
Tower of God: Chaos Bringer

Warning! Google Translate, Don't read this novel if you hate bad Grammar Kira is a Genius Magician, but his existence was considered threatening after he found a Magic Item that was equivalent to the weapons of the gods. He was hunted by government soldiers to be killed. At the end of his pursuit, Kira who was really cornered at that time could not do anything. However, suddenly a mysterious big Gate appeared and Kira entered it. With determination and revenge in his heart, Kira who knows the truth about the gate decides his path. Update : 1 chapter / 1,5 day

Phantominium · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

「 Underground 」

" Hah? "

Kira widened his eyes when he heard the words of the woman in front of him right now.

'Wait a minute, what is one of the commanders of the Jahad's army doing here? Capturing Mei Macseth ... that means something went wrong with this auction until the empire went to the trouble of sending an commander to finish it. '

Kira then immediately corrected his attitude, and saluted Sharon.

"So Miss Sharon, even though you are a division commander in the Jahad army, isn't a Ranker like you banned from interfering in activities in the Regular district," Kira asked with a serious face, he wanted to dig deeper information about this auction.

"Well, this time is an exception."

"An exception?" Asked Kira, but Sharon seemed to have no intention of continuing the conversation and walked toward Kira.

"You haven't answered my question before, did the organizer tell you where Submarine is now?"

Kira only shaking his head, he then looked at the pillar of light and said to Sharon.

"But there is a way to get there ... You see the pillar of light there, it is an elevator that will take you to the underground channel that is connected to the Submarine."

"Oh, I understand, thank you." After hearing Kira's answer, Sharon's stoic face slightly smiled before disappearing again.

"In return from me, I will warn you of one thing Regular, you should immediately go as far away from this place as possible, if you can immediately leave this floor, because soon this place will become a red zone. Do you understand?" After saying that , Sharon then immediately turned and prepared to go to the nearest light pillar.

But before she went further, Kira called him.

"Miss Sharon, wait a minute."

Hearing that Sharon immediately stopped walking, Kira then threw 10,000 Auction Point paper at Sharon.

"You can use that to buy tickets to enter the Submarine, well even though I'm not sure it will help you much."

Hearing that, Sharon glanced slightly at Point's paper in her hand, before looking into Kira's eyes.

"Regular, what's your name?"

"Kira." Kira answered curtly.

"Thank you Kira, I will definitely return the favor for this." After saying that, Sharon immediately left and disappeared from her place.

Meanwhile, Kira who was still standing where she was before muttered.

"Return the favor, huh?"

Previously, Kira deliberately made Sharon owe him money, because Kira quite understood what type of person Sharon was from his brief conversation with her just now.

In addition, Kira has also heard many stories about 10 Big Families from Rea, one of which is Ari's family. Family of needle users who really hate war.

'Well, I might need her help later, for now I have to secure a place in the nearest elevator first. '

Kira then walked casually to the pillar of light in the northwest.


"What the hell is this woman ... she burned everything!"


"She must be from the Yeon family, we can't fight her! We'd better go to another elevator!"

Currently, Kira is standing while looking at the situation around one of the available elevators, and the view he sees is quite chaotic.

Many regulars burn and fall on the ground, and some regulars still have difficulty putting out fires that burn them.

The cause is a woman who is quite tall in the early 20s with black hair and pink eyes. Her Auction Points are very high, which is 5 Million points'.

"Fire user, Hwayeomsa huh?" Kira was seen checking the time in his pocket, there was still plenty of time left before the elevator closed.

"Besides, the symbol on the headband she wore, someone from Yeon's family ... I heard they appear quite rarely." Kira only leaning against the wall of one of the buildings with his hands in the pockets while watching the wild flames of the woman burn the regulars.

After a few minutes, the area around the elevator became quite quiet, because many of the regulars had given up and went to another elevator. There were only a few stubborn people who were still trying to defeat that woman.

"It's time to move."

