
In the middle of nowhere

Officially a new one I guess well the other story is done for but I'll keep it there just to know it was my first one


Damien woke up feeling a pain in his head as he shook his head a bit and body. Trying to regain his composure he looked around and was no where to be found only to see himself surrounded by trees.

'My head'

He held his head feeling a headache as he held himself steady groaning in pain.

'Where did I end up?'

He died that's for sure now he is here and he couldn't remember anything else to only end up like this. Checking around he only came to a conclusion that he was lost in a forest.

'Of course i'm lost....now what'

Then all of a sudden he screamed in pain as his body glowed and wings sprouted from his back white as snow then it changed to black like the darkness in the night. Energy leaked out from Damien as it shot a beam up in the sky and anyone nearby would be able to feel it's wave of energy. Just like his wings his hair changed like them from white to black. Damien grabbed his face in wretched pain feeling himself to pass out again. Until it all stopped causing him to fall on his knees.

Huffing as sweat dripped from his face and the hair color and wings stopped showing as he looked back to his old self. One thing that changed was how his hair changed to white from it's original color. Then he looked down to see something he never would expect to see.

'A gun?'

He picked it up as it clad in whiteness and then he heard somethings far a bit further away from him.

"Keep on searching! I felt the energy is here it's close!"

'Shit should I talk to them or escape?'

Damien was going through his mind to either pick and choose if he wants to ask for help for the people coming or leave and get better.

'Even then maybe they will interrogate me?'

Choosing the latter Damien fled the scene as he didn't want to be put into interrogation. What if they do something really bad to him? Something he can't afford to wait and find out. He limped his way out trying to find his way out of the forest. Gun hidden in his side and with just slight tattered clothes. As soon was he left and was a bit further away from where he was a couple of people came by and look around to find nothing.


"Are you sure Chief?"

"Yes it's only faint here the energy, I guess it left well it was at least worth it to check it out with how we can feel from our way"

"It could've been something dangerous"

A woman spoke expressing that worry but the chief/leader of the party shook his head denying such a thing.

"Don't worry we can easily take it down"

"Ey chief I'm hungry"

A man spoke quite skinny but can hold that big sword with his body.

"I agree with theodore lets go chief"

"Fine you guys win"

The chief looked at all the party members which were six of them including him. They left to go find food.

"We should get out of this forest soon don't want to meet an elf"

"You're right lets go guys before we have any trouble with them"

They were in a forest belonging to the elf's their territory and as for Damien he was heading to a city without knowing that he is in elf territory or being followed or even knowing his way. Heading to just what his legs can take him.

'Humans.....How despicable, I should dispatch of them but that man left over there his massive energy came from him'

A beautiful elven woman was standing on top of a tree branch silently and hidden as she couldn't be detected by either party. Her mesmerizing blue eyes and long blond hair was something her kind have in common and wore a cloak a traditional clothing her kind wear everyday when going out which hid her busty body from prying eyes. She followed Damien thinking on what to do with him. She didn't see what happened with him but sensed that massive energy and magical distortion around the air.




[Hours later...]

Damien was tired, hungry and thirsty as he needed somewhere to rest carrying himself with all the strength his body could muster. It would be not long before he would pass out right here and not be able to reach wherever he is trying to reach.


He has been wondering around in this dam forest where he just sees trees and that's it and no other sign of human life. He has found a river for water clean one to be surprised about and some look alike pig animal as his hunger needed to be satisfied. He looked homeless with his messy hair and clothes.

He checked his gun and this is what he used to kill the pig looking animal. This world was different than his and him being in some sort of fantasy world. One could say it would be exciting but for him it was a pain and just his head was all over with dangers laying ahead. It is exciting but still he is cautious a bit because he could loose his life.

'I only have this gun which seems to not use no ammo but the draw back.....'

It uses his energy which is already depleted and that causes him to feel so tired. As he is on the verge to collapse.


He hears something and quickly pulls out his gun he was at his limit and wouldn't be able to do anything as a arrow flew past his head inches away from taken his life. His eyes couldn't follow the speed of the figure as he then was slammed to a tree a sharp object on his neck. He huffed and couldn't move his body to weak to go against the figure.