
Tower of God: The Enigmatic King's Story

An irregular will shake the tower with his different view of life. Evil? Kindness? None of that matters to him. All that matters is his pleasure and displeasure. Be his ally for you to be safe. Be his enemy for you to cease to exist. In the end, your life will only matter if... You are of use to him. Tower of god is not mine. Cover of the story is not mine. Words per chapter ranges from 2500 upto 3000+ except the prologue and side chapters so I can confidently say that the actual number of chapters is double its amount if you compare it to the majority of books that averages 1000-1500 words per chap. (I have to say this since I know that it will be unfair to me if y'all just assumed that it's your typical chapter quantity focused fanfic) This book is not for normies who doesn't like harem and treats shounen protagonist as if they are the only kind of protagonists that exists. This book contains huge spoilers (and I mean HUGE spoilers) from the manhwa so if you are an anime watcher only (yuck. sucks to be you) then you better not read this if you don't want to be spoiled.

Nattnatt · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Chapter 9: Should he?

100k special 1/2

(A/n: I decided to post 2 chapters instead of 1 long chapter. Yeah. For views. This is still 2.4k words though... Anyways, expect it after 3-4 hours.)


A monster beyond monsters.

Lero ro, a ranker and a test administrator of 2nd floor thought.

Even with his hundreds of years of experience in the tower, he only heard of how special of an existence an irregular is.

But right now, even without the individual confirming it, he is already 100 percent sure that the boy infront of him is an irregular. He could even confidently say that the one infront of him is an irregular among irregulars.

Reasons why he thought so?

For him being an irregular, it's because of his extreme shinsu resistance. The attack that he used should be enough to even push a Jahad princess who should have a physique that is many times stronger than even a regular of the ten great families. A physique that could tank a normal shinsu attack even without shinsu resistance.

But for that boy to not even feel it? The most likely case is him being an irregular. Irregulars are beings that is loved by shinsu. Almost everyone in the tower knows that.

But even a most likely case still have a possibility to fail. That's when him making the barrier that he created turn to some kind of red fire comes and further make the high likely case become a certain case.

Lero ro's shinsu nature is of water. The fact that it turned to fire just because it touched the boy definitely means that the shinsu's 'love' for him is to the point of extremity.

Like a girl changing her personality because she accidentally heard that the personality of the boy she likes is the complete opposite of her...

'Why the heck am I comparing it to a love story...'

Ahem. Anyways, the reasons that he thought that this boy is an irregular among irregulars is because of the owner of this floor and his boss, Evankhell.

He has always been with Evankhell before she took a vacation. And in one of those times, he luckily got a chance to experience being in the presence of her when she activated her power and luckily did not died.

Two words. Overwhelmingly powerful. It's to the point that even an exceptional ranker like him would feel like he is just wasting time trying to get stronger when he could just vanish without him even knowing if that kind of power even just slightly touched him.

And those feelings is what also occured when he looked at the boy's eyes. He doesn't know why the being decides to show its power to him but he is sure that he doesn't want to experience that ever again.

Compared to Evankhell's that feels like its destroying everything and is already showing its full power, the being that he saw in the irregular's eyes feels like it's still resting in its cage. But despite that, he already felt a much stronger power within it than Evankhell's.

He doesn't know why or how is that being inside this irregular but he is definitely not gonna search for answers to those questions unless it's absolutely necessary. He still value his life after all.


"Am I too handsome that even a male ranker falls in love with me? I'm glad that my handsomeness is for all genders and can even reach the feelings of someone at your level...but I sadly have to inform you that...I don't swing that way."


Lero ro got cut off from his shocked state by the boy saying some bullshit. He got irritated a bit by the boy acting like he didn't do anything impossible but now is not the time for that.

'What should I do as a test administrator...he is a monster among monsters...one that would definitely shake the tower...' He thought before coming to a conclusion as he threw any of his second thoughts away.

'No. I'm a test administrator so the thing that I should do is clear.' He then smiled as he looked directly at Kai's eyes.

Even with the possibility that this irregular will cause chaos to the tower, he is still gonna do his job properly.

"Looks like you misunderstood, I am not looking at you because I fell in love with you, I am looking at you since you 'luckily' passed the test. My test was supposed to be all of you coming over to my side after getting pushed back by my shinsu but you 'luckily' did not get pushed back that's why you instantly passed the test." Said Lero ro as he acted like nothing impossible just happened.

Hearing this, Kai thought that it's suspicious and something big must have happened but he couldn't care less. He is currently in his airhead mode so things barely matters to him. Maybe it's the affect of the chocolate but Kai's response to everything always depends on his mood.

That's the reason why he is called the 'mad prince' in his previous world. The state that his opponents would suffer depends on his current mood. Destroyed face if he is in his 'angry for some reason' mood, whole body being destroyed if he is in his 'fuck everything in this world' mood, and only passing out if he is in his 'life is gud' mood.

"Oh, is that so? Guess being handsome makes you lucky, huh. Nice." Said Kai as he goes to the stage and sat on it and looked where Khun and Rak is in the crowd. He always believed that handsome face brings good luck so he is thankful for his face that had charmed many people regardless of the 72 genders.

Hearing Lero ro's explanation to what happened, regulars that still doesn't get that something fishy is going on, complained.

"Wha-what is with that bullshit!? That handsome fucker passed just because he got lucky and did not get pushed back!?" Complained one of them

Hearing this, Lero ro looked at the regular as he asked.

"Bullshit? Are you saying that him passing the test with luck is bullshit?"

"Of course!! What kind of test is this if someone can pass it just because of some bullshit like luck!?" Complained the clown of an existence.

Hearing him, Lero ro just sighed and looked at him with contempt.