Kira then approached towards the woman who was surrounded by a blazing fire casually.

'This fire is indeed strong, but the Shinsu technique which is beyond the user's control becomes more fragile and easier to eliminate when the user is disturbed ...'

Without taking his hand out of his pocket, Kira walked casually towards that woman,seeing that she had a confused face but the fire still didn't stop burning and this time it struck Kira.

Kira then approached and looked into her eyes and used Reverse-Flow Control to stop her movements.

* Buzz *

'Eh? '

The woman put on a confused face as she felt that her whole body could not be moved at all, even she could not move her mouth. Kira then approached the woman and took the Point paper in her pants pocket.

"I gladly took your 5 million points, rich lady." Kira whispered next to the woman, he then walked into the elevator and planned to wait inside until time ran out.

"Well, hopefully you can get a lor of points, rich lady."

After that, Kira enters the elevator leaving the woman who can finally move her body.

Meanwhile, Kira who was inside the elevator looked around. The elevator door cannot be closed yet.

"It's boring." Murmured Kira who then closed his eyes.

Time continues to run, and 30 minutes given by the organizer only 1 minute left was seen sleeping while standing before the sound of a woman's scream woke her.

"Where are you bastard !!!"

* Spark *

Then, the black haired woman who had previously been seen entered the elevator with an angry face, flames surrounded her like someone in super saiyan mode.

" Where are you!!! "

"Hmm?" Kira opened his eyes wistfully.

The woman then looked at Kira who was leaning on the elevator wall, while Kira just waved with a deadpan expression.

"Yo, rich lady."

"Y-You !!! How dare you take all my points, give it back!"

The woman looked glaring at Kira with anger, it was because she had just lost her 5 million points. While Kira just answered casually while looking at the amount of point she had at the moment.

"Looks like you snatched all the points from the regular that were outside before, huh ... as expected of the rich lady from the Yeon family." Said Kira sarcastically, but the woman did not understand the meaning of Kira's words.

He even thought that Kira had just praised him.

"Well, if you find out that I come from a great family, hurry and give up my 5 million points beforehand."

When the woman approached Kira suddenly a voice resounded in the elevator.

[All the regulars, the first part of the game is finished, congratulations to the participants who survived the first stage of the exam ~]

" Hmm? "

Kira and the woman then looked at each other.

[Then I will immediately announce that the second part of the game will start as soon as your elevator reaches below. ]

[The rules of the second game are very easy, all you have to do is find the way to Submarine, the 12th floor underground channel has a pretty complicated structure, so don't get lost ~]

[Oh that's right, you also can still collect the Auction Points the way you did before, you are free to make a group or not with other people who are in the same elevator with you, if so, I will wait for you at the entrance to the Submarine, bye- bye ~]

After that, the atmosphere became quiet again.Kira didn't expand and the woman didn't know what to say either. The elevator then starts going down.

"Yeon Ehwa," the woman said.

"Kira" Kira answered curtly.

They both introduce themselves to each other.

"So Kira, you really don't want to give up the points you stole from me before?" Asked Ehwa, she realized even if she wanted to reclaim her point from Kira, she didn't have a chance.

"If you insist, why don't you try to take it away from me?" Said Kira, closing his eyes again. Hearing that Ehwa gasped.

Then the atmosphere became quiet, and Ehwa could only lean back waiting for the elevator to arrive underground. She then glanced a little towards Kira and thought.

" If I look closely like this, he is very handsome ...'

"What's wrong with my face, Miss Ehwa?" Kira opened his eyes and looked at Ehwa, making Ehwa blushing.

"N-no, it's nothing," she said as she looked away.

Then, the elevator stopped moving and the door opened and revealed a dark, damp passageway. Seeing that, without further ado Kira immediately walked out leaving Ehwa alone in the elevator.

"Eh?" Ehwa who was left alone put on a confused face.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Kira, do you want to leave me here." But Kira did not stop at all and continued to walk using the light from Baang.

