
Tower of Despair

Davy miller, One of the two Survivors of the Miller family, promised his dying dad that he will protect his Sister, Julian no matter what! But suddenly On the New Year's day, A series a earthquakes took over the Earth.. 1/3 of the population was Dead was buried alive in the buildings. Suddenly, A blue transparent screen appeared in front of everyone. "Synchronisation complete!" "Planet 037 failed to meet the requirements" "initialising annihilation of planet 037" "process interrupted" A mysterious sound sounded throughout the world, "The Higher beings are giving you another chance!" and the text over the screen changed! "Tower welcomes the Players!" But while clearing the Tower, Many secrets unfold, Putting Davy's and Julian's Life in Danger. Soon enough, Julian was found Dead! but she left a note behind.. "All of it.. was a lie.." Davy couldn't handle the shock and fell to the ground. As tears ran down his face, He made a vow... "Until the day I Avenge your death, I won't rest Easy! I will Avenge your death even if it means to kill the Gods!!"

Wu_Cai · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

ch-1, Dawn of despair

In the middle of the night, people from all around the world came out on the streets with joy on their face.

All the building screens turned off and started displaying a timer with 60 seconds.

As soon as the timer started, everyone's face was sprinkled with happiness and excitement.

Everyone was silently waiting until the right moment and started counting backwards in unison.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5!! 4!! 3!! 2!! 1!!!"

As soon as they finished, a big smile could be seen on everyone's face. Adults raised their glass of wine.

"Happy New Yea-"

As they just started celebrating the New Year, A series of Earthquakes took over the Earth.

Earthquakes were so strong that many well known building fell as if they were made with sticks.

Many people were buried alive in such buildings.

Everyone on the streets fell on the ground and couldn't stand up because of the continuous tremors.

After Many hours, As the tremors went down, shrieks and cries of adults and kids could be heard from all around the world.

Many of the remaining population were unconscious on the floor.

One by one, as they started regaining their consciousness, everyone had a similar expression on their face...an expression of fear.

As they were organising their thoughts, a loud blast sound could be heard all around the world.

The intensity of the sound was so high that everyone's sense went numb for a while. Some even started bleeding from their five Sensery organs.

As soon as they regained their strength, they started to get up and gathered around each other, trying to find their family and loved ones while wishing for their well being.

Not after long, A "beep" sound sounded throughout the world.

And a blue coloured transparent screen appeared in front of everyone.


"Connected to planet 037"

"Checking the results"

"Planet 037 has failed to meet the requirements"

"Initialising annihilation of planet 037"

"Command neutralised"

"The higher beings have voted in favour of planet 037"

"Another chance will be given!"

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. As they kept blankly staring at the blue screen changing the texts by itself.

They couldn't believe that all of this was really happening..

There face showed a mixed reaction from overwhelming emotions... Fear could be seen from all of their faces.

Just like everyone else... In the crowd stood a young girl.. frightened..

She was holding her younger brother in her arms, trying to comfort him..even though tears ran down her face continuously.

The young child did look sad but his sister mistook that he was frightened from all the sudden events.

Even though all of the events were enough to instill fear in the hearts of those who claimed to have conquered the fear itself, The boy stood there with no hints of fear.

He was sad because his only family, His sister was crying in-front of him and he didn't know what to do.

"Davy.. Don't be afraid.. big sister will protect you.."

The girl tried to comfort his brother while sobbing.

Before Davy could say anything, A Mysterious Voice sounded throughout the world.

"The Higher beings have decided to bestow another chance to survive upon you, Worship and thank the Higher beings for their blessing upon you, Lowly creatures."

As soon as the mysterious voice stopped, The blue screen appeared again and started showing new texts.

"Intialising synchronisation."

"Synchronisation complete!"

"'Davy Miller' is being registered as a 'Player'."

"Registration complete!"

"You can now check your 'Status Window'."

Before anyone could say anything, just like Davy, all the remaining survivors were automatically registered as Players.

Soon enough, everyone saw another line of texts appearing on the screen.

"The Tutorial will take place in 30 days."

"The 'Tower' wishes you all luck."

"Remaining days until Tutorial : 30 days."


It's my first work, Any tips would be appreciated.

Wu_Caicreators' thoughts