
Towers of Power: Lycen's Leveling Adventure

"Towers of Power: Lycen's Leveling Adventure" is an action-packed urban fantasy novel set in a world where modern society meets with fantasy. In this world, towers have suddenly appeared around the globe and humans have received a system that allows them to challenge these towers and fight against monsters for materials and treasures. The story follows Lycen, a gamer who joins a group to challenge his first tower. However, as they progress through the tower, they encounter glitches and strange anomalies that hint at something far more dangerous than just a simple game. Lycen and his teammates soon find themselves fighting for their lives against a horde of grotesque creatures that have appeared out of nowhere. In the chaos that follows, Lycen discovers that he is not just an ordinary gamer but a half-dragon, which makes him a valuable commodity in the supernatural community. With his newfound powers and his trusty sword, Lycen must navigate through the tower and fight against the monsters while also dealing with the hidden supernatural community in modern society.As the story unfolds, Lycen and his teammates uncover a sinister plot behind the tower system and the glitches that have been plaguing it. They must work together to uncover the truth and put a stop to the danger that threatens to spill out of the towers and into the real world. "Towers of Power: Lycen's Leveling Adventure" is a thrilling tale of action, adventure, and magic, featuring a unique blend of urban fantasy, video game elements, and supernatural themes. It is a story of one gamer's journey from being a weak player to a powerful hero, as he fights to protect both his virtual and real worlds from impending doom.

lolz094 · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs


Chapter 4: The Sorceress's Warning

The group made their way through the forest, still reeling from the encounter with the mysterious sorceress. They were all on edge, knowing that danger could be lurking around every corner. Lycen was the first to break the silence.

"So, what do we do now?" he asked, looking around at his companions.

"We need to find a way to get past the sorceress," Zara said firmly. "We can't let her stop us from reaching the top of the tower.""But how do we do that?" Lycen asked, feeling helpless.

"We need to figure out what she wants," Kaela said. "There must be some reason why she's trying to stop us."

"I think I might know why," Xander spoke up. "When we were talking, she mentioned something about 'the greater good.' I think she might be trying to protect the tower from us for some reason."

"But why would she do that?" Lycen asked."That's what we need to find out," Zara said. "We need to talk to her again, and see if we can get her to tell us more."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Kaela said hesitantly. "She seemed pretty dangerous."

"We don't have a choice," Zara said firmly. "We need to find out what she's up to, or we'll never be able to get to the top of the tower."The group continued on, still uncertain about what lay ahead. They had overcome many obstacles so far, but the sorceress presented a new challenge that they weren't sure they were ready for. Would they be able to convince her to let them pass? Or would she remain a formidable opponent, determined to keep them from their goal?As they walked towards the tower, Lycen's mind was filled with questions. What kind of monster could have caused such destruction? And why had the guild not sent anyone to deal with it already?

As they approached the tower, Lycen could see that it was in ruins. The entrance had been destroyed, and rubble lay scattered around the perimeter. He could also see a few bodies lying on the ground, their equipment stripped away. It was clear that they had been adventurers, just like them.Lycen's heart raced as they cautiously made their way through the rubble towards the entrance. As they got closer, they could hear a low growling noise coming from inside. Lycen drew his sword and signaled for the others to do the same.

They entered the tower, and immediately the smell of death and decay hit them. The interior was in shambles, with rubble and debris scattered everywhere. As they cautiously made their way through the tower, they soon came face to face with the monster responsible for the destruction.It was a giant, hulking beast with razor-sharp claws and a mouth full of jagged teeth. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its fur was matted with blood and gore. It let out a blood-curdling roar, and charged towards the adventurers.It stumbled forward, and Lycen saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It was a sorceress, her hands crackling with magical energy. She raised her hands again, and another beam of light shot towards the monster, this time striking it in the head. The monster let out a final roar, and then collapsed to the ground, dead.

Lycen and his team stared in awe at the sorceress, who had single-handedly defeated the monster that had nearly killed them. She turned to face them, and Lycen could see that her eyes were a piercing shade of green."Are you alright?" she asked, her voice calm and measured.

Lycen nodded, still in shock. "Y- yes, thank you. You saved our lives."

The sorceress smiled faintly. "It's all in a day's work. My name is Elara, by the way. And you are?"

Lycen introduced himself and his team, and Elara nodded in acknowledgement. "I see you're all new to this world. You have much to learn, but I can help you if you're interested."Lycen and his team exchanged glances, and then nodded eagerly. They knew that they had just witnessed a powerful sorceress in action, and they were eager to learn from her.