Ehwa looked around then a little creeped out because the underground passage was very dark. Then, she decided to follow Kira and ran toward him.

"Oi, Wait for me !!!"


Meanwhile, some time before time runs out.

At the battle site between Ran and Rea, there were large craters everywhere, buildings destroyed and shops lined the streets in shambles.

* Pant *

In the middle of the big crater, seen a little girl with white hair and glowing red eyes, she is Rea.

A few meters in front of her was a light blue haired boy lying unconscious. Incision wounds and burns were seen on the boy's body. He is Ran.

Their fight ended with the victory of Rea.

* Pant *

"You crazy little brat ... even though he doesn't need to risk his life like that * pant *"

Chosinseong who had previously glowed slowly returned to its original form, Rea then sheathed her sword before sitting on the ground.

Rea was breathing heavily after a tiring fight before. She did not receive much damage but her stamina drained.

* Pant *

Rea then looked to the sky and thought.

'I'm still too weak ... I continue to be a burden to Kira-bro. '

Rea returned to thinking about her fight this time, she really faced a formidable opponent, who also relied on speed like her.

{You are an unwanted child, until whenever you will not be recognized by father, until whenever you will never be able to master Arie Swordmanship perfectly ... Rea, you don't deserve the Arie surname, you are a disgrace to this family. }

"Shut Up !!!"

Rea hit the ground using her small fist as she recalled memories that she didn't want to remember anymore.

'Why am I still thinking about that right now, now Kira-bro must have climbed the elevator, I also have to leave here immediately. '

After calming her mind, Rea stood up and planned to immediately take Ran's Auction point, but suddenly all the pillars of red light that soared into the sky slowly disappeared.

"Eh, it's gone? Don't tell me ..."

She then checked the time in her pocket before shouting.

"Gaahhh !!! Time's up!" Rea shouted.

"* Sigh * Well, it can't be helped, I guess I have to give up the auction items ..."

Rea then opened her pocket and sent a message to Kira.

When Rea plans to return to her inn, she then realizes that Ran is still lying unconscious there.

"* sigh * You troublesome brat."

She then dragged Ran's body back to the inn.


* drip *

In the dark alley, now Sharon was walking, beside her was a Baang which was the only lighting she used to walk in the dark alley.

'Shinsu in this place is very thin, this makes me a little uncomfortable ... a place like this, what actually Mei Masceth thinks. '

Sharon continued walking before she suddenly stopped when she felt someone's presence.

"There's no need to hide like that, Get out!" Sharon's cold voice echoed in the dark hallway.

"Well, as expected of Kallavan's first division commander."

A black haired man with a black shirt appeared from the darkness and smiled at Sharon. That man is none other than Ha Jinsung.

"You ... Ha Jinsung, so the FUG is behind all this, just like Mr. Kallavan thought," Sharon said.

"Well, even if only in part," said Ha Jinsung casually, he even had time to smoke even in front of the High-Ranker like Sharon.

"So what do you want to do now? Do you want to stop me? Do you realize what is being planned by that crazy woman?" Sharon said with a look of anger.

"Of course I know that."

"Then, why don't you stop it! Do you want this floor to have the same fate as the 43rd floor? What a disgrace to the Ha family!"

Hearing Sharon's words, Ha Jinsung then threw away his cigarette.

"Disgrace to Ha Family, huh? Well, you're right. That's why I'll stop you here, Ari Bright Sharon ..."

Hearing that, Sharon took a white needle from her Arms Inventory, and looked at Ha Jinsung with a sharp look.

"I don't understand why that woman did all of this, or why she hasn't used 'that thing' yet, but forever, the Ari family will do anything to maintain peace in the tower."

Hearing that, a memory flashed in Ha Jinsung's mind.

"Peace, huh? As long as Jahad and the 10 Great Families still rule this tower, then the peace that the Ari family wanted will never be realized ...

Ha Jinsung's expression became serious as he reiterated his words.

... will never. "