
Tower of God | Strongest

"Father, when will I enter the tower?" "You don't enter the tower. You get chosen and trust me, you'll get chosen. After all, you're my son, but enough with the chitchat. Let's get back to training because your father will leave soon."

TheUnderestimated · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Crown Game (3)

*BUZZ* x3

Three buzzers went off at the same time, opening the agent to three rooms, with one of them being Ryu's.

The other team had two non-human regulars and one with a regular human.

The 3rd team had a guy with one red horn on the right side of his head and he wore a white and red robe his other teammate was a girl who didn't look powerful or special and their last teammate was sleeping on the ground covered all around with his blanket.

"Elaine and Jinwoo, you two fight those two and if anything attack that guy sleeping, but be careful he's a wave controller," Ryu said while pointing at the people he told Jinwoo and Elaine to attack which was the red-horned guy and the purple tracksuit dude who was currently being doubled teamed.

They started walking towards the regulars Ryu pointed.

Ryu stood at the same spot, watching everyone fight for the crown.

The other regulars in their room were confused by Ryu's motive, thinking he was afraid and was waiting for the right time to strike.

A few seconds passed and Anaak, who was peaceful, resting on the throne even with the sound of battle all around her, opened one eye to look at a regular walking towards her.

She closed her eyes again and stood up slowly from the throne with a bored expression on her face.

She thought the regular was going to attack blindly, but she got angry after seeing the scene in front of her.

The regular was stretching in front of her, knowing she was one of the strongest regulars in the room.

He shook his arms and legs and, after stretching a few seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief after experiencing perhaps the greatest sensation in the world.

"This guy is so cocky," Anaak muttered under her breath while gritting her teeth secretly.

She opened her mouth and as words were about to escape her mouth, the regular in front of her spoke. "I think you should pay more attention when someone's in front of you. After all, I could've killed you 3 times by now."

After hearing the nonsense that came out of his mouth, her eyes widened, and an evil grin slowly grew on her face.


Her angry face quickly changed to a shocked look as she looked down at her empty hands. She glanced at the regular and her eyes widened in shock as he was toying with her sword.

'Impossible. I never saw him move from that spot.'

Ryu glanced back at Anaak, seeing her think about how any of this was possible made him smile sadistically, but that didn't last long as his smile went back to his normal emotionless expression.

"I'll tell you how any of this was possible, and it's very easy to grasp once you hear it once."

Anaak looked up, seeing Ryu slowly walk towards her and when he was just inches away from the throne, he said words that made the entire room go silent. Even everyone who was fighting stopped to stare at Ryu, thinking he was insane in the head.

"You're weak, so all you saw was merely an afterimage."

Ryu turned around with his eyes closed, with no care for the lizard who wanted him dead.

She looked back up with pure rage in her eyes. Her feet pressed against the throne and at full force, she dashed towards Ryu, leaving her footprint and crack marks on the seat.

"R-Ryu behind you." Elaine quickly warned him.

He turned around and saw a furious lizard dash towards him with her palm folded into a fist.

Her fist was just centimeters away from reaching Ryu's face, then suddenly everyone watching saw Anaak hit the ground.

Her eyes rolled back and seeing she was unconscious, Ryu bent down on one knee and placed her sword on top of her body, then picked up the crown and walked towards the throne.

Everyone stood completely still in shock at what they just witnessed.

"T-That's a regular? We thought the lizard was strong enough, but he just defeated her without trying."

Some regular in his cell said with a shaky voice.

"That red turtle is strong." A tall crocodile with a spear said while looking at Ryu's back.

Everyone who was fighting previously besides Jinwoo and Elaine quickly ran into their rooms. Hatz and Shibisu ran to pick up the unconscious Anaak, then ran into their rooms.


"The second round is now over press the red buzzer before the count ends to join this round."








"The third round is now over Fourth round beginning."










"Fourth round over last round to enter."








Hearing the buzzer go off, everyone quickly looked over to where the sound came from, and a team with a long black-haired swordsman, a white shirt and pants regular and lastly a regular with a golden spear-like weapon that wore an all-black suit that covered their entire body from head to toe and a blue mask on the face.

"Who are you, Ryu?" mumbled the regular with a blue mask.