And so, Elara became their mentor, teaching them the ways of magic and guiding them on their journey through the world of gaming and sorcery. Lycen could feel himself growing stronger every day, and he knew that with Elara's guidance, he could become a true hero in this new world.The group made their way to the entrance of the tower, eager to exit and return to their base to rest and regroup. But as they stepped outside, they were met with a shocking sight.

The sky was dark and ominous, and a storm was brewing on the horizon. The ground beneath their feet shook with an unnatural force, causing Lycen and his team to stumble.

"What is happening?" Lycen shouted over the howling winds.

"I don't know," replied the sorceress, "but this doesn't feel like a natural phenomenon."Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the ground just a few feet away from them, causing the group to jump back in fear.

"We need to get out of here," said the rogue. "This storm could be dangerous."

The group hastily made their way down the path, but the ground continued to shake violently beneath their feet. As they rounded a bend, they saw a terrifying sight.A massive portal had opened up in the sky, and out of it poured an army of demonic creatures. The creatures were unlike anything they had ever seen before - they were tall and muscular, with red skin and horns protruding from their heads.

"We need to warn the others," said Lycen, his heart racing with fear. "These creatures are going to cause chaos and destruction if we don't stop them."

The group quickly made their way back to their base, where they found the rest of their guild preparing for battle."What's going on?" asked the guild leader, her eyes widening at the sight of the group's terrified expressions.

"Demonic creatures have invaded our world," said Lycen. "We need to stop them before they destroy everything."

The guild leader nodded, and together they formulated a plan of attack. They would split into groups and attack the creatures from all sides, using their combined strength and magic to defeat them.As they charged into battle, Lycen couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty. This was a battle unlike any they had ever faced before, and the outcome was far from certain.

But as he fought alongside his guildmates, he felt a surge of determination and bravery. They were fighting for their world, for their people, and they would not let these demonic creatures destroy everything they had worked so hard to build.In the end, the battle was long and grueling, but Lycen and his guild emerged victorious. They had saved their world from certain destruction, and in doing so, they had proven their worth and strength as a team.

As they returned to their base to rest and recover, Lycen couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had faced the ultimate test, and they had come out on top. But he knew that there would always be more battles to fight, more challenges to overcome, in this new world of magic and adventure.As they walked, Lycen couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Something didn't feel right. He scanned the area, his eyes trained on the surrounding trees and bushes. Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound, and before he could react, something pounced on him from the shadows.

Lycen found himself face to face with a snarling werewolf. He was caught off guard, and his team was too far away to help. The werewolf pinned him to the ground, its jaws opening wide to bite into his neck. But just as it was about to strike, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky, hitting the werewolf and sending it flying.Lycen scrambled to his feet, searching for the source of the attack. And that was when he saw her – a woman in long robes, with wild hair and piercing blue eyes. She looked like a sorceress, and Lycen couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and fear in her presence.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice soft but commanding.

Lycen nodded, still in shock. "Thank you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

The sorceress gave him a small smile. "It's my duty to protect those in need."Lycen's team arrived on the scene, and the sorceress introduced herself as Yara, a powerful mage who had been tracking the werewolf for days. She explained that there had been a recent surge in supernatural activity in the area, and she suspected that something big was brewing.

Lycen and his team offered to help Yara, and she agreed. They spent the next few days tracking down leads and investigating the strange occurrences in the area. And as they delved deeper, they realized that they were facing a much bigger threat than they had ever imagined.The supernatural world was on the brink of a war, and Lycen and his team were caught in the middle of it. But they were determined to do whatever it took to stop it and protect the world they had come to love.As the group continued their journey, they encountered many challenges and faced several more battles. However, they also made new allies along the way, including a skilled ranger named Nessa and a powerful sorceress named Illiana.

Lycen found himself drawn to Illiana, with her fiery red hair and piercing green eyes. He admired her strength and intelligence, and they often spent time discussing their magical abilities and how they could use them to become even stronger.One day, as they were setting up camp, Illiana revealed a shocking secret to Lycen. She was not actually from this world, but had been transported here from another dimension through a magical portal. She had been searching for a way back to her own world ever since.

Lycen was stunned by this revelation, but he also felt a sense of empathy for Illiana. He had always felt like he didn't quite fit in with the human world, and he couldn't imagine how it must feel to be stranded in an entirely different dimension.Determined to help Illiana find a way back home, Lycen and the group began to seek out clues and information about the magical portal that had brought her here. They encountered many obstacles along the way, including dangerous beasts and treacherous terrain, but their bond as a team only grew stronger.

As they delved deeper into their search, Lycen began to uncover new secrets about his own past and the true nature of his abilities. It seemed that the more he learned, the more questions he had, but he remained determined to uncover the truthLittle did they know, however, that their quest to help Illiana would lead them straight into the clutches of a powerful and dangerous sorcerer who would stop at nothing to use their abilities for his own gain. The group would have to face their greatest challenge yet if they hoped to save themselves and find a way to send Illiana back to her own world.As Lycen and his friends made their way towards the village, they noticed something odd. The villagers were all gathered in the center, muttering to each other in hushed tones. As the group approached, a few villagers stepped forward to address them.

"Thank the heavens you're here," said an elderly woman, her voice shaking with fear. "Our village has been plagued by a terrible curse."

"A curse?" Lycen repeated, exchanging a concerned glance with his friends. "What kind of curse?""It's a powerful enchantment that has taken hold of our crops and livestock," the woman explained. "Everything we plant withers away, and our animals have been stricken with a strange disease. We don't know what to do."

Lycen listened carefully as the villagers shared their woes, his mind racing with possible solutions. As a sorceress, he knew that he had the power to break the curse, but it wouldn't be easy.

"I'll do what I can to help," he said firmly. "But we'll need to investigate the source of this curse first."The villagers nodded gratefully, and Lycen and his team set to work. They scoured the village for clues, speaking to every resident and examining every inch of the land. Finally, after hours of investigation, they found what they were looking for.

Deep in the forest, they stumbled upon a clearing, filled with dark energy. In the center of the clearing stood a figure, cloaked in shadows and chanting an ancient incantation.

"That must be the one behind the curse," said Lycen, his voice low with anger. "We have to stop them."With a determined look, Lycen and his friends charged towards the figure, ready to take down the source of the village's suffering. But as they got closer, they realized that things weren't quite as they seemed.

The figure turned to face them, and Lycen's heart nearly stopped. It was a sorceress, much like himself, and she looked just as shocked to see them.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"We're here to stop you from cursing this village," Lycen replied, his hand tightening around his staff.The sorceress hesitated, and Lycen could sense the conflict within her. Finally, she sighed heavily.

"You don't understand," she said. "I'm not cursing the village. I'm trying to break a curse."

Lycen and his team exchanged a confused glance. "What curse?"

"The curse that has plagued my family for generations," the sorceress explained. "It's a terrible affliction that causes us to lose our magic every time we use it. I thought that if I could harness the dark energy in this clearing, I could break the curse and save my family."Lycen felt a pang of empathy for the sorceress. He knew what it was like to have his abilities stripped away, and he could only imagine how much harder it would be for a sorceress to lose her magic.

"Let us help you," he said firmly. "We can find a way to break the curse without harming anyone else."The sorceress hesitated, but eventually nodded in agreement. Lycen and his friends worked alongside her, pooling their knowledge and skills to break the curse once and for all. And when they were done, the village was no longer plagued by the enchantment, and the sorceress had broken the curse that had haunted her family for generations.

As Lycen and his team made their way back to the tower, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist in their adventure. He had come to this world looking for. With the entrance of the demon, the mood in the room shifted drastically. The air grew colder, and Lycen's heart began to race. He had never encountered a demon before, but he had heard enough stories to know that they were not to be taken lightly.

The demon's eyes glowed red as it stared down at Lycen and his team. "What do you want?" it growled.

Lycen stepped forward, trying to keep his fear at bay. "We don't want any trouble," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "We're just passing through."The demon let out a deep, rumbling laugh. "Passing through? This is my domain. No one passes through here without my permission."

Lycen felt a chill run down his spine. He knew they were in trouble. But he wasn't about to give up without a fight.

"We don't want to cause any trouble," he repeated. "We just want to get to the other side."

The demon considered this for a moment, then let out a low growl. "Very well," it said. "But you must answer my riddle first. If you fail, you will become my prisoners ."Lycen and his team exchanged nervous glances. They had no choice but to accept the challenge.

"Very well," the demon said. "Here is my riddle: What is always in front of you but can't be seen?"

Lycen thought for a moment, then spoke up. "The future," he said.

The demon's eyes widened in surprise. "Correct," it said. "Very well, you may pass."Lycen and his team breathed a sigh of relief as they made their way past the demon and continued on their journey. But the encounter left them all shaken, and Lycen couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay ahead in this strange and unpredictable world.