open the door the second time, the third time and so on. But that is not important, will you just open the door? You might have bought us time by disabling the alarm but my patience is limited."

Sombra smiled and clicked on the button to open the door, Samael immediatelly stepped inside. He was going to get back at Sombra one of these days.

"You know, you are lucky I like you. If I didn't you would have a bullet hole in the middle of your eyes." Sombra simply flipped him off, completely unafraid. His threats were useless, mostly because Sombra knew that he didn't mean half the shit he said.

She knew that he couldn't kill her, even if he wanted to just like she couldn't kill him even if she was offered all the money in the world.

He whistled as soon as he entered the armory. "I can't help but think that I have fucked lady luck in my sleep." He said out loud as he looked around the room.

There were all type of guns around from assault riffles to anti air missiles. The amount of ammunition in the room could supply a small army. Samael removed his glove and started touching the guns. He was feeling the cold steel against his fingertips, every single gun was produced with extreme care. He had a couple of guns like this in his secret stash but the amount of money that he paid for them was ridiculous. The main problem was not the money though, this guns were scarce.

The Undercities can not produce such guns or ammo, it is too high tech and expensive. Even the Kingpins had to scavenge them from the captains and each gun came with a bloody price and yet here he was looking at a massive stockpile of them.

"Can you stop masturbating to guns? I can't believe that I am the one that has to tell you this, but focus on the mission. Also if you are going to get turned on by something, let it be my body." Samael ignored Sombra's antics and picked up an assault rifle with plastic ammo.

Plastic ammo is the most advanced type of ammo, it doesn't overheat and it is extremely quiet. The tip of the bullets had what looked like titanium, without a doubt this architect was not a normal guy. He had enough weapons in his closet to start a war.

"Here you go, a gift." He said as he threw a sub machine gun loaded with the same type of bullets that he was using to Sombra.

They had no more reasons to use a suppressor, most of the guards were alerted when they exploded the door. Sombra has already blocked all of the communications inside the building which means that they can't call for reinforcements.

"You know other boys offer their girls a necklace or a teddy bear... I can't help but feel like I am getting the short end of the stick." Sombra said as she placed the magazine on the gun.

"Bite me, Sombra. I spent 1.5 million platinum on your ass and I also gave you a gun that is probably worth a quarter of that value." He said out loud as he picked up another assault rifle.

"It is a pretty nice ass, if you ask me you got a bargain deal for such a nice piece of tail." Sombra got of the chair and slapped her own ass to prove her point, making it jiggle.

"Enough about your ass, let's go whale hunting. We have the harpoons, we only need the bait." Samael picked up both guns one on each hand and walked out of the room.

"I am right behind you." A faint whisper came into his ear as soon as he walked out of the room. He walked down the hallways without any rush, he was simply taking his time. He soon enough arrived at the end of the hallway that departed into two different routes.

"Sombra will you do the honors?" He could clearly hear the guards taking positions around the stairs in the right path, instead of hunting them down they chose to barricade themselves on the stairs to protect their master.

"With pleasure." He watched as one of his grenades was taken from his vest. Sombra is currently invisible so watching a grenade floating in the air is quite an unusual sight.

The pin for the grenade flew out and Sombra threw it around the corner, a loud sound soon followed with a flash bright enough to blind anybody within the line of sight. This was not one of the his toxins, it was a simple flashbang.

He immediately turned on the corner and fired away. Bullet after bullet flew against the guards that were trying to regain their vision and hearing after the flashbang. The tables serving as barricades were completely useless, the bullets passed through them like they were made of paper. The ground was soon filled up with cartridges while Samael ran out of bullets faster than he expected.

Both of guns magazines feel onto the ground at the same time while he put the guns down and looked around. With dozens of holes decorating their bodies, several guards, who were trying to fight against the ones who invaded the house, had fallen to the ground. Their blood painted the floor and the walls.

One of the guards, who was at death's door, used his last breath to pick up a pistol and aim it upwards but before he could fire, he was shot in the head by Sombra. Samael didn't bother reacting because he knew that Sombra was taking care of his back.

They both ran up the stairs while he placed another clip onto both of the guns, this time placing one of the assault riffles on his back. The recoil on both guns did quite a number on his shoulders, he cannot use both of the guns at the same time any time soon. So instead he placed both hands on a gun and focused on high precision bursts instead of spraying and praying.

Most of guards were dealt with and they reached the second floor without any blockades in their way.

"This is where we split off, Sombra. Follow the plan, if you need assistance call me out on the comms." Samael turned to her.

"Don't worry I know what to do. Don't miss me too much." She responded.

"Good! Let's go." He said as they split up.

While Samael headed towards the main office, Sombra headed towards the bedrooms of the house. The second floor of the house soon enough turned into a battlefield. The guards were using the corners as cover to stall him, although with close to no success.

"Taking 10 minutes to arrive to this room was not in my plans... I guess that what they say is true. If ants band together, they can even take down an elephant. I would say that I am impressed with the resistance that you put up, but talking to the dead is a waste of time." He said outloud as he looked at the last dead man in his way.

The way to the office was completely open now, it was just the hallway and a bunch of corpses on the ground. The stench of blood and gunpowder was a scent that he was far too familiar with.

He had no issues trespassing this ocean of corpses, it is not the first time and it will certainly not be the last one.

"It's time to bring the whale out." He whispered as he softly touched the giant wooden doors in front of him, almost like he was afraid of breaking them. He quickly took a step back and kicked the door open breaching into the office with weapon in hand.

The decorations on the office reflected the ridiculous amount of wealth owned by its owner. Inside the large room, many hefty-looking pantings decorated the walls together with rows of books and a long red carpet. Despite the luxury of the room, there is one thing that stands out more and that is the massive electric field around a certain middle aged man that's sitting behind a big desk.

"So you are the one that has been raising quite a ruckus around my property... I wasn't expecting your presence, Scarecrow. If you have given me a notice, I would have prepared a welcome party." As soon as the man said something, Samael pointed the gun at his leg and fired. The bullet was completely disintegrated before it could even travel halfway through. "Don't waste your time, this is an electric field designed to withstand a nuclear blast. You know, for somebody with your infamy I thought that you would be smarter."

Samael already knew that he had some kind of panic room that made him completely invulnerable. The eletric field was out of his expectations but it was not a variable strong enough to change the plan.

"Infamy? I didn't think that my reputation would reach all the way up to Paradise. I thought that you rich snobs were busy molesting underage girls and setting up fights with prisoners to the death." Leo laughed at his words and looked completely unoffended while Samael was more concerned about the fact that he knew his nickname.

There was only one reason inside his mind as to why a guy from Paradise would know his nickname, the Warlord has made his move. Nicknames would usually be spread in the Undercities and the Paradise citizens couldn't care less about such things. In their eyes, the Undercities citizens were inferior people, while the Undercities itself served in only one purpose, which was a staging ground to start illegal activities, be it slave trade, drug dealing, prostitution... If there was a deal going down in the Undercities the most influential people of Paradise had their hands on it, but they had no reason to care about the most infamous people in the Undercities.

They knew that once a citizen of the Undercities crossed the Warlord, they were living on counted time. Why should they care about scum that will die in a couple of days? That is simply beneath them.

"You speak like you are a warrior of justice, who are you to condemn my actions or anybody's actions? You have your hands so dirty that you can't even see your own skin. You are probably the worst monster I have ever laid my eyes upon. So I will ask you, what is it that you want from me?" While Leo said that, Samael walked around the room and sat down on a chair, if he couldn't touch him might as well get comfortable.

To get him out of that force field, he needed to wait for Sombra so he might as well drain this guy for information.

"I never once said that I was a warrior of justice. You could kill a child in front of me and I would't bat an eye to that. I only want what was taken from me and I am willing to take as many lives as I deem necessary. Your life is one of those." Samael has no delusion, he knew that he was not the good guy.

He once was a decent human being, but the light of his life was taken away from him. He was not born a monster, the monster that he is today was created. He blamed everything, the world, the system, the corrupt leaders and even himself... Only to realise that screaming and crying would get him nowhere.

The only way to get what was taken from him back was to act. Fear and hatred become his main weapons and before he could even realise, his previous self was long gone.

"Y-yo-you want my life?" The man asked outloud laughing as hard as he could as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world. "You can't be serious, you can't even protect your own life and yet you want to take mine?"

Samael was rather surprised even though Leo couldn't tell since he was wearing a gas mask. He was amused at Leo's outburst, this guy knew more than he expected. Once he gets his hands on him, he will make him sing like a little bird.

"You have no idea what kinda of beast you have poked. I called you a monster, but maybe I was wrong. You are a wild animal, an animal that has no sense of danger." Being called an animal was certainly a first for Samael, at least in this context. Either way it is not like he is wrong, he knows perfectly that he will piss off a lot of people and he couldn't care less.

"Enlighten this wild animal then. Who have I provoked this time?" Samael asked as he picked up a book just for the fun.

"You truly have no idea do you? The Warlord is after your skin, he has already offered 50 million platinum to an assassin. One of his personal pawns has also been mobilised with its little own private army. The assassin hired has a clean record, as soon as the money is deposited the target always shows up dead. The pawn that was mobilised is also known for her fanaticism for her lord. I would love to say that one of them is going to get your head, but I will be the one that takes that honour. The Warlord is quite pissed and I can't imagine the rewards that he will give my family for your head." While Leo basically lectured him about the Warlord's counter measures, Samael placed the book down and got up.

"Do you really think that I didn't know who was after me? I know perfectly who I pissed, what I didn't know was the exact forces that he sent after me. I can't thank you enough for your cooperation, I believe that I should greet our new guests." As soon as Samael turned around, he could see two individuals standing at the door.

These individuals being a boy and a girl, both having silver hair, pale violet eyes as well as having feminine facial features. The boy's hair is short while the girl's is longer. They're dressing a similar type of gothic attire and they seem to be twins due to them being almost identical.

"Y-YO-YOU PLAYED ME? A wild animal like you? That matters little, you will not leave my house alive. This place will be your burial ground. Hänsel! Gretel! Have your fun with him. I only need his head intact." Samael watched Leo's raging outburst amused, most of the nobles in Paradise were like that. They like to think of themselves as superior and more classy than the average crook but in the end they are all human and they bleed just like any other animal.

They are not in control of their own emotions and they believe themselves to be smarter then they actually are.

Of course, there are exceptions. There are actual citizens of Paradise that are monsters on their respective fields.

However, the Warlord owns a tight grip on those chess pieces and he will never allow them to fall without the attacker paying a heaver price for them.

"Look big sister, it seems like we are going to have a full meal tonight." Hänsel said.

"It certainly looks like that big brother." Gretel said.

The creepy laugh coming from the twins made Samael point his machine gun at them. He knew exactly that they were insane, they were probably trained since kids to kill for their masters amusement. "So these kids are your last hope? I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for you."