
Tower of Heaven In Hell (TOWER OF ILLUMINANCE)

Ever since childhood, the protagonist has been burdened with a unique gift—the ability to see spirits and otherworldly beings that remain hidden to ordinary eyes. However, this extraordinary sight comes at the cost of perpetual sickness, leaving the young individual weakened and isolated from their peers. Seeking a solution, the protagonist's parents turn to a magtatawas, hoping to close their so-called "third eye" and provide them with a normal life. The ritual succeeds, sealing off the protagonist's vision of the spirit realm, and they believe they are finally free from the haunting specters that once filled their world. As years pass, the protagonist grows to accept their "ordinary" life, believing the mysterious chapter of spirits to be behind them. But on their twenty-fifth birthday, the world changes dramatically. Mysterious towers, like ancient sentinels, emerge without warning in major cities worldwide. These towers unleash beams of illuminating light into the heavens, touching the clouds and granting special abilities to anyone caught in their luminescent embrace. Amidst the global excitement and chaos, the protagonist discovers that even though their sight of spirits had been closed, the connection to the enigmatic forces remains. They can still feel the presence of spirits and sense the immense power emanating from the towers. Though they don't gain the same extraordinary abilities as others, their unique bond with the spirit world sets them apart. As the world adapts to this new era of gifted individuals, the protagonist realizes that the towers and their connection to the spirits are linked. Driven by curiosity and a sense of destiny, they embark on a journey with others who share their newfound gifts. Together, they seek to explore the mysteries of the towers, unearthing secrets that hold the key to their purpose and existence. Throughout their adventures, the group will face challenges that test their bonds, confront shadows of the past, and encounter others who may see the towers as a means to achieve personal ambitions. As the enigmatic brilliance of the towers illuminates the path before them, they must navigate a world teetering on the edge of transformation, aware that their destinies are forever entwined with the ethereal forces that have reshaped humanity. In "Tower of Illuminance," the protagonist's journey will not only be a quest for answers but also a profound exploration of self-discovery, friendship, and the boundless potential that lies within every individual. As they strive to unravel the enigma of the mysterious towers, they will come to understand that the true power lies not in the abilities granted by the light, but in the strength of their hearts and the choices they make in the face of the unknown.

SAJA_Fox · ไซไฟ
6 Chs


Having successfully copied the "Thermal Vision" skill, a surge of adrenaline drives me to escape from its original owner. I know I must get far away from Vincent, the possessor of "Scarlet Vision," to avoid any potential problems. Once I feel confident that I'm out of his immediate reach, I activate the new skill I acquired and I'm utterly amazed by its usefulness. "Thermal Vision" allows me to identify living and non-living things based on their thermal energy. However, it's an E-ranked skill with a limited duration of one minute and only three uses per day. I can't rely on it for long-term survival, but it's a valuable tool in my arsenal.

Curiosity gnaws at me as I contemplate the relationship between "Thermal Vision" and the main skill "Anja," which also encompasses "Spirit Vision" and "Clairvoyance." Could it be that these are all subskills of a higher-ranked skill, like the legendary SSS-ranked abilities? If so, it means that skill hunters and producers who lack an SSS-ranked skill wouldn't be able to evolve the related skills underneath it. But what about the evolving skills themselves? Could they be considered main skills like the SSS-ranked ones, with the potential to evolve into something even more powerful? The idea fills me with excitement, but I mustn't let these musings distract me from my main priority: gaining skills to pass the Hunter evaluation.

As I return to my human form, a sudden sense of being watched causes me to spin around. Instinctively, I utilize the subskill "Clairvoyance" to peer into the future. To my astonishment, I see Vincent, the wielder of "Thermal Vision," standing menacingly behind me. The real question is how he managed to track me down so quickly. My fear heightens, and I swiftly morph into a nimble fox, just in time to dodge his attempt to strike my heart from behind. With agility on my side, I make a hasty escape, putting as much distance as possible between us. When I'm about 10 meters away, I revert to my human form and confront him, demanding an explanation for his attack.

Vincent's response sends chills down my spine, as he claims to be hungry, but it makes no sense that he would attack a fellow human. My fear intensifies as I ask him again, only to receive a chilling reply: "Because you are my food, nothing less."

Panic sets in as I realize I have no skill at my disposal to defend against him. Before I can react, Vincent undergoes a horrifying transformation into a massive, human-sized ape with razor-sharp claws and demon-like red eyes. The smell that emanates from him is putrid and unbearable, like a combination of rotting flesh, decaying vegetation, and sulfur. It's a nauseating stench that seeps into every fiber of my being, making my eyes water and my stomach turn.

My mind races, recalling the mythical creature "Amomongo" from Philippine folklore that shares similar characteristics with the monster now before me. But this creature supposedly only kills trespassers and doesn't eat people. I'm now faced with a nightmare beyond comprehension – a monstrous being that not only exists but thrives on human flesh.

Overwhelmed with fear, I stumble and fall to my knees, realizing that fighting or escaping is futile against such an overwhelming force. The ground beneath me feels cold and unforgiving as I find myself paralyzed with terror, unable to make a move.

Is there a skill that allows someone to become like this mythical being? My curiosity is answered as Vincent addresses me again. He reveals that his transformation is not a skill, but his true form—a real Amomongo born from a human who was raped by one of these creatures. The revelation astonishes me; it feels like I'm living a macabre dream. Witnessing a creature from folklore come to life is both terror-inducing and morbidly fascinating.

I can't shake off the putrid smell that surrounds him, a constant reminder of the abomination now standing before me. My instincts tell me to run, but my body remains frozen, gripped by an overwhelming dread. It's as if I've stepped into a horrifying tale that I can't escape from, and I fear I may never wake up from this nightmarish reality.

As I brace myself for what seems like an inevitable end, time inexplicably freezes, and a voice penetrates my mind, offering help. I'm horrified by the situation I find myself in, but survival becomes my top priority. I respond desperately to the voice, accepting its offer in exchange for forming a spirit contract and helping hide the being from the God of the Sky and the God of the Sea. The offer is dangerous, as this entity is attempting to evade powerful deities, but I have no choice but to agree if it means surviving this encounter.

With time resuming, a powerful gust of wind sweeps through the scene, and the monstrous creature that threatened to devour me is obliterated by a gigantic bird claw appearing out of nowhere. The claw then vanishes, making way for a small white bird with beautiful feathers, each tipped with a golden hue. The bird addresses me as "Master" and introduces itself as VYT TOBOE, also known as Manaul.

Still, in shock from the events unfolding before me, I manage to introduce myself as Maikusuta Odejit, or Mike for short. The conversation takes an unexpected turn when I mention Manaul's role in the war between the gods of the sky and sea, only to be corrected by the bird. The real story is far more intriguing, and I can't help but ask for more details.

Manaul settles on a nearby branch, explaining that it waged a war for a specific land near the Pacific Ocean, rich in air energy that was vital for its healing. The wounds it carried were from a battle against a phoenix, where a flying lizard intervened, leaving a deep scar on Manaul's back. While the bird's wounds have healed, the gods of the sky and sea continue to hunt it, making its request for help even more urgent.

I offer my assistance, and Manaul agrees to take refuge in a bracelet I possess, crafted with crystals suitable for its air element. The bird's presence in the bracelet grants me access to its powers, but fully summoning a creature of Manaul's rank remains beyond my current capabilities. However, this symbiotic bond initiates a surprising evolution of my "Conjuror of Spirits" skill. It gains a subskill called "Partial Summoning," allowing me to summon partial aspects of creatures with ranks above my own. In this case, I am now able to summon a dagger made from Manaul's feathers, a legendary weapon with impressive cutting capabilities.

But that's not all; my "Anja" skill also experiences synchronization with my evolving "Conjuror of Spirits." This results in two new subskills: "Appraisal," enabling me to appraise objects and living beings, and "Mind Manipulation Resistance," offering protection against certain mind-altering abilities.

The excitement and fatigue of these events weigh on me, prompting a decision to return home and rest. I still have eleven days left before the Hunter evaluation, and I must make the most of them to hunt for more skills. As I prepare to leave, I can't help but marvel at my newfound abilities and the mysteries that lie ahead on my path to becoming a powerful Hunter.

As I finally arrive at our house, I waste no time and immediately head to wash off the dirt and grime from the day's events. After a hearty dinner, I find myself lying in my bed, exhausted yet restless. The events of today swirl in my mind, and a profound realization strikes me like a bolt of lightning. Folklore beings are real, and they have been hiding in society. The emergence of the towers seems to have forced them into the open, granting them skills similar to humans. It dawns on me that if these powerful beings acquire more skills, humanity could be in grave danger. However, reporting this discovery could make me a target for these beings, and I can't bear the thought of putting my family at risk.

Determined to find an alternative solution, I choose to keep my knowledge hidden for now. I contemplate whether it's possible to combine the usage of my acquired skills. I start experimenting, trying out each skill and subskill. Then, a breakthrough occurs. My subskills from the main skill "Anja" can indeed be combined—specifically, the "Appraisal" and "Clairvoyance" subskills. This fusion grants me the ability to see the future evolution and usage of my skills. An exciting revelation unfolds—I can contract numerous spirits without limitations. This means that I can contract spirits that existed in our world before the towers emerged, potentially gaining a vast army of minions.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. As I peer into the future and observe the spirits available for contracting, a dilemma presents itself. Out of a hundred spirits, only two can be considered good-natured, while the rest are tainted with evil intentions. This revelation fills me with caution, realizing the potential dangers of approaching malevolent spirits.

As I contemplate the possibilities, the weight of the day takes its toll, and I unexpectedly drift into slumber. My body and mind are exhausted from the events that have transpired. Dreams and visions flood my mind as I sleep, mixing with the reality of the day's discoveries.

In the dream realm, I find myself in a mystical forest, surrounded by spirits of various shapes and sizes. Each spirit emanates a unique aura, and some exude benevolent energy while others feel ominous and unsettling. It becomes clear that navigating this world of spirits will be both perilous and exhilarating.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure appears before me. It's an ethereal being, shimmering with a soft glow. This spirit identifies itself as a guardian of knowledge and offers guidance to those who dare to delve into the realm of spirits. It warns me of the potential dangers of contracting malevolent beings and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong moral compass.

Listening intently, I soak in every word, realizing that the decisions I make in this world will have significant consequences. With newfound clarity, I understand that my journey to become a skilled hunter is more than just about acquiring abilities—it's about making ethical choices and using my powers responsibly to protect humanity and the world of spirits alike.

As I awaken from the dream, I feel a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility. I know that my path is now filled with challenges and thrilling adventures as I navigate the hidden world of spirits and continue to evolve my skills. The days ahead will be filled with dangers and uncertainties, but I'm determined to face them with courage and wisdom.

With the weight of my new revelations on my shoulders, I brace myself for the challenges that await me. The journey to becoming a skilled hunter has just begun, and I must remain vigilant in my quest to protect both the world of spirits and humanity from impending threats. As I close my eyes, I can't help but wonder what thrilling and perilous encounters await me on this thrilling path.