"You dare say that luck is bullshit? Do you know what is the most important factor of climbing the tower? That is luck. Luck that you were born with a strong body. Luck that gave you a smart brain. Luck that gives you wealth. Luck that avoids death. Luck that makes you able to somehow pass a test for some reason- the reasons all of you made it this far because of luck and you dare mock it saying it's just some bullshit? Stop saying nonsense and get on with the test." Hearing this, the regular shuts up as he contemplated about it. Even the other regulars also started to think about what he said.

Thinking that he is finally finished with explanation, Lero ro then tries to sit beside Kai who is playing with black march before he remembers something and goes back to the center of the stage again as he looks at the regulars with straight face as he ahem'd.

"Oh right. I almost forgot that I was supposed to explain the shinsu barrier and tell you one more rule of this test." Said Lero ro as he smiled.

The regulars just stared at him with judging eyes from his silly act of forgetting to say the rules even though he is literally a test administrator.

"Don't look at me like that. That fool who mocked luck actually had actual use because he made explaining those two much easier because I was able to lecture you about luck which is the two was actually all about." He then continues as he made a little ball of shinsu float above his index finger.

"So the force that I used to push all of you away is shinsu. I compressed it and pushed all of you all the way back there as it also made that red barrier." He said as he also covered Kai turning the shinsu barrier to red as something that he did intentionally.

Regulars knowing that an irregular is taking a test with them will surely cause disturbance. They will either quit taking on the test with him or actually target him to gain fame. Lero ro wants to avoid that for all of them to have a normal test. That's what he believes as his work.

By the way, Lero ro already extinguished the fire that is within the barrier for the regulars to pass it without getting burned alive. Don't want to have some cooked regulars laying on the ground dead. Although for some reason, the barrier remained color red.

"Just as all you of already know, shinsu exists through out the entire tower. It allows us to breathe and provide moisture which is something essential for us to live."

"But depending on how you use shinsu, it can also become a deadly force."

He then shot the ball of shinsu in his finger towards the ground.


It resulted on the ground having a tiny crater.

"The destruction that a shinsu can create depends on its denseness and for that reason, almost all the residents of the tower use it to fight. And for the weak, high concentration of shinsu can easily kill them. So those who are not well adopted to shinsu don't have the qualities to climb the tower."

"This test is specially created to filter out those. If you are able to pass through that shinsu barrier, you, atleast, are not weak enough to die just from the shinsu of the floor that you are on."

"Now then, this is where the luck part comes. After all..."

"Even if only one on your team cannot pass through this shinsu barrier, all of you will still get..."

"Disqualified." He said with a smile. A smile that seems like of a demon to the regular's eyes. What the heck is with that shitty rule!? They want to complain this to him so badly but was unable to because of his explanation of luck that is starting to make sense to them. They might be dumb but even they know that they got lucky that no strong regulars have gone after them or they will surely not be here. (A/n: character development for mobs...must be new to y'all huh)

Even Lero ro was shocked from their lack of complain.

Meanwhile, Khun also surprisingly considered the ranker's teaching because of a certain red head.

'Luck huh...Is it also luck that I met him or simply a misfortune...' thought Khun in his head before Lero ro finally starts the test.

"Now then regulars. I will officially start the test so you can start passing through that barrier now. Good luck!" Encouraged Lero ro before he finally was able to sit beside Kai. He wants to confirm some things to this boy that he almost forgot to tell the regulars the rules of the test.

Meanwhile, Kai is still playing with the black march ignoring him.

"Hehehe" laughed Kai like and idiot as he shakes black march much to the sword's spirit's anger.

'Stop that, idiot! You are making me dizzy! And that ranker beside you is looking at you like an idiot so stop playing with me and talk to him!' shouted black march in his head as he finally snapped back a little. He then looked at Lero ro beside him.

"Are you finished?" Said Lero ro sitting beside him while looking at the regulars trying to get through the barrier. He doesn't know why this irregular is laughing like an idiot but he suspected that he must be talking to the being inside of him so he only disturbed him after he noticed him.

"Yeah..." Said Kai as his sanity level is finally turning back to normal.

"May I ask you 3 questions?"


"What's your name?"


"Kai...are you...an irregular?" Asked Lero ro ready for Kai to not admit it. He is already sure but hearing the words from the individual's mouth is still needed. Although he wouldn't mind if he refused to answer or if he does not admit it.


"I see...you are not even afraid to hide it." Said Lero ro with a little shock as he looked at the regular who the clown was trying to fight previously before he intervened. He was feeling the barrier with his finger by poking it as it pushes his finger back. His comrade who is wearing a very long shirt with cross in its center asked him how it felt.

"What's your goal in this tower? You can refuse to tell me if you don't want to." Asked Lero ro as he saw a green skinned girl with a tail and a swordsman pass through the barrier easily.

"Have fun."

'Have fun...huh' thought Lero ro as he saw a regular in a violet jump suit and a woman on a plain brown dress try to compete with each other by forcing their way through the barrier even though both of their heads is bleeding. He also saw a regular that is covered in blanket pass the barrier easily and lay down infront of the two as they both got angry at him.

"I see...thanks for answering my questions. I follow the rule of equal exchange normally but since I am a ranker you are a 'regular', you can ask as many questions as you want" said Lero ro as he got ready to answer his question.

"Alright. Then...what is the powerhouse of a cell?" Asked Kai as he tear the plastic wrapper of a chocolate bar.




"Nice~ then my next question is~ decimal form of pi~?" asked Kai as he ate the chocolate bar.


"Nice again~! You are great at this, ranker san! Now then, the last question is..."

He then looked at Lero ro with a grin. Seeing this, Lero ro got a bad feeling.




"Should I rule this tower~?